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Osman rushed toward Arta and knelt beside her "Arta, Arta!" when he saw no response, he turned his head toward one of the guards "Go and bring a doctor, quickly!"

"No offense, but I think I have strengthened your rule in Persia by doing this favor to you." Mahoe said looking confident.

"There was no need to bring a head in front of us!" Osman said with anger and disgust in his voice while placing Arta's head on his lap.

"But I needed to bring evidence for you!" Mahoe said as a matter of fact.

Sultan who was silent the whole time stood up from his throne and approached Mahoe. He smiled a smile that did not reach his eyes "We were looking for King Darian, his son and the remaining of his army for a long time already. So should thank you for your service."

Mahoe bowed looking pleased and even more confident in himself "About his son and army. Rest assured my king that they will never be any trouble to you at all. Kian, his son died a few days after the battle from some severe wounds, although I may have facilitated his departure to the other world a bit." He laughed. "And the rest of his army are dead or fled far away from this empire. So you don't need to worry about anything my king." He said happily and glanced back to the audiences who were witnessing the whole thing in silent and some were watching Mahoe with disgust and some with jealousy.

"Where is this damn doctor?" Osman roared angrily to one of the guards while he was holding Arta's lifeless body in his arms. She looked so pale and the blood has drained out of her face. He took off his robe and covered her body with it. It was the second time that this robe was covering her fragile body.

"Take her to her chambers." Sultan said to his son.

Osman lifted Arta in his arms and quickly walked out of the hall.

"So Mahoe tell mem what do you want in return for your service." Sultan came closer to Mahoe, looking in his eyes.

Mahoe bowed again, this was the moment he was waiting for so long "Nothing my king just to be at your service is the greatest honor for me." Trying to flatter Sultan, it was now or never so he continued "I was hoping to remain as the governor of Marv. As I said before I just want to serve you."

"Of course, of course. Is there anything else that you wish for?" Sultan asked.

Mahoe who was getting even more confidence said "to be honest I spent a lot of money from my own pocket as well as Marv's treasury to kill King Darian and his soldiers. I didn't want to mention this but since you are so generous and kind to ask, I dared to say it. Marv's treasury is as empty as a desert and since you have opened the main treasury, I was hoping that you could grant me some of that wealth not for myself of course but for the people." He bowed again.

Sultan walked closer to Mahoe and put his hand on his shoulder "Of course! Anything else?"

"No my king that was all."

Sultan turned his back to him and while tightly squeezing the grip of his sword. With a sudden move, he drew out his sword, turned and cut Mahoe's throat.

Mahoe dropped on his knees and was looking at Sultan questionably. He was pressing his hand on his throat, unable to talk. Everyone was shocked by Sultan's action.

"How stupid you are? Ha? Did you think that I'll trust someone who has betrayed his king? A king who was from his own people." Sultan looked so angry. No one expected such action from Sultan.

Sultan looked at the crowd in front of him and said "Conspiracy and betrayal are the devil's idea." Then turned his face to his right were Mehoe's lifeless body was drowning in his own blood and spat.

Arta - the last princessWhere stories live. Discover now