Chapter 9 - Control

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(T/W warning for a mention of blood)

POV: Xisuma

Location: future site of ceasefire flag on the HermitCraft server

"Xisuma!" Grian exclaimed. However, his voice sounded distant and odd, as if I were hearing it through some odd device.

"Get away from him!" He yelled, his voice a bit quieter as he turned away from me, shoving a hand at the other hermits.

Most of the hermits did as they were told but a few stayed to help.

As my eyes fluttered, I noticed Mumbo, Scar, Doc, and False staying. I knew the former two were there with the intention of helping me while the latter two were there in case I was going to fight someone. And of course, Grian was there. He was best suited for a fight with me.

Grian knelt down beside me, placing his hands on either side of my helmet. "Sorry, Xisuma," he said through gritted teeth.

He pulled firmly on the helmet and with a few hisses, it came off. He set it beside me on the ground and examined my face.

My head swam, unable to properly compute what was going on around me.

I was unaware of the green glow surrounding my scar and casting a green haze over the world.

"Xisuma, you need to hold on. Fight for control. Fight!" Grian's voice came strangely loud and clear.

I took a shaky breath, my vision clearing a bit as I fought for the control of my body.

Just as my vision completely cleared, a figure in the sky came into view. It was Ren.

I yelped and tried to sit up, my hand painfully bumping against my discarded helmet.

As if in a dream, I looked at the other hermits surrounding us, each of them wearing a look of surprise on their faces.

My gaze fell upon my helmet and I suddenly realized what it was that I noticed earlier. A small green jewel was set into the forehead of the helmet, almost unnoticeable. I reached over and picked up my helmet, gazing down at it in shock.

Running a finger over it, I realized what EX and the Controller had done. They didn't necessarily need to take over the world with brute force. The Controller just had to choose just the right person to bring down the entire server.

I looked up at Ren, who was now circling overhead, then back down at my helmet.

The Controller placed the jewel there so that when I put the helmet on, his control over me would increase. Before, it just happened because my helmet had been on while I was asleep.

I looked up at Grian, surprised to see him already looking at me. "Are you able to get this out?" I asked, showing him the green jewel in my helmet.

Hesitantly, he took the helmet and examined it.

"I think so," he said, sounding unsure of himself.

I hung my head a bit, glancing at the other hermits out of the corner of my eye.

"I'm just so used to going around with nobody seeing my face. I don't like the idea of everyone seeing it just because of a dumb jewel," I explained, running a hand through my brown hair.

Grian nodded in understanding. "I'll try," he promised before looking back up at Ren.

A hand appeared in front of me. I followed the arm to see Mumbo looking down at me with a reassuring smile on his face.

I grabbed his hand and he helped me up for the second time that day.

Once standing, I let go of his hand and clenched my hand into a fist as I looked up at Ren.

Taking a breath, I yelled, "Ren! This isn't you!"

Suddenly, the controlled hermit swooped down and landed in front of us. I gasped in surprise as his hand found its way to clamp onto my neck.

This is getting ridiculous, I thought with a grimace.

However, this time, I had friends with me.

False ran over and swung a sword at Ren.

The controlled hermit raised his free hand and a green wall pushed her away, the attack never landing.

"Ren!" Scar yelled, fear in his eyes.

The hermit in question turned his head to stare at Scar, a sly grin on his face.

The distraction was enough. Doc ran up behind Ren and rammed the hilt of his sword into his head, muttering through gritted teeth, "Sorry, Ren."

His grip around my neck loosened as he collapsed to the ground, supposedly unconscious. I gasped for air, taking a step away from the hermit with my gaze trained on him.

Grian gritted his teeth and held his trident out, my helmet still in his non-dominant hand.

I knew that he wouldn't be completely unconscious and my theory was proven correct when he suddenly stood and grabbed Doc by the throat.

The creeper hybrid gasped for air, surprise in his wide eyes.

Guilt filling his eyes, he swung his sword and sliced across Ren's arm, causing him to drop the hermit.

Ren yelled in pain as he gripped his bleeding arm, his voice a bit crueler and deeper than normal.

False ran to help Doc up, and the normally independent hermit accepted the help that she offered, carefully standing with his sword in hand. Blood dripped from its blade onto the grass beneath us.

Ren scowled at us, eyebrows furrowed in anger.

He suddenly turned, his gaze snapping to Mumbo.

The startled hermit had no time to react before Ren launched himself at him, his hand gripping the Redstoner's throat.

Mumbo gasped for air and we all tried to run to help him. However, Ren raised his free hand and a green shield pushed us back.

"Mumbo!" Grian yelled, his eyes wide with terror as he watched Ren take his best friend.

Mumbo's wide naturally green eyes calmed after a few moments, his attempts to struggle faltering and stopping.

Ren's grin stretched across his face, knowing his choice was perfect.

A neon green glow surrounded Mumbo's eyes, replacing the friend everyone held dearly.

"MUMBO!!" Grian exclaimed, his eyes turning purple in his terror.

Then, Ren let go.

The mustached man crumpled to the ground and remained there for a few moments, his blank green stare remaining on something unseen.

"Mumbo!" I exclaimed, my own eyes wide with worry.

I turned to look at Grian and took a step back in fear.

(1012 or so words)


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