Chapter 6

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Akio and Naruto jump out of a portal and land. Both become dizzy, but they calm down quickly. Akio sighs and scratches the back of his head.

Akio: Almost everyone trusts this Shinra Electric Power Company, but ...

Naruto looks at Akio and raises an eyebrow.

Naruto: But they don't seem reliable.

Akio looks around. Both are in a place that can only be called slums.

Akio: Let's take a look around.

Both walk for a while and look around. They find nothing remarkable until they hear combat sounds. Akio nods in the direction where the noise comes from and the two run towards it. When they arrive they see a man with blonde hair waving a huge sword and a woman with dark brown hair fighting a couple of Shinra soldiers. The last soldier falls before Akio or Naruto can help. While Akio is impressed, Naruto is completely fascinated by the man with the sword. The man points his sword at them and gives them a suspicious look.

???: Who are you?

Akio raises his hands to show that he has no evil intentions.

Akio: Calm down, I don't want to do anything to you. I am Akio Sato. The little one here is my brother Naruto Sato.

Naruto is still staring at the man. The girl puts her hand on the man's wrist and smiles at them.

???: I'm Tifa Lockhart and the guy here is Cloud Strife.

Cloud looks annoyed at Tifa.

Cloud: Tifa!

Tifa shrugs.

Tifa: What? The two won't hurt us. In addition, that one is just six years old.

Naruto is still staring at Cloud. Of course Cloud notices this and asks annoyed.

Cloud: What do you want kid?

Naruto drops to his knees and bows.

Naruto: Please teach me!

Tifa and Akio look at Naruto with their eyes wide open. Cloud shakes his head, grabs his sword and walks away.

Cloud: No.

Tifa narrows her eyes and screams after him.

Tifa: Cloud!

But he doesn't stop. She sighs and puts a hand against her forehead.

Tifa: I'm sorry about him.

Akio: It's okay. Naruto are you sure about that?

Naruto nods and looks at Akio with determination. Akio seufzt und schaut zu Tifa.

Akio: I don't want to be pushy, but do you have an idea, how he would train him?

Naruto looks at Tifa and folds his hands together.

Naruto: Even the smallest tip could help.

Tifa puts a hand on her chin and thinks.

Tifa: He usually does a lot of things for enough money, but I don't think that will be enough. Maybe if you prove yourself to him. If you want you can come to the tavern with me.

Akio: That would be nice.

Naruto: Thank you miss Lockhart.

Tifa smiles and strokes Naruto's head.

Tifa: Aww, your so cute. Come.

The two follow Tifa to a tavern that says Seventh Heaven. The three enter the tavern and a little girl runs to Tifa and hugs her.

???: Tifa!

Tifa laughst and hugs the girl.

Tifa: Hello, Marlene.

A tall, dark-skinned man with a minigun as an arm approaches the small group and looks suspiciously at Naruto and Akio.

???: Who are you?

Tifa: Barret they are friends. These are Naruto and Akio.

Akio: Hello.

Naruto: Hi.

Marlene looks at the two and sees the robot arm from Naruto, points to the arm and looks at Barret.

Marlene: Daddy, he also have a metal arm like you.

Naruto grabs his arm and squeezes. Barrett notices this and kneels down to his daughter.

Barret: Honey, it's not nice to point something like that out.

Marlene's eyes widen and she bows to Naruto.

Marlene: I'm sorry.

Naruto: It's okay.

Tifa: Sit down and tell us a little bit about you.

---Little Timeskip---

Cloud enters the tavern and sees Naruto and Akio, he sighs and shakes his head.

Cloud: What are you doing here?

Naruto stands up and walks up to him.

Naruto: I won't give up, until you start training me.

Cloud: I said no.

Barret decides to intervene, he sounds annoyed.

Barret: Come on Soldier boy. A little training doesn't hurt, he has to get by in this tough world.

Cloud: I said no.

Naruto: I will do everything you ask me to do.

Cloud drops his sword on the floor.

Cloud: Pick it up.

Naruto grabs the sword with both hands, but Cloud stops him.

Cloud: Not with the robot arm. Only with your right arm.

Naruto grabs the sword with his right arm and wants to raise it, but he only manages a little. Cloud sighs and turns.

Cloud: I thought so, your weak, you can't do it.

This sentence triggers something in Naruto, he begins to focus all his strength and lifts the sword with effort. Sweat collects on his forehead, but he manages to put the sword on his shoulder. Everyone's eyes widen when they see this.

Naruto: You're right, I'm weak, but I don't want to be weak anymore.

Silence dominates the room until Cloud takes the sword.

Cloud: We start training tomorrow.

Naruto's face lit up with joy.

Naruto: Yes Master!

Cloud leaves the tavern but Tifa follows him.

Tifa: Was the sword the only reason you train him?

Cloud: No, his look on the face, I had a similar one on my face at the time. Besides, even I didn't manage to raise the sword at his age.

To be continued.

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