Chapter 7

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It's been a year since Naruto was taught by Cloud. He is now seven years old. He has got some muscles and can carry the sword of Cloud without problems. Cloud was surprised at how quickly he learned, he even called him a genius. The day Akio and Naruto wanted to leave, Tifa and Cloud gave Naruto his own sword. He was very happy and hugged the two as a farewell.

 He was very happy and hugged the two as a farewell

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Akio and Naruto come out of the portal. To Naruto's surprise, he didn't get dizzy, but he didn't get any information. He looks around and sees that they are in a kind of clearing. The clearing is surrounded by several rocks that form a circle, there is only one way in and out.

Naruto: Akio-nii, I think here is something wrong.

Akio sits on a log and looks at Naruto.

Akio: No Naruto everything is fine.

Naruto looks at Akio in confusion, he doesn't understand why everything should be fine. Akio looks around.

Akio: That is the forest of companions. Every Sato gets his companion from here, this is where Sapphire comes from.

Sapphire screams at Naruto. Akio smiles and pets her head.

Akio: Here you will find your companion.

Naruto claps his hands together and smiles.

Naruto: Alright let's go!

Naruto makes his way to the exit. But Akio doesn't follow him, of course Naruto notices that, turns and looks confused at his big brother.

Naruto: Are you coming?

Akio shakes his head.

Akio: You have to do that alone. I will sit here and wait. You cannot come back until you have your companion.

Naruto nods and goes to the entrance to the forest. As he walks through the entrance, tendrils grow and block the entrance. Naruto stands there for a few seconds before setting off. The forest is a quiet place, the only sounds Naruto hears are from the animals. Naruto is fascinated by all the animals, but every time he approaches an animal it runs away without losing any thought of stopping. This continues for some time until the sun goes down. Naruto decides to start a campfire and have a little rest. The crickets chirp and some owls also make loud noises. Everything seems very peaceful for Naruto until a dark laugh goes through the forest.

???: Hahaha, another Sato as it seems.

Naruto gets up and draws his sword.

Naruto: Who's there?!

The voice laughs again and Naruto tries to find the origin of the laugh, but it seems to him that it comes from everywhere.

???: Why should I tell you my name? I'd rather like to know why you are here?

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