part 66

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Jay's POV

It was time, all the guests had arrived and were seated and now I had to walk down the isle. I never thought I'd say this, but the thought of walking down the isle and everyone staring is more intimidating than being called into Voights office when hes pissed off. " Bro, your shaking more than the leaves in the Chicago wind " Kevin whispers into my ear " Ye, well I'm about to walk down the isle with everyone staring at me. " I whisper back. Kevin, Will and Adam all let off a very quite chuckle before Al gives the thumbs up for me to start walking down. " Ugh, wish me luck " I smile nervously leaving the Kevin and Ruzak, to walk down the isle with Will.

Hailey POV

Natalie, Kim, Sierra, Dahlia and I all walk through the narrow clearing in the woods to get to the ceremony area- Hanks was meeting us there. " Remember what you have to do girls? " Natalie asks, doubling checking the girls definitely know what to do " Yes mom " Sierra replies, fed up of us three asking them. " Where here " I say as we arrive, standing behind a tree which blocks everyone's view of me before I walk down the isle. Kim sticks her finger out from behind the tree so Platt knows to start the music. " Go time girls " Kim adds, waving them to start heading away from the tree and towards the isle.

General POV

Jay, Will and Owen were already standing at the end of the isle along side the vicar. They were standing underneath a ' shelter thing ' made from wood and small vine flowers that dangled from and around the wood. It was really very pretty. Dhalia and Sierra made there way down the isle, throwing the petals very carefully onto the isle- decorating it for Hailey, the bridsmades and best men to walk down. " She likes you, you know " Jay whispers down to his nephew- pointing his words to Sierra " What? " Owen replies confused " Sierra, she has a crush on you. Its obvious " Jay smirks receiving a shake of the head from Owen.

Jay's POV

Once Dhalia and Sierra got to the end of the isle, the music changed signalling that the bridsmades and best men were about to walk out before, calving the second entrance for Hailey, so all the guest should stand. Kim and Adam walk down first with Kim being the maid of honour followed by Natalie and Kevin. There dresses were really pretty. Shortly after everyone got to the end of the isle and took there places- either standing or sitting- Hailey emerged from around the tree, dressed in a long white dress, casual but very pretty. Her hair was loosely curled with a pretty headband. Her arm was linked with Voights as they made there way down the isle- which seemed like a life time.

Haileys POV

As Voight and I make our way down the isle, I see Jay standing at the other end- his eyes begining to well up. I couldn't help but let a few tears fall, I really was getting married and it finally felt so real. " I'm proud of you " Hank whispers into my ear, I turn and smile at him before whispering " Thankyou ". I didnt just mean for walking me down the isle and saying he was proud of me, I ment for taking me under his wing when I was drowning, giving me my life back and being an amazing ' pops ' to Dhalia.

I finally get to the end of the isle where the music stops and everyone sits down. Jay and I just stare into each others eyes. Jay notices I'm wearing the necklace he got Kim to give to me last night. " Your wearing it " He smiles, failing to hold back his tears " Yes, I love it " I whisper back, also letting a few tears escape. " You look beautiful " He whispers before the Vicar signs its time to start.

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