Chapter 9

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Singapore looks much the same as I remember it. The beautiful and dancing lights of the city, transport me to another world. My eyes scan the people milling about in the street party as Taehyung pulls me along. I'm glad I agreed to come out with him tonight.

His eyes light up when he sees me smile happily. I know I surprised him earlier by showing up in a knee length white cotton dress but he didn't look at me weirdly, and I was glad for it. We ran across the street and laughed, holding hands, as the parade passed us by.

"You look so lovely tonight Jinnie," he said, caressing my cheek softly. I smiled shyly up at him. He really is a very handsome man and a real gentleman. In the last 3 years that I've known him, he's never once made me feel uncomfortable around him. He's always respected my need for privacy and space and I truly valued that.

"Thank you Sir."

"When are you going to call me by my name Jinnie?"

I looked at him nervously. I don't want to give him the wrong idea especially when he's been so patient and kind with me this long.

"Sir, I'm sorry but you know how I am."

He laughed sweetly. "It's okay Jin. I understand."

We made our way to an all night deli and pigged out on some traditional street food. It was really relaxing being with Taehyung. I forgot myself for a while. My problems, my troubles, my sins......

"Are you excited about graduation Jin?" He asks, startling me out of my reverie.

"I am sir. For someone like me, it means more than I can begin to describe."

He smiled kindly. "I know you've worked so hard. You deserve this. But I'll miss you when you start running the restaurant in Seoul." His face fell and I had a sudden strange urge to lean over and wipe the sadness away from his lips.

"Sir, you're so funny. Why would you miss me? You have your family and your friends too."

"You know you mean more to me than any of them Jin," he said quietly. "But I know you don't feel the same about me. But that's okay too."


"No Jinnie. I know about you and Jungkook. Well, I don't know everything but I do know he seems to  care about you and you do care about him too."

"It's really complicated sir. He and I have too much history. Too much baggage. And it's mostly from me."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to Jinnie. You know I would never pressurise you."

"I know sir and that's what makes you so special to me. You're very understanding. Now I get why everyone likes you."

He smiled sadly. "Not everyone Jinnie."

I gulped at his words and my heart pained for him. He was too nice to me. I didn't deserve it.

"But you know what, it's okay."

"Maybe I do owe you some sort of an explanation for my behaviour sir. It's not pretty but it is the truth."

I don't know why I felt I could finally open up to him about myself. It wasn't easy but he held my hand the whole time and never once said anything judgemental or mean. He even teared a little when I told him about Minie hyung passing away. I felt really light and unburdened talking to him and I wondered why I waited this long.

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