Chapter 4

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Akio and Naruto come out of a portal. Sapphire also comes out of the portal, in her small form, and lands on Akio's shoulder. The two are in a forest, it is noon. Both stagger a bit and see several pictures in their inner eyes. Naruto shakes his head and looks at Akio.

 Naruto: What was that Akio-nii?

Akio: This happens when one of our families comes to a new world, we get information about the most important things in this world.

Akio puts a hand on his chin and looks around.

Akio: It looks like we're in a world where there are periodic monster attacks known as 'waves'.

Naruto raises his hand.

Naruto: And there are four heroes. But at the moment there seems to be peace.

Akio: Good job Naruto. Let's take a look around.

Naruto follows Akio and the two walk for a while. Naruto gets nervous and asks.

Naruto: Hey Akio?

Akio: Yes Naruto?

Naruto: When will you train me?

Akio: I will not train you.

Naruto stops in shock. Akio also stops and turns around.

Naruto: W-why? I thought...

Akio kneels down and puts a hand on Naruto's shoulder.

Akio: Calm down Naruto, I won't ignore you like your old family.

Naruto: Then why?

Akio: Family tradition, each family member chooses his own fighting style. You have to find your own fighting style and master, but I will support you as much as possible.

Naruto is happy to hear that. He smiles and nods.

Naruto: Thank you Akio.

The two continue until Naruto becomes curious.

Naruto: Akio, what's your fighting style?

Akio: I use magic.

Naruto gets stars as eyes and looks at Akio with admiration.

Naruto: Cool!

Akio laughs.

Akio: It's super cool.

The two talk a little about it until they hear a scream. Akio looks around and nods in one direction. Naruto and Akio run in the direction of the scream and see that a few people are being harassed by bandits.

Akio: Naruto, this is going to be brutal. [Rain of Fire]

Akio snaps his fingers and fire rains on the bandits. The bandits panic and try to put out the fire, but it doesn't work. The bandits start to burn and fall to the ground dead.

Akio: [Rain]

He snaps his fingers and it starts to rain. The fire goes out and the two go to the people and notice that they are no humans. Akio whispers to Naruto.

Akio: Quiz question Naruto, what are they?

Naruto thinks for a moment, but knows the answer.

Naruto: They are Al-mi'raj. Identifiable by the rabbit ears, the horn and the rabbit legs.

Akio smiles with pride at Naruto.

Akio: It's nice to see that you're paying attention.

Akio clears his throat and goes to the Al-mi'raj.

Akio: Are you okay? I'm sorry if I surprised you. I just wanted to help.

But before one of them could say anything, another bandit breaks out of the bushes and grabs a little girl who is not older than Naruto. The bandit points a dagger at Akio.

Bandit: Stay back or this girl will die!

???: Thalia!

Thalia: Mommy!

While Akio tries to calm the bandit, Naruto sneaks through the bushes closer to the bandits. He takes a stone with his robot arm and aims at the bandit.

Naruto: Hopefully it works.

Naruto breathes in and throws the stone. The stone hits the bandit on the head. The girl can run away to her parents. Akio wants to take care of the bandit, but he's already dead. Naruto comes out of the bushes in shock.

Naruto: I still have to assess the strength. Oh my god, I killed someone.

Akio kneels down and looks Naruto deep in the eyes.

Akio: Naruto, you did the right thing. This man was a bad person and didn't deserve to live. Don't feel bad you saved this girl.

Naruto nods and looks at Akio with a determined look. Akio nods and gets up. The al-mi'raj man approaches the two and bows.

???: Thank you. I am Alluin Daleth.

The woman approaches the two with their daughter in her arms.

???: Thank you very much. I am Alyndra Daleth.

Akio shakes his head and smiles.

Akio: It wasn't a problem, you needed help and I was happy to help.

Naruto nods in agreement.

Alluin: Please come with us, the least we can do is that we can give you shelter.

Akio: That would be nice.

Alyndra: Then get on the wagon. You can sit in the front with us, the boy can sit in the back with our daughter.

Akio climbs in front and Naruto climbs in the back. Alluin takes the reins in hand and the giant bird starts to run. These birds are called Filolial in this world. It takes a while for Thalia to start talking. She is a little shy. Thalia is a young girl no older than Naruto, she has purple hair and blue eyes.

Thalia: Thank you for helping me.

Naruto smiles and shakes his head.

Naruto: As my brother said, it's not a problem. I am happy that I could help a cute girl.

Thalia blushes slightly, but laughs.

Thalia: You are really nice. Do we want to be friends?

Naruto's eyes widen, he never had a friend.

Naruto: Sure!

The two talk and laugh. Alyndra looks back and smiles. She turns to Akio.

Alyndra: Our daughter and her brother seem to get along well.

Alluin: It's nice to meet people who are not racist.

Akio: I'm just happy that he's fine. He didn't had the best life.

Alyndra: Let's hope that changes.

Akio: It will, I am sure of it.

To be continued.

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