part 58

792 26 2

General POV

After hours of driving Jay, Hailey and Dhalia finally arrived at the restaurant. It was a pretty small restaurant, but the atmosphere and layout was really country-styled. " This is really nice. Good decision " Hailey nodds impressed, for once, with Jay's decision. " Shall we sit over here? Theres enough room for you and the bump " Jay suggests already walking over. Dhalia and Hailey were already following Jay over.

During the meal Dhalias, started getting bored of the comfortable silence ( that lasted all of two minutes ) as they began tucking in to there meals. " I don't understand " Dhalia says, expecting Jay and Hailey to be mind readers. " What dont you understand? " Jay asks, swallowing his drink " My a flower girl " Dhalia answers, making a facial expression suggesting Jay and Hailey should have known what she was implying. " You and Sierra get a basket of confetti each. With that you walk down the isle- side by side- carefully throwing the confeti to the side of the isle. Not onto people though. " Hailey explains and makes sure Dhalia doesnt cover the guests in confeti- which shes quite capable of doing. " Oh, thats boring. I have to wear a dress as well! " Dhalia sighs, face palming. " Most girls would beg for that. Stop complaining " Jay says sternly enough for Dhalia to pull her act together. 

An hour later Jay pulls the car up into the drive way of the cabin. The cabin was surrounded by tall, elegant trees- swaying in the gentle breez. " Jay this beautiful! " Hailey says taking in the surroundings " I told you it was great " Jay says big-headidly- earning an elbow from Hailey. " Wheres Dhalia? " Hailey asks looking back into the car, where Dhalia should still be. Jay looks around frantically, knowing if shes ran off theres a helluva challenge to find her again. " LOOK AT ME! " Dhalia yells, half way up a tree. " DHALIA GET THE HELL DOWN FROM THERE! " Jay demands- heart in his mouth with shock. " Sorry Daddy " Dhalia weeps once shes down from the tree. " Please dont do that again. You scared your mum and I " Jay says calmly. " Heres the key. You both go in I'll get the bags. " Jay says handing the keys over to Hailey. " Okay, thanks " Hailey smiles before they all seperate.

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