"Are you out of your mind Jungkook?!" My mother's words washed over me.
"Mother please, calm down."
"Your mother is right Jungkook. How could you bring that whore here? When eomoni told us, we didn't really believe it until Jimin told us the truth. He's a prostitute for God's sake!" My father pointed an accusatory finger in Jin's direction.
Seokjin stood to the side. He looked pale and upset.
"Father! Jin is a qualified chef. He has a degree in Culinary Arts. Please show him due respect as Seojoon's father."
"Respect? Jungkook really? Respect is earned. Dancing on a pole, and selling your body does not afford you with respect," my father spat out, disdainfully.
"I can't believe you introduced him to Seojoon. He will be scarred for life. What were you thinking Jungkook?" My mother questioned me.
"He wasn't thinking Sunmi. His judgement has been clouded by that trash!"
Seokjin burst into tears. He looked at me, eyes red rimmed and wet with disappointment.
"Hyungie, I think it would be best if I leave. I wanted to see my son and I've accomplished that. I am not here to cause divisions within your home."
"No! Seokjin! You are not going anywhere! You have as much right to be here as any of us. You are my fiancè."
"You're really adamant on this nonsense Jungkook? Just because he bore your son, does not give him any rights to be here. We do not recognise him as your fiancè either. What's wrong with you son? Jimin was a lovely man. He came from good stock. His family had calibre. Not this trash!" My father scoffed disdainfully.
Seokjin whimpered and left the room then. I turned to follow him but my mother yanked me back.
"Jungkook stop! Let him go. He knows he's not wanted here. He is not our people."
"Let go of me mother! He is more my people than any one of you will ever be. He is my Seojoonie's appa. He nursed him with his blood. He gave Jimin and I immeasurable moments of happiness. Jimin was the happiest when he was with Seokjin. Jimin chose him to be Seojoon's appa. He knew the value and the measure of the man Seokjin was. Are you doubting Jimin's ability to recognise value? Seokjin is my happiness and Jimin knew that."
"Jungkook! I forbid you from stepping out of this room and consorting with that low life!" My father thundered. "Jimin might have accepted him but we never will. He is trash and he will remain as such in our eyes."
I scoffed at his words. "Trash? That same trash is again bearing your progeny. He is again going to give birth to your heir. What do you say to that father?" I smirked.
"You have lost your mind Jungkook. We accepted Seojoon because he was yours and Jimin's. We will not accept this vermin that he is carrying."
"You contradict yourself mother," I sniggered. "Seojoon is biologically Seokjin's son and so is our unborn child. Will you reject Seojoon as well? Would that make him vermin in your eyes too?"
"I don't care for your sarcasm son! He is not going to be a part of this family and that is final. I am sure that he was paid very well for his job in carrying Seojoon. We will recompense him further if it was not enough. But we will not accept any other children that he will have. Think what our society will speak of us if we do. No one knows Seojoon's true parentage and it will remain that way."
"Recompense mother? Let me enlighten you. Jimin transferred ten million dollars into an offshore account for Seokjin. He never touched a cent of that. Why? He bought Seokjin a house here, in Singapore. Seokjin did not take possession of it. The only thing he did do was, he accepted two degree courses for himself to complete that Jimin had signed him up for. He used money from a trustfund that Jimin had set up for his education to help him stand on his own two feet. He fought against cruelty and people like you who look down upon him, to better himself. He worked and supported himself through his education. Today, he is a well sought after chef of a prestigious restaurant that is owned by Kim Taehyung of the Chani's Group of Companies. He is not trash."
My parents stared at me with incredulity. I had never before spoken to them in such a manner. We had always had a cordial relationship. On some level, I could understand their shock at my outburst and my decisions but I was not going to back down. I loved Seokjin and I had been through too much for him to be taken away from me again.
I stormed out of the room and went in search of him. I found him sitting on Seojoon's room floor with a whole lot of gift wrapping paper thrown about. They were both laughing and playing with some toys while Agatha stood aside watching them intently.
Seojoon hugged Jinnie tightly and kissed his cheek. My heart constricted in my chest. I stood outside, not wanting to intrude on them.
Appa, thank you for all these gifts. They are so lovely. But appa, why are some of the toys for little babies?
I bought them many years ago, one for each of your birthdays that I had missed. So this baby rattle, was for when you were born. Then I bought this teddy bear for your first birthday. On your second birthday, I bought this ball with shapes to go into the holes. This one is a Lego big blocks for your third birthday and this Kooky plushie was for your fourth birthday. Do you like them baby?
I love them all appa because you bought them for Joonie. Joonie will love them forever.
I watched as my son hugged the pink plushie tightly and Jin smiled sadly at him, stroking his hair softly. I wiped the tears away from my eyes, knowing how hard it must have been for Jin to be alone on Seojoon's birthdays. My mind went back to last year when I saw him standing down by the marina with Taehyung. They had released the lantern into the sky that night. Was it meant for Seojoon then?
I cleared my throat loudly and entered the room.
"Hey Joonie bear, what's all this?" I pretended to not know what was going on while my son explained all I had just witnessed, happily.
"Why are you on the floor my love? It's not good for you and the baby. The floor is cold. Come, let me help you up."
He nodded and I helped him to get off the floor while Agatha cleared all the wrapping paper away.
"Wait Noona, please don't throw away the papers. Joonie's appa bought them and wrapped them up. They are very pretty, just like Joonie's appa. I want to keep them."
"But, it is dirt Master Seojoon," she insisted, confusion writ on her face.
"I understand Noona. But I still wish to keep them. Will you please fold them neatly for Seojoon?"
"As you wish Master Seojoon."
She bowed low to our son and collected all the pieces of paper before stacking them neatly in a pile on the table. Our son smiled and thanked her.
"Joonie will treasure these and the gifts appa. Joonie loves you appa." He hugged Seokjin warmly and went to sit at his table, playing with the Lego blocks and the shapes ball.
"Come Jinnie. We need to talk." I held his hand firmly and walked us to the elevator.
"Hyungie, I think it's best if I leave. Wait, before you object, please just hear me out." He held up his hand when he could see I was about to protest. "It's unfair to just spring me upon your parents like that. I understand where they're coming from. They are not of my world hyungie. They can't accept me in their lives so easily. If you recall, I did speak to you about how the world will view us. But you insisted that you didn't care. But hyungie, our Seojoon will be affected if he sees me being upset here. I don't want that for him. I will go stay at my home in Holland Village. I will visit Joonie away from here. It's for the best hyungie."
"No! It's not! They will have to accept you Jinnie. For God's sake, you're pregnant!"
The doors to the elevator opened and revealed the shocked faces of my haleomoni and Chang.
"Did you say he's pregnant?!"
Oh fuck!
Double update my swties because I love you all ❤😙
I purple you 💜
Love Swty 😙

A Part of Me [Completed] ✅
FanfictionSequel to: A Piece of Me (Jinkook) Jungkook and Jin met through a twist of fate. They have deep history together but circumstances caused them to lose one another only to be reunited after yet another strange set of events. Follow these ill-fated lo...