Chapter 24

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AN: Thank you for over 20K reads on this book. I love you my swties 💗


Seokjin has been acting rather strange since he left the kitchen to go upstairs. My eyes followed his movements and his demeanour. I know him well enough to know when something is troubling him, even if he won't share it with me. Taehyung too has noticed it. He flicked his head at me questioningly.

"Let me go talk to him. I'll call you up if it's bad."

He nodded and went back to his cereal. I threw my table napkin down and followed my Jinnie to our bedroom. I found him standing at the large windows, looking through the curtaining. His silhouette was breathtaking. My breath hitched and I walked over to him, encircling his waist with my arms. I could feel his smile as he held onto me.

"Anything the matter my love? You know hyungie is always here for you. I love you so much my Jinnie."

I placed a soft kiss to his neck and he moaned slightly at my touch. I turned him around and kissed him lovingly.

"I love you hyungie. I love you so much."

He ran his hands through my hair and pulled me in for a deeper kiss. He was mesmerising. So lovely. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with him and our children.

"Hyungie, I need to tell you something but I also need you to understand why I'm doing what I am doing. And please don't object until I'm done."

I looked at him in confusion but led him to sit on the small chaise in the room.

"Go ahead baby. I promise I won't interrupt."

He took a deep breath and intertwined our hands before he spoke.

"I'm going to meet Suga tonight."

My breath caught and I felt my blood rushing to my brain. I tried to remain calm after his statement but it was very difficult. How could he say that so calmly?

"I know you're angry right now and you have every right to be. Suga is very dangerous. And I won't only be putting my own life at risk but also the life of our unborn child, but I need you to understand why I have to do this? I need to face my demons hyungie. And I need to do it alone."

I watched as he got up and walked to the window again.

"I know you want to protect me because you love me, but I need to face him on my own or he will always have power over me. I've been weak my whole life, pitiful in fact," he scoffed, "always meek and submissive, but I need to man up now and show him he can't ever have power over me.

Fear has always consumed me and I let it dictate many of my life decisions. Whether it's been fear of poverty, or fear of abuse, just too many things and I need to conquer my fear orelse I will always be powerless. You and Taehyung have taught me so much and helped me in so many ways. My therapist too, has been helping me to regain my own power. It's been a tough journey for me to find and forgive myself. Self blame and self hate has plagued me for years. It's what pushed me away from you and Minie hyung all those years ago. But I know now how to love myself and I will not let him take my power away hyungie. I'm not a weakling anymore. I have a strength within me that shines because of you and Taehyung. And I know the both of you want to naturally protect me, but it's time that I protect myself."

My mind was racing. Everything he had said was absolutely true. Didn't we want him to gain confidence in himself? Weren't we the ones who encouraged him to seek help and were there for him every step of the way? In the depths of my heart I knew that all he had said was true, but I was so afraid, afraid that he would get hurt and I don't know if I would be able to handle that. My brain and my heart were so conflicted right now.

"Baby come here." He walked back to sit with me and I held him close. "You are so precious to me. I love you and the last thing I would ever want is for you to get hurt. But I know it took a lot out of you to tell me that you're going to meet him. I can see the resolve within you. And I can feel it's time for you to stand up to your demons. But I do hope you know how afraid I am. It's my love for you angel. I would never ever want to see you get hurt. You mean too much to me. And although it's against what I would want, I understand and stand by your decision. I only ask that you let me and Taehyung be there, not with you, but in the shadows, just in case you need us. I promise we won't interfere. We will just be there as your silent protectors."

I knew he wanted to protest but he eventually nodded his head and I breathed a sigh of relief as I held him tight. He was my precious, sweet angel and I would never let anyone ever hurt him again.

We walked back down to Taehyung who was just finishing up with breakfast and clearing the dishes away. I encouraged Jin to talk to him too. Needless to say he was shocked and looked at me in disbelief that I was encouraging this but he held off, knowing we would discuss this later when Jin wasn't around.

"And when and where are you going to meet him?" Taehyung asked.

"Out back of the restaurant at 7 tonight. Taehyunggie, I know you don't support this but I also know that you're my friend and you love me enough to let me go. I need to do this hyung. Please, support me. I promise, I will be careful."

Jin held his hands and Taehyung nodded gravely. I could practically read his mind. No doubt, he was thinking along the same lines as me. We exchanged a look full of meaning. Jin let go of his hands and went to take a shower. When he had closed the room door behind him, I turned back to Taehyung.

"We've got a huge problem Tae."

"Yes," he agreed, wringing his hands in frustration. He paced the room like a caged animal.

"He can't know, no matter what we do, Jinnie can't know."


"Right. Let's get to work before he gets back."

I located my cell phone and made the call.

Namjoon. Plan B is a go for tonight. I'll text you the deets.

Taehyung watched me and an unspoken word passed between us.

"Let's do this Kook."



Anyone enjoying this taekook dynamic?

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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