Chapter 40

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"Ugh, I hate this suit hyung," Jin complained to his friend.

"What's to hate about it? It looks great on you."

Taehyung twirled his friend around, taking a good look at the fit and flair. If there was one thing that Jin could trust about Taehyung, he knew that he had a good eye for clothes. Taehyung was always immaculately dressed.

"Maybe, I wouldn't have went with that color but anything looks good on you Jinnie," he smiled at his friend.

"Awww, thanks hyung. I just hope I don't look like a complete fool out there in front of all those cameras," Jin sighed heavily.

"Oh please, you're absolutely gorgeous Jinnie," Taehyung praised him. "You know you can pull this off. And don't worry about those cameras. Just concentrate on Jungkook. He's all that matters today." He smiled warmly and hugged Jin closely.

"Don't crinkle my suit," he fake punched Taehyung.

Taehyung laughed and Jin smiled at his best friend who would be walking him down the aisle.

Seojoon and Jimin were with Agatha. She had them playing in the courtyard while they waited until it was time for the wedding to commence. Seojoon was dressed in a smart suit as he would be the page boy. Jin smiled warmly and looked at his friend.

"So, did you bring a date?" He wiggled his eyebrows at a blushing Taehyung.

"Well, he can't actually be my date since he's already here with haleomoni," he looked down shyly and Jin giggled at how cutely Taehyung was behaving.

"Well, I don't see why he can't still be your date....technically he works for the Jeon's but he's allowed to have his own life you know," Jin mused.

"True, except that Chang is a very private person. I don't think he'll want his employers to know about his personal life," Taehyung concluded.

"So I see you've gotten to know him quite well," Jin teased and Taehyung turned a deep shade of pink. Jin laughed happily. "I'm so happy for you both. You deserve some happiness in your life."

"I'm happy Jin. I just want to make him happy too. He seems to have had a tough time growing up."

"Awwww my sweet hyung. I know you two will be perfect together. I can't wait for you to have kids!" He said, clapping his hands excitedly.

"Hold your horses Jinnie. We just met. I mean, we had dinner the other night and it went really well. I'll admit, I would like to see him again. I hope he wants to as well."

"Why wouldn't he? Hyung, you know you're an amazing guy and Chang knows it too. I see how flustered he gets around you. I know him enough to know that he likes you hyung."

The two friends chatted until Taehyung got a text from Chang. He smiled sweetly then looked up at a smirking Jin. They both laughed.

"He wants to see me for a few minutes. It's actually his birthday today," Taehyung grinned and Jin laughed lightly, urging him to go see Chang before they needed to make their way down the aisle.

Taehyung left and Jin was alone, touching his make up when there was a soft knock on the door. He smiled, knowing that his fiancè was too eager to see him. He had a little surprise for him. Seokjin had worn the ring that Jungkook had given him many years ago, along with the matching bracelet from Jimin; something 'old'... he became nostalgic as he pinned the pretty blue broach to his lapel, something that he had 'borrowed' from Hoseok for this day. He had fulfilled all the requirements for their nuptials, something old, something new, being his suit, something borrowed and something blue.

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