Chapter 2

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

It is the next day. Naruto watches his parents train his sister. With them are also Jiraiya and Tsunade. The family seems to be having fun. Naruto sighs and leans against a tree and looks up at the sky.

Naruto: I wonder what Akio is doing right now?

Meanwhile, Naruko finished another training session and celebrates.

Naruko: I did it, tou-san!

Minato: You did a great job!

Kushina: You will be a great kunoichi!

Naruko: Not only will I be a great kunoichi, I will also be the next Hokage.

Naruto can only roll his eyes because of the ignorance his sister shows.

Jiraiya: I have great news. Me and Tsunade talked to our summonings and they are ready to share you Naruko.

Naruko: Yes! I will have two summoning animals.

Minato: This is great Naruko, you will be invincible.

Naruko smiles broadly until she sees her brother, she grins maliciously and decides to hurt him a little.

Naruko: But tou-san, how can I be invincible if I haven't been able to train with anyone my age.

Minato puts a hand on his chin and thinks. She has a point, a little experience would benefit her. He thinks for a moment and notices Naruto sitting at the tree.

Minato: Naruto, come here, we'll have a little fight. You will fight your sister.

Naruto gets up a bit stubbornly, he doesn't really want to fight his sister because he hasn't had any training yet. He knows the basic steps, but that's about it.

Kushina: Minato are you sure? Naruto never had any training.

Minato: He'll be fine. I am sure that Naruko will not fight at full strength. Start!

Naruko runs towards Naruto and wants to attack him from the side with a punch. Naruto dodges and wants to hit her head-on, but Naruko catches his fist and punches him hard in the stomach three times. What Minato, Kushina, Jiraiya and Tsunade didn't notice is that Naruko put a little kyuubi chakra in her fist and hit him with it.

Kushina: Naruko, that is enough. You win.

While Minato, Kushina and Jiraiya go to Naruko and congratulate her. Tsunade goes to Naruto, who is lying on the ground and breathing hard.

Tsunade: Naruto, are you oka-

Tsunade wants to help him, but Naruto flicks her hand away.

Naruto: You haven't looked after me before, so leave me alone.

He gets up and runs away. While Tsunade watches him go. Naruto runs far away and stops in an alley. He leans against the wall and slowly slides down the wall.

Naruto: It's not fair. It's just not fair. Why do I have to suffer?

???: You are right, it is not fair.

The voice startles Naruto. He looks to the side and sees a female Anbu standing there.

Anbu: It is not fair that a demon like you suffers so little.

Naruto wants to run but he's at a dead end. The Anbu throws Naruto on the floor and gags him.

Anbu: My husband and son died because of you, I will avenge them now, but before I kill you I will make you suffer.

The Anbu takes out a kunai and starts stabbing him. Naruto tries to free himself, but the pain takes all of his strength away. It doesn't take long for Naruto to pass out. The Anbu continues to stab him until a hand stops it. The Anbu turns and sees a very angry Akio. Akio strengthens his grip on her wrist, breaking it. The Anbu drops the Kunai and tries to attack Akio with her other arm, but he kicks her full force into the wall in the alley.

Akio: You deserve death. But I have to save Naruto first.

Akio takes Naruto in his arms and mumbles something.

Akio: [Teleport]

Akio and Naruto disappear in a blue light and appear in front of the hospital. Akio runs to the hospital and starts screaming.

Akio: I have a badly injured boy here!

To his surprise, nobody moves to him. They walk past him and look at Naruto with hate. He approaches the first doctor and decides to question him.

Akio: What the hell are you doing ?! This boy is dieing!

Doctor: Good, this demon is supposed to be dead.

Akio is shocked, he can't understand how anyone can be like that.

Akio: Listen here you piece of shit. This boy is not a demon, he is a nice little boy! And he deserves to be alive!

A door opens and a woman with short black hair comes out.

???: What is going on here?

When she sees Naruto, her eyes widen and she runs to Akio.

???: Naruto!

Akio: I don't care who you are, but it seems like that you like the boy. I need an operating room right away. I have a doctorate, I can help him!

???: Come!

The two run into the next operating room and start operating on Naruto.

???: I am Shizune and you?

Akio: Akio.

After a while, Shizune notices something about Naruto.

Shizune: ...his chakra coils.

Akio: What's up with them?

Shizune: They are destroyed.

Akio's eyes widen and he looks at the chakra coils. He notices one thing about them, there are remains of red chakra. Before he can work on the chakra coils, a high-pitched beep sound is beeping through the hall.

Shizune: Too much blood loss! It's because of his left arm, it's too damaged, we can't stop the bleeding.

Akio closes his eyes and sighs. He knows what to do, he just hopes Naruto will forgive him.

Akio: We have to amputate his arm.

Shizune just nods and starts working on the arm.

---Hours of surgery later---

Naruto is lying unconscious in a hospital bed. In the corner of the room Akio sits on a chair and waits for Naruto to wake up.

Akio: Naruto, I'm really sorry. That I had to cut your arm off, but I hope that I can help you with my gift.

He looks over to a black metal case that is next to the bed.

To be continued.

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