Chapter 11

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Naruto is in a desert. Akio is not with him at the moment, he is investigating something and has told Naruto that he can look around. Naruto is walking with Flow and Raynir next to him. The three look around a bit and watch the wonders of the desert as the ground suddenly gives way. Naruto, Flow and Raynir fall through the floor and end up in an old ruin.

Naruto: Are you both okay?

The two animals nod and help Naruto. He looks around and sees that he is a fairly large room. There are torches on the walls that are on. This confuses Naruto, why are these torches burning? He wants to look at the room more than he hears steps. The steps come from a dark corridor. Naruto draws his sword and points to the corridor. A woman with dark skin and jackal paws as hands and feet comes out of the room. The woman looks at him with a serious face.

???: Who are you?

Naruto: Naruto Sato is my name. And who are you? And do you want something bad for me?

The woman shakes her head.

???: As long as you don't want to steal anything from this temple. And my name is Nubia.

Naruto puts his sword away

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Naruto puts his sword away. Flow and Raynir also stop looking at the woman angrily.

Naruto: I'm sorry I threatened you with the sword. I accidentally fell down here.

Nubia: That's what I thought. Come on I'll show you the way out.

Naruto bows.

Naruto: Thank you very much.

Nubia nods and goes into a corridor. Naruto follows her. After a while, Nubia decides to ask.

Nubia: You didn't seem to be very surprised when you saw me. Most people see me as a monster.

This shocked Naruto, sure she has some animal parts on her body, but that doesn't make her a monster.

Naruto: I don't understand why people should see that in you, all I see is a beautiful woman.

Nubia's eyes widen and she turns red. She looks away from Naruto and mumbles.

Nubia: Thank you...

Naruto: Watch out!

Nubia doesn't watch where she goes and falls down a pit. Naruto leaps behind and catches Nubia in the air. He draws his sword and sticks it in the stone wall to stop the fall.

Naruto: Are you alright?

Nubia: Yes, thank you. How do we get back up?

Naruto: I have an idea, but please don't be angry with me.

Nubia looks at him in confusion. Naruto breathes in and throws Nubia up in the air, she screams a little but ends up in the corridor again. Naruto breathes a sigh of relief, jumping against the opposite wall and using it as a springboard. He pulls his sword out of the wall and jumps up. Nubia looks at Naruto with a startled expression.

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