all of me // a.i

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"You're my end and my beginning, even when I lose I'm winning, 'cause I give you all of me and you give me all of you."

I had everything I have ever dreamed of. My own little house with a garden and a picket fence in suburbia. Two dogs. Incredible friends. Perfect contact with my family. A baby on the way and a beautiful husband. Until life decided to take everything away from me. Nothing is ever going to be like before. Maybe I should have appreciated my life more than I already had, maybe things would have been different...maybe. But it is too late now.

I'm going to tell you the story of how I met and lost the love of my life.

May 18th, 1999. It was the day I first laid eyes on him. My parents, my little brother and I moved to the suburbs of Sydney, in the house my grandmother left our family after she passed away. It didn't bother me much, I was still a child, I never knew my grandma and moving into a new city was very exciting for me. I loved Sydney and the new house was incredible. We had a huge garden, enough place for a swing and maybe a pool. I didn't have to share my bedroom with my brother Jamie anymore. I had my own little room which I was allowed to decorate exactly how I wanted it. Of course my 5 year old self wanted a princess bed and horses painted on the wall. Lucky for me, my Mom is a really good painter and she drew everything I wanted on my wall and my dad got me the perfect pink princess bed I always wanted.

After I helped unpack my bags my dad allowed me to go play outside in our front yard with Jamie. I collected all my Barbie dolls and ran outside to re-play everything I've been through in the last couple of weeks while Jamie was playing with his car toys next to me. After a little while I noticed a boy around my age on a bike on the other side of the street. He was talking to a tall blond woman. I got curious, it was the first time I saw a kid my age on this street. Without attracting attention to myself I watched them out of the corner of my eyes. I noticed that she pointed over to our house before she took the boys hand to walk over the street, approaching me.

"Hello honey. My name is Anne. I live across the street." She smiled and pointed to a huge white brick wall house. "You and your family just moved here right?" She asked and kneeled down in front of me. "My mommy said I'm not allowed to talk to strangers." I answered with big eyes. The woman, Anne, chuckled. "Your mommy taught you well." I nodded. "I know. She is the best mommy ever." I smiled proudly.

"Hello. Can I help you?" I heard my mothers voice say. Anne moved back to her feet and stretched out her hand for my mother to shake it. "Hello. I'm Anne Irwin and that is my son Ashton. We live across the street. I wanted to check if you might need help with anything." With a smile on her face my mother shook Anne's hand. "Nice to meet you two, I'm (YOUR MOTHERS NAME). This is (Y/N) and this is Jamie. Right now we don't need any help but maybe you and your family want to join us for coffee later?" She asked. "That would be very nice!" They agreed on meeting again at 4.15 p.m for coffee and some cake Anne would bring along.

"Mommy can I stay and play with her?" The little boy asked and pointed to me. "Oh of course honey. If she doesn't mind. How about you ask her if she likes to play with you." Anne replied happily. The boy turned to me and with a shy look on his face he asked, "Do you wanna play with me?" Unsure I looked up to my mom, reassuringly she nodded and smiled. I looked back to the blonde little guy in front of me and a wide smile spread across my face. "Okay, but only if you play Barbie with me." He nodded and sat down next to me. "Have fun you two." Anne laughed, kissed the boy on the head and took leave. "If you need anything I'm inside, alright?" My mother stated and the boy and I both nodded happily.

"I'm Ashton. I'm 7 years old and yesterday I lost my last baby tooth." He said proudly and showed off a little gap between his teeth. "I'm (Y/N). I'm 5 years old and I lost my last baby tooth last week." I said. "That's cool." We both started giggling and talking about...things kids talk about. I can't really remember what we talked about exactly. I just know that from this day forward we became inseparable.

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