Sequel to: A Piece of Me (Jinkook)
Jungkook and Jin met through a twist of fate. They have deep history together but circumstances caused them to lose one another only to be reunited after yet another strange set of events. Follow these ill-fated lo...
My beautiful Jinnie. I can't believe he's finally mine after all these years. He is the epitomè of everything that is sweet and lovely in this world. Truly exquisite. As I gazed at his gorgeous face and the bright smile of happiness on it, it made my heart swell with pride that this man was truly mine.
"Come on hyungie! I don't want to miss the boat!"
I laughed happily as he pulled me along to the Marina Grande and we hopped on the awaiting boat to visit the many places on this little piece of heaven known as The Isle of Capri.
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(Giardini di Augusto)
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(The Blue Grotto)
We visited so many places on our 10 day stay at the Villa Excelsior on our honeymoon, that I lost count. It was my Jinnie's dream to visit this place. When he was little, he would page through discarded magazines to try and learn the words. He told me he had come across some pictures of this place and would dream that he had escaped his reality to live here. Of course I had to make my baby's dreams come true. Unbeknownst to him, I was already in talks for a holiday home here. It was my surprise wedding gift to him.