Chapter 6 - Observer

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POV: Xisuma

Location: Grian's base

Scar froze as Grian revealed his secret.

Mumbo's mouth gaped open for a second before he asked, "What's a Watcher?"

Grian looked at Mumbo, his eyes slightly glowing a dark purple. I noticed that Scar was glancing between me and Grian, a look of shock on his face.

I turned to look at Mumbo then looked at Scar, who had moved to stand behind his chair with his hands placed on the back of it.

Surprisingly, the terraformer spoke.

"The Watchers are a large group of magic wielders who are the sworn enemies of the admins." Scar placed his surprisingly piercing gaze on Mumbo. "They are bent on total world domination and control."

His gaze snapped to look at Grian with a look of hate in his eyes. The builder shrunk slightly under Scar's glare but didn't say anything.

"They helped to destroy everything I ever cared about," he said, his words becoming a snarl.

Grian looked away, saying nothing. I looked at Scar.

"It wasn't Grian's fault," I said, trying to calm him down.

Scar's glare snapped to me, making me squirm slightly in fright.

He stopped leaning on the chair, his hands dropping to his sides.

"Be glad I didn't know this earlier, Grian," he said, addressing the uncomfortable looking hermit now. "If I did, I'd probably be working with Team S.T.A.R. rather than being a neutral party."

Grian looked crestfallen at the lost friendship and shrunk further into his chair.

The sight of Grian, the optimistic hermit, looking frightened brought Scar out of his bout of rage.

He took a step back, the anger and hate fading from his eyes as he looked at the frightened hermits in the room.

"I-I'm sorry," he stuttered, realizing his mistake. He turned his gaze to Grian. "I'm sorry, I know it's not your fault... I-I just have... bad memories of the Watchers," he explained before dropping his gaze for a moment. However, he looked back in time to see Grian nodding a bit and sitting more on the edge of the chair.

I turned to look at Mumbo after looking at Scar then noticed how confused he looked. Then, I looked at Grian.

I choked, knowing something was wrong. I leaned over, the massive headache returning. My breathing fell short, I thought I was going to suffocate.

Mumbo and Scar rushed toward me to help, but both noticed the same thing. My scar was glowing brighter than it had before and had grown but continued to glow after it stopped lengthening.

Grian's eyes widened as he stood, knowing what was going on. "Mumbo, Scar, stand back," he warned. "Now!" he exclaimed, pushing the air with a hand. A small wall of purple magic pushed Mumbo and Scar away from me, however, I was too busy suffocating to notice very well.

My attempts for air slowed as I was pushed out of my own mind. I looked up at Grian, a sly grin growing on my face. The hermit looked at me, fright and determination in his eyes. It was an odd mixture but it was understandable. Mumbo and Scar thought I died or something but they changed their minds when I stood from the chair.

A glint of green shone in my eyes as I glared at the Watcher across from me.

"Xisuma," Grian said, trying to reach me. However, the person controlling me didn't allow it.

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