Chapter 10

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

It is the last day of the festival. Naruto has not seen his family all day, nor has he seen Senko. But he also prefers to be a little alone today, for him it's not a nice day. Flow and Raynir try to cheer him up. He gives them a weak smile and caresses their heads. He sighs, gets up and makes his way to the restaurant. Just when he opened the door, there was a loud bang and confetti flies on Naruto. Naruto looks confused into the store and sees his family and Senko's family smiling at him. Above them is a banner with the words "Happy Birthday Naruto!".

All: Happy Birthday!

Naruto is silent for a few seconds until the tears start to flow. Senko worries about her friend and goes to him.

Senko: Naruto, what's wrong?

Naruto: Sorry Senko, these aren't tears of sadness, these are tears of happiness. It is the first time that someone remembers my birthday.

Sakae and Rise look angrily at Akio, knowing that Naruto has been traveling with him for two years. Akio raises his hands in defense.

Akio: I've only known the date of his birthday since last year. I should have asked earlier!

Naruto: It's okay Akio-nii.

Gladiolus, clap his hands together.

Gladiolus: Let's party!

Sakae: Wait a second.

Everyone looks at Sakae with her arms crossed. She has closed her eyes and smiles.

Sakae: A guest is missing. He'll be here in a few seconds.

The rest of the people in the room look at Sakae in confusion until the door opens. An older man enters the restaurant, the eyes of Rise, Gladiolus and Akio widen.

???: Sorry for the delay.

The man sees Naruto and smiles.

???: You have to be Naruto, I've heard a lot about you from Sakae. I am Shinjiro Sato, the head of the Sato family. Now let's celebrate.

The families start to celebrate

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The families start to celebrate. Naruto has fun until he sees Shinjiro sitting alone on the coach. He sits down with him and smiles.

Naruto: Are you well Shinjiro-san?

Shinjiro nods. Flow and Raynir go to Naruto and start cuddling with him. Shinjiro laughs when he sees the spectacle.

Shinjiro: I see that you also have two companions. What are their names?

Naruto: The wolf ist Flow, the dragon is Raynir. Do you also have two companions?

Shinjiro: I do, but they're not here right now. Naruto, Sakae told me what happened to you. If you ever need help just tell me.

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