Chapter 25

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I was finally able to convince Seokjin to wear a wire. I was so apprehensive about this whole set up but I tried to keep my cool. Taehyung was a great help with that too. I've said it before too, he really has so many qualities akin to my Jiminie. This whole operation has been nerve wrecking for me. Seeing my Jinnie standing outside that door, alone, unprotected and in danger, has almost driven me to insanity. Taehyung held my hand and stroked my fingers gently. My breath caught at his action. I looked up into his kind eyes and a question lingered in them. Again, he had done something, a small, simple, almost insignificant thing but it had reminded me once again of Jimin.

He continued to play with my fingers wordlessly; his eyes were soft and caring. I don't know what came over me when I leaned in closer to him and caressed his cheek softly. And still, he didn't say anything. I looked away but didn't attempt to remove my hand from his. His touch was comforting and I needed that so desperately right now.

Besides my Jinnie, our unborn baby was also at risk out there. We were taking such a huge risk with this whole plan and if it failed, I don't know what I would do.

A small movement ahead caught my attention and I stiffened. Taehyung noticed and looked up in the same direction. We were sitting inside a small maintenance van that Namjoon has procured. We needed to remain inconspicuous. I let out a heaving breath and my hand tightened around Taehyung's.

"It's him. That fucker really is a master at hiding in shadows."

Taehyung nodded and leaned in closer to the windscreen to get a better look with his binoculars. He momentarily let go of my hand and I felt the loss of his warmth and comfort. Jin was right about the way Taehyung made you feel secure.

"Jin's seen him now Kook," he said, watching them through the glass.

Well my Seokjinah, it's been a while....

Yes. What do you want Suga?

You must be really brave or really stupid to use my name after all these years Jin. I wonder what makes you think you can be either with me.... is it perhaps that you feel you have some power because you have those two fuckers in your life?

I'm not here to play games with you Suga. State your business and then fuck off.

I'm really surprised Jin. I was expecting to find my meek and submissive bitch here tonight, instead I'm faced with a lioness.

I'm glad you think of me as a lioness and not as some lazy ass lion, sitting in the field waiting for the brave and fearless lioness to go out and do all the work to catch their prey. You remind me of that lazy bitch of a lion Suga. You think you can sit and have all the power over me while I should bend to you. That's not happening anymore. So again, state your business then kindly fuck off!

Taehyung and I listened to Jin and Suga's conversation over the wire. We were both stunned with Jin. Where has he been hiding this side of himself? Even I was afraid of him. Although it seemed that Suga looked unfazed. We heard him chuckle eerily, taking a step toward Jin, who maintained his position, not looking in the least bit intimidated by him. I felt proud of my Jinnie.

Sometimes a bitch just needs a reminder of the whore that he really is. And I'm here to remind you, amkae, that you belong to me.

He moved closer to Jin who only smirked and leaned against the wall of the back entrance to the restaurant nonchalantly. He looked bored.

Why do you insist on being a bore Suga? Your delusions of having me back in your life, are just that, they're delusions. You need to get your head out of your ass and move on. I'm not the same weak willed Seokjin that you used to know.

He chuckled again and looked even more unfazed.

Did you ever wonder how your mum and I met Seokjin? It was because of you. I saw you in the park one day. You were sitting all alone on a swing with a book in your hand. I watched as you tried your best to read the book and kept failing. I watched every expression of yours that day. I knew I wanted to be close to you after that so I started to follow you every day and learnt your routine. I got information about your mother and I realised I had the perfect way to get you. She practically sold you to me Seokjin, just for a fix. But I took care of you and her, when she didn't deserve it, only because you belonged to me.

I-I don't! I never belonged to you. I hate you! Because of you, and my mother, my life was ruined. You killed me everyday! You were a bastard! A fucking asshole that raped me almost daily!

Taehyung and I stiffened. We watched as Jin pulled out a gun. Fuck! Where did he get one? Shit! Everything would be ruined if Jin shot him.

"Jinnie baby, listen to me," I spoke over the wire, "Don't do this
Taehyung and I have this covered. Think about Seojoon and our little sweetpea. If you do this, you will be imprisoned."

I watched as he faulted and Suga raised his hands in mock defeat, smirking at the weapon in Jin's hand.

I fucking hate you Min Yoongi or Suga, whatever the Hell your name is! You will never have power over me and you will never hurt my friends or my family ever again.

My little bitch......You will always be mine and that thing in your hand can never hurt me. You know why, because you know deep down, that I own you. I always will. You're mine and nothing and no one is ever going to keep us apart again.

What happened next felt like I watching it in super slow motion. Jin faulted with the gun at Suga's words and that's all he needed to lean in quickly and wrestle the weapon away from him. He quickly grabbed Jin, twisting and turning his body against his, his back against Suga's chest as he held him around his neck and positioned the gun agaisnt his stomach. Jin wailed as Suga pressed on his neck, suffocating him. I couldn't sit around any longer and I was about to jump out of the car when Taehyung gripped my arm firmly and shook his head from side to side slowly. I sat back down in my seat and spoke into my mic.

"Take the shot!"



Hey my swties. I'm sorry it was short but I promise the next will be better.

'Can I Have Your Number?' will be updated later today.

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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