Chapter 3

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"Olivia white!?"

"yes, Wait.. Evie!?"she said with confusion in her voice.

This young lady here was or is still my best friend I don't know but we were best friends when we were like 5 I grew up in this town and so did she but we separated when my dad wanted us to move.

I still remember her lame idea of hiding me in the cupboard and lying to my parents that I ran away and they found me and we hugged each other and cried my God how childish we were, well we were children so..

I pulled her in for a tight embrace
"I've missed you soo much" I said close to tears.

"well you moved away and forgot me" she said rolling her eyes.

"hey! Young lady I didn't forget you we were young and I tried sending you mails but it was to no avail" I countered

"true, missed you too!!" And she hugged me again

"mom come see who is here!" I called

"coming sweetie" she said from the kitchen.

"oh my! Is this Liv?" she pushed me aside and hugged her.

"I totally feel the love guys" I rolled my eyes laughing.

We all went to the sitting room and mom started with her questions that could be very annoying. I saw Liv's facial expression and I said

"hi uh mom why don't I take Liv to my room" I said looking at Liv and nodding she smiled.

"well ok let me leave you guys to bond after soo many years" she said getting up to head back to the kitchen.

We reached my room, and tried to cross the boxes on the floor and I popped down on the bed she joined me in a sec.
"God im soo tired" I said yawning

"moving is soo hard" I said sighing
"still got a lot of things to do and I got school tomorrow".

"if you want I could help you and we will clear this place in no time" she said motioning at the boxes.

"you will!?,  thank you soo much let's start".

we cleared the place in no time and even put up some decorations on the wall.

"it's getting late I should head back home" she said sadly

"that is true we can hang out tomorrow after school" i said happily

"yh sure just give me your number so I could text you"

I gave her and she headed back home.

"see you tomorrow" I said waving.

"yh bye"

I went back to my room to at least sleep a little. Then my phone beeped
I picked it up wondering who it could be it was a friend request on Instagram from Jay Zander.

I was stunned and puzzled  why would the coolest guy in school want to be my friend.  I clicked accept and almost immediately there was a message.


was soo unsure if I should reply his message so I called Liv.

"hi liv"

"Yello" she said with a yawn

"it seems your sleepy let me just leave you"

"No its fine what is it"

"uhm well you know Maddie the cheerleader I told you about"


"her boyfriend just sent me a message what do I do"

"you reply dummy what could she do about it"

"are you sure"

"yes I am do it!" she shouted over the phone.

"kk thanks bye" I said disconnecting the call.


I replied his message and my phone beeped immediately

It seems your new at school

Yeh! I Am

Well I'm Jay BTW

Im Evie nice to meet you

Same here, I know who you are  we share the same Gym class

Yah that's true, saw you drooling all over maddie

No I wasn't

yes you were

OK whatever, see you in gym class tomorrow

Sure! that is if you remember me when you see Maddie

Uhg please stop and sure I will, not everyone is as beautiful as you ;-)

OK that is just weird because you have a girlfriend

And who says I care

You are supposed too

I'll tell you the details later you should be tired since you just moved

I actually am your message stopped me from sleeping

Haha! Well goodnight x


I switched off my phone so I will not be distributed again and I went to sleep.

I was irritated by the buzzing sound floating into my sleep I opened my eye and it was my alarm clock I mentally groaned and stretched on the bed another day at school It was just the second day and I was already tired.

I entered my washroom and cleaned up I decided to dress simple today so I wore a white high waist trouser and crop top sweeter I kept a spear shirt in my bag just in case it got hot. I headed downstairs and decided I wasn't eating breakfast today so I waited for mom in the sitting room suddenly I heard the door bell ring I was wondering who it could be early this morning don't people have what to do.

I threw open the door and to my surprise it was Jay.

"what are you doing here" I asked eyeing him suspiciously.

"well turns out your my new neighbor so my mom sent me with these" he said raising his hand up.

I looked at the container and it was full of red velvet cake, my favorite.

"red velvet is my fav" I said smiling

"really! same here made my mom bake them" he laughed "just so I could have some it wasn't easy"

"I can relate" I said joining him in laughing. 

The laughter died down and there was silence in between us till my mom worked in.

"sweetie who is that?" she said with a quizzical brow

"a friend from school" Jay responded before I could say anything "I'm Jay"

He handed my mom the container and turned to me.

"need a ride? "he asked me with a smirk on his face. I turned to my mom and she nodded.

" ok sure" I said heading back to get my bag.

"bye mom"

"bye Mrs Williams"

"oh darling don't be too formal call me kate" she said smiling at the two of us.

"Pleasure meeting you kate" he said and we both walked across my lawn to where the car was parked.

HI! Hope you're enjoying it I'll update it later to day or tomorrow.

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Good night!

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