Chapter 1 - Awakening

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POV: Xisuma

Location: ???

I gasp in shock as I became aware of the pain engulfing me, my eyes flying open to see a dark gray ceiling above me. I struggle, suddenly aware of bindings around my wrists and ankles, holding me to the hard bed beneath me.

This place wasn't built with comfort in mind, I randomly thought, almost making me laugh had it not hurt to do so.

I grimaced as I looked around, suddenly realizing that the world didn't have a purple tint to it, as it normally did. I looked to my left to see my helmet sitting on a table next to me.

Ah, that's why.

I sighed, trying to remember what had happened. I had finished my base and had just gotten back to it from the Team S.T.A.R.  base. I suddenly remembered the flash of red out of the corner of my eye just before I got knocked out.

Oh no... I feared, looking toward my right.

Just as I expected, my red clad doppelganger(or twin idk) stood in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. I couldn't see his face but I expected his face was in a smirk.

"EX," I gasped, barely managing to say anything because of the pain.

His shoulders shook slightly as if he was silently laughing.

"Oh, Xisuma, what trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?" he asked in a mocking tone.

I sighed then regretted it because a new flash of pain struck my body.

"What do you want? I thought you had decided that being evil wasn't fun anymore," I managed to say, the pain slowly subsiding.

EX laughed a bit. "Someone helped me to realize the mistake I had made. I decided that instead of griefing the HermitCraft server, I should just watch what chaos ensues when its dear admin isn't there to stop all the terrible glitches that'll occur," he said, his voice changing to one of blatantly fake worry as he mentioned me.

I narrowed my eyes. "What do you plan on doing with me afterward?" I asked, my voice becoming more clear as the pain strangely continued to disappear.

EX threw his head back and laughed one of his evil laughs. "Well, I need eyes and ears inside the server, now don't I?" he said, definitely a grin on his hidden face.

Eyes widening, I realized what he meant.

"You wouldn't... We're friends!" I exclaimed, beginning to get desperate. Since my helmet was off, EX was probably getting a kick out of my pain-stricken, terrified expressions. Not many people had seen my face, certainly not any of the Hermits. I realized that EX was probably the first person to see my face since I moved away from my family home.

EX broke through my thoughts as he unfolded his arms and walked over to me. "You know, you are extremely gullible," he said, the insult sinking into me a bit more than it normally would've.

I raised an eyebrow, anger rising inside of me for the first time in a while. "Why's that?" I asked, my voice deepening a bit with the anger.

EX let out a quiet chuckle. "You believed I was actually good," he said, walking around my bed, his gaze trained on me. "That was one of your many mistakes."

I narrowed my eyes again. "Your mistake is assuming the Hermits won't get suspicious of me disappearing," I challenged, attempting to raise my torso up off the bed a bit but failing.

EX froze, his hidden smile fading. I smirked a bit, knowing I had hit the jackpot. 

"You can't do anything about that, can you?" I said, the smirk growing into a sly grin. "No matter how hard you try, you can't convince the Hermits that I'm going to be away by choice," I continued. EX growled and turned away.

Silence fell over the two of us, neither knowing what to say.

"What happened to you?" I finally called, the smile on my face faded and replaced with a look of concern.

EX tensed up, his shoulders raising a bit. He lifted his hands and placed them firmly on either side of his helmet. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening. With a few hisses of machinery, he pulled the gray helmet off, revealing a near-shock(it's a thing, search it up in the dictionary XP) of white hair. He remained with his back to me for a few moments with his helmet held in front of his chest, as if he was about to change his mind.

Then, he suddenly turned and dashed toward me. I gasped as his hand clamped around my throat, my eyes looking up at his face. His hair was long and unkempt as if he hadn't taken care of it in years. He probably couldn't, now that I think about it, I realized. The area around his eyes was blackened a bit as if something happened in the past that I wasn't aware of. His black and red eyes were trained on me, his expression one of a want to murder.

I narrowed my eyes a bit as I looked at his eyes. I suddenly realized how cool they looked, having black scleras(if you don't know, search that up too) and red irises with no pupils. However, the most startling feature on his face was not his eyes or his white hair. It was the large x-shaped scar that crossed over the bridge of his nose, almost identical to mine. Mine, however, was smaller and not quite as noticeable.

I remained silent, figuring that I shouldn't anger the man who was about to kill me.

Then, he let go, backing away with a growl. His other hand that hadn't been clamped around my throat clenched onto his helmet tightly as he turned away.

I gasped for air as he let go, a bit surprised at his choice. "Not going to kill me?" I said in a slightly taunting tone.

He growled again, snapping his glowing red gaze back onto me. "I don't have a choice," he growled, a scowl evident on his face.

I suddenly realized that his voice was not quite as deep as it had been with his helmet on, as if the helmet had an effect on it. I realized in shock that his voice was only a bit deeper than my own.

"Why not?" I asked, all of the mock absent from my voice and replaced with concern again.

EX looked away with a slightly frustrated sigh. He placed his free hand on his forehead, brushing his white bangs back a bit so they stuck out even more. He wandered off to my right to a chair I hadn't noticed before and sat down.

I watched him, concern evident on my unmasked face.

He dropped both of his arms so that his elbows were resting on his thighs and his forearms were dangling in between his legs. His left hand was still clamped onto his helmet and I could see him turning it to examine it. The glass of his visor did most of the blackening of his face because the tint was black, similar to my purple tint but a different color.

Then, he started to talk.

(A/N hehehehe cliff hanger! I figured that with 1184 words or so I'd better stop with this chapter... However, I'm about to write the next chapter as I'm writing this and will probably be there when I publish this XP)

(Also it's 5:47 AM for me)

(it's great)

(Edit: I'm publishing this a few days after writing it. It's 8:47 PM for me now)

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