(26) Finally Jeon

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I was sitting in the car with Jimin thinking about my now-fully searched apartment and how I nearly got caught. I was glad that I was having all the important things. 

The ride was kind of silent but Jimin played a 90's song. I was looking out of the window, humming the song. "Your voice is beautiful," Jimin complimented. "Thanks Jimin," I said and now we both were humming to the song.

"I can't believe that two bullets hit me. I lost blood and now I'm going home," I said. "Why can't you believe that? You should be happy. Staying in hospital sucks," he said. "I guess you are right,"


We pulled in front of a two story apartment. Jimin helped me get out of the car as I was still limping a bit. He opened the door and turned on the main lights. No one was there.

"Do you live alone?" I asked him. "No I live with my hyungs and a maknae," he said. "So you also have a maknae,"Yup!" he said. 

"Maknae sure is talented," he added. "Even talented than you?" I teased him. "Yah! I'm the most talented man here," he said. "And the most shortest here too," I giggled.

"Why are you so like the maknae?" he pouted. "He also teases me about my height." "Aye! Don't get sad." I sad. "You are cute Chim."

He helped me so sit on the bed. "Do you want to eat anything?" he asked. "No its fine," I said but I regretted saying that because my stomach rumbled straightly afterwards.

"I know its fine but your stomach is not so I'm bringing food," he said. "Will you cook it?" I asked. "Er..I can't cook but I'll see if there is something I can do," he said as he began rubbing the back if his neck.

Before I could protest, he'd already gone. I waited for what seemed like an hour. I heard a knock on the door. "It's Jimin. Can I come in?" he asked. "Yes," I said.

He came with a bowl of soup in and slices of apples in a tray. "It's be best I could make," Jimin said. "That's okay," I smiled as I began to drink the soup. 

I put the empty bowl and plate aside and took out my phone. There I saw messages from Jihyo.

Jihyo: Jinsoo, u reached home safely?

Jihyo: It's been two hours. Are you sleeping.



 I replied her, telling her that I'm safe.

Jimin came in the room after putting the dished back. "Are you bored?" Jimin asked. "Yeah," I said. "Do you dance?" Yes! I love dancing.

"Yes! But sadly I can't right now," I said, feeling sad. "Oh, sorry," he apologized. "Maybe, you can see me dance?" he asked. "Yup! Come on."

We went downstairs. I sat on the couch and he began to dance. The flow of his body and syncing with every beat  was magnificent. He was lost on his own world. I began to clap as soon as he finished. 

"That was amazing!" I exclaimed. "Thanks! Jhope hyung dances like a pro," he said. "Who's Jhope?" I asked. "He's my hyung."

"What are your hobbies," he asked. "Well..I'm good at sports, studying, art, music and fighting," I said. "Whoa! Fighting. That's cool!" he looked surprised.

"Yeah...I actually beated up a boy in our university." "You b...beated a b...boy?" his eyes were wide open now. "Yes, he tried to make fun of me and ended up making fun of himself," I laughed.


-Back In Korea-

"YAY!! I KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!" Mina shouted on the top of her lungs. "I ship it XEEMIN!" 

XeeJin and Taemin are now official too.

All of them tried their best to find Jinsoo everyday. Jin found it very difficult to live without her. "I miss her Taehyung," Jin said. "Us too Jin," Taehyung sighed. "I love her Taehyung. I want to tell it to her I can't keep it anymore," he added.

"I know its hard for you Jin, but she promised that she will come," Taehyung said calming him down.


-In Pheonix-

Right now I'm helping Jimin in his music homework. "Write: I want you to be your light baby You should be your light... " I said as he wrote down.

 "Next line should be:  So that it doesn't hurt anymore So that you can smile... " he suggested. "Yup it fits," I said.

After a few more lines it was complete. "YAY!!! I COMPLETED MY HOMEWORK!" he started acting like a baby. "Its my first time I've completed my homework before the maknae," he added.

"What should we name this song?" Jimin asked. "Um...how about Promise?" I suggested. "I love it!! Thanks noona!" he said and then covered his mouth.

I broke in a fit of laughter. "I'm not you noona Park Jimin" I said between my muffled laughs. "How old are you?" he asked. "I'm twenty," I said. "Call me oppa," he said in return. "Why?" I asked him. 

"I'm twenty one, a year older than you and I'll turn twenty two in October" he said. "So? I'll also be twenty one next month," I blurted out. "Aish you!"

Me and Jimin were sitting arguing about to call him oppa or not. Not even a day had passed that I came to know about Jimin. But he was like the best friend I could have here.

"WE ARE HOME!!" someone shouted from the entrance. "Everyone is here!" Jimin told me. One by one everyone came in the living room.


"It's not like that that hyung. She isn't my girlfriend. I found her injured and shooted on the road. I took her to the hospital and took care of her. It's not what you think," Jimin defended himself.

"I see, by the way I'm Namjoon, Kim Namjoon," he said. "I'm Hoseok, but I'm known as Jhope," another one said. "Woozi," another one said. 

"I think I've seen you somewhere," Woozii said. "I think me too," Jhope added. 

"Where is the maknae?" Jimin asked. 

"I'm here!" another voice said as he entered the living room. He was shocked to see me, so was I. Without caring that I had stitches I run towards hi with tears in my eyes.

We both hugged each other, crying, like there was no tomorrow. "I missed you Kook!" I said between my muffled sobs. "Me too Soo!" he said

"Whoa whoa whoa!!" Woozi said. "Tell us!" Namjoon said. "I KNEW I'VE SEEN YOU SOMEWHERE!!" Jimin screamed.


I told them the whole story. How I saw Jungkook in my dreams and had memories. I told them about my life in university and in Korea.

Jungkook told the rest of the story about the memory removal and death of mom. At this point I asked Jungkook, "Where is Appa Kookie?" 

"H..he..he died in a car accident two years ago," he said. More tears poured out of my eyes when I heard that. Both of our parents are gone now, gone to a better place,

"I thought Appa was alive," I said. Jungkook hugged me. "Ow!" I said in pain. "What happened?" he asked. I told him how that stupid mafia gang nearly caught me and how Jimin took me to the hospital.

"Thanks Jimine!" Jungkook said. "Not like this," Jimin pouted. "Then how would you like him to thank?" I asked. "Ask him never to call me short again," Jimin said. 

"I won't do that shortie!" Jungkook said. I smacked his head. "Okay okay!!! I'' never call you short again. Strawberry SHORTcake!" he teased him. I smacked him once again. "Yah! Okay fine. Thank you Jimin and I'll never call you short again."

I was glad I found him back, but a million of questions were in my mind.


A/N: Another update!! Plus a special chapter. Notice: Jeon Jungkook found!


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