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"Race." I whispered softly, praying not to wake up any of the other boys. "Racetrack." I gently pulled on his arm, when an idea hit me. I struggled not to laugh as I leaned in to kiss him. Right as I did, his eyes opened, and he pulled me into the tiny bed with him, kissing me back. I could feel him grinning into the kiss, and I tried to pull away teasingly, but Race's arms were wrapped around me. "Race, I wanna show you something. You gotta come on." I whispered, urging him, but he didn't budge.

"Is it life or death, doll?" He muttered, closing his eyes again.

"Well, no, but-"

"Then stay here." He begged, pressing his forehead against mine. "Pretty please?" Race pouted, and I gave in. I kissed him softly and gently, just soaking in the moment.

"Okay, but tomorrow night youse mine, right?"

"I's always yours."

wow. i can't believe the story is over... i'm not gonna lie to y'all, i'm crying right now. this story and these people, y/n kelly as a character, have impacted me a lot. writing this story has kept me going through a lot of bs, and i don't want it to end, which is why i'm very proud to announce the SEQUEL!! The Boy Who Loved Cigars may be over, but all of the characters you know and love so dearly will soon be returning in The Girl Who Loved a Newsie. i hope y'all check it out, and enjoy exploring y/n's relationships with race and the other boys she loves so much :))

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