part 8

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Jay's POV

Hailey and hear a deadly thud coming from Dhalias room and go running through. " DAHLIA! " I shout walking into her room. Shes lying there in tbe middle of the floor unconscious. " OMG JAY! " Hailey shouts completely panic strucken. " Dahlia! " I call her name and shake her but no response. " Call an ambulance hailey! " I order to a frozen hailey. " Hailey! " I snap, her still frozen. " sorry. " Hailey says running to grab her phone. " Jay does she have a pulse? " hailey asks " ye but its weak. " I reply came hailey tells the 991 person. " Put her on her side Jay " hailey orders. " The ambulance will be here in 5, I have to go wait downstairs for them. " hailey adds running out the door.

Haileys POV

I run down the 8 flights of stairs to the main doors to wait for the paramedics. A few minutes later Foster and Sylvie jump out the ambulance and run towards me. " This way its Dhalia! " I say running back up the stairs, sylvie and Foster behind.

We get back into the apartment and head straight towards Dhalias room. " Hey shes just came round. " Jay says as we walk in. " Hey sweetie, I'm sylvie and this is my friend foster. Is it okay if we have a look at you? " sylvie says sitting down next to Dhalia. Dahlia doesn't say anything and just lies there. " What happened? " foster asks " I dont, I got her partially dressed and left her to finish off. Jay and I were cleaning when we heard a massive thud. We dropped everything and ran through, she was just lying there we couldn't bring her round. " hailey explains speed talking. " Okay, well her SATS look good and her colour is coming back. " Sylive says smiling. " There is a history of POTS in here. I take it you didnt know? " Foster says. " no we didnt. What's POTS? " Jay asks. " Its where the blood pools in you legs and your heart races ten to the dozen. You faint to in some cases. " I answer, sylvie and foster look at me impressed. " Exactly what hailey said. " Foster smiles. " How do you know that? " Jay asks looking at me " I had it when I was a teen. " I reply. " It is usually seen passed down in families so one of her family members must have suffered from it. " Sylvie explains. " I'm sorry sweetie. " I say hugging Dhalia. " You did nothing wrong. You couldn't have stopped it. " Foster says reassuringly. " I did I gave her it. " I say foster and sylvie look at each other after connecting the dots. " Well it's still not your fault. " sylvie adds packing everything up. " If she gets worse take her to the med or call us again. " foster says as they are walking off smiling. " Thanks. " I smile.

Just as Sylive and Foster leave Kara walks in. " Hello I'm Kara. Is everything okay? " a tall, slim woman asks standing in the bedroom doorway. " Umm hi, ye were good. Just a scare. " I smile standing up with Dhalia in my arms. " okay I'll ask you some more when were in a more practical area. " kara smiles.

Once we get into the dining area and all sit round the table, Dhalia on Jay's knee, Kara starts with the questions. " So hailey is this your boyfriend? " kara asks. Jay and I shoot a look at each other before I reply " No, Jay is my partner. Hes a detective too, just helping out. " kara smiles. " Okay, well Dhalia seems very comfortable around you both. " kara says smiling at Dhalia on Jay's lap. " Ye she is. " I smile back. " I take it Dhalia is staying in the room we have just been in? Kara asks " Yes, I'm going to decorate it and make it more four year old friendly. " I reply nervously. " okay no problem. Dhalia is obviously at school age, are you willing to keep her at Jessys street? " kara asks. I nodd in reply " Good, well I dont see any problems here. I'm happy to let her stay. Just one more thing, have you told her your her actual mum and Josie is dead? " Kara asks suddenly turning serious. " No not yet. Now she knows though. " I say looking at Dhalia. " Your my real mummy? " Dahlia asks looking confused. " Yes darling I am your real mummy. How do you feel about that? " I ask. " I like you and my old mummy was bad so I dont like her. " Dhalia says climbing across Jay to get to me. The three of us smile. " Okay then that was easier than I thought it was going to be. I'll check up at some point in the next month but other than that I'll be off. " Kara says smiling collecting her things. " Thankyou Kara. " Jay and I both say taking Kara to the door. " Bye " Kara replies closing the door behind her.

Jay's POV

Kara's just left the apparent after giving Hailey the all clear. " I think this calls for celebration! " I say turning round Hailey who's beaming from eye to eye. " Definitely! " hailey agrees still smiling giving Dhalia a kiss on the head. " PIZZA! " Dhalia screeches. " I think we can do pizza, what do you think Hails? " I ask hailey " My favourite! " hailey cheers. We all get our coats and shoes on before heading out to the pizza place round the corner.

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