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AN 1: I have edited the last chapter if anyone wishes to see the home that Jungkook purchased for Seokjin.

AN 2: Please view the YouTube video on my channel, SwtyC_4BTS as it is the trailer for both A Piece of Me & A Part of Me. Use headphones for a better experience 🎧

Link to my YouTube channel. Please subscribe to @SwtyC_4BTS:

AN 3: SKYLIGHT has reached +50K. I'm crying rn 😟


"I don't care! Just piss off Jungkook!"

I ran to our attached bathroom and locked myself in.

"Baby please. I'm sorry. You know I love you my sweet angel."

"No you don't! You have no idea what it's like! Ji is only two. And I'm not yet ready for another baby," I cried while I sat on the tiled floor of our bathroom.

I had just done the third test and it too had come up as positive. It was too soon and I was busy with our new project. Even Taehyung was not around to help me this time.

I couldn't understand how this happened. I was using a contraceptive patch and Jungkook was diligent about using condoms. But then I recalled that one time we were careless in the shower and I wanted to curl up and die.

"My baby please. Please open the door. We can talk about this okay. You know I'll support anything you want. I love you my Jinnie baby."

My heart swelled with love and pain simultaneously for this man but the tears continued. I got up and opened the door for him. As soon as the lock clicked, I was magically in his arms and he was carrying me to our bed, whispering sweet words of love and comfort in my ears. I whimpered as he laid me down gently and kissed my cheeks, nose and my eyes, softly.

"It's okay. I promise my angel. I love you so much. Please don't beat yourself up about this. We'll figure it out. You don't want to have this baby?"

My eyes widened in disbelief.

"WHAT?! What the fuck hyungie!? You think I want to abort our baby? Hell no!"

He breathed an audible sigh of relief before enclosing me in a tight hug.

"Oh baby. I'm so sorry. Of course I don't. I just don't know what to say to comfort you."

"Say whatever you want, just don't say you want to kill our baby!"

"Shit! I fucked up. I'm sorry baby."

"It's okay hyungie. Maybe I reacted badly. I just thought that we would have more time to be together before we thought about extending our family. I mean, I want to travel more with you and do a lot of other fun things. But another baby would just keep us homebound."

"Why should it? Baby, we have all the money in the world to hire people to take care of our kids and we can even travel with them. They're not a hindrance. And I promise you, I'll be more hands on this time. Namjoon has taken on a lot of responsibility after he married Hoseok and I have more free time."

"You promise?"

"I promise my love. Anything for you and our family."

A Part of Me [Completed] ✅Where stories live. Discover now