Chapter 8 - The Meeting

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POV: Xisuma

Location: ConCorp's meeting room(I have no idea if they have one lol just pretend they do if they actually don't)

I looked up as Doc flew into the room, a worried look on his face. "I can't find him," he announced before realizing how many hermits were in the room.

His dual-colored eyes moved around, causing some of the hermits he looked at to look away and feel uncomfortable.

I stood from the chair that Scar had given me. It was at the end of the meeting table and was one of the biggest.

"Why would he suddenly disappear?" I wondered aloud, concern shining in my eyes.

Doc shrugged. "I don't know," he replied. "We need to find him." Worry shone in everyone's eyes, including Doc's.

I nodded. "Does anyone know of any secret places that he could be hiding in?" I asked, my gaze flitting around at the hermits' faces.

Welsknight glanced at Doc then back at me.

"Team S.T.A.R.'s base is enough of a maze for Ren to be able to hide there," he said.

Doc narrowed his eyes but nodded. "Fine, but only Team S.T.A.R. is looking in there," he demanded.

Grian laughed a bit. "I don't think G Team could even find our way out after looking. We didn't build the place," he joked, lightening the mood a bit. Even Doc let out a small smirk at his joke, and he was against Grian in the Civil War.

"Okay, plan of attack. Team S.T.A.R. members look in their base while G Team looks in theirs. Who knows, maybe Ren is there for some reason," I continued.

"What about ConCorp and those not taking part in the Civil War?" Scar asked from where he sat with Cubfan.

"You guys can look in all of the big builds like this place," I answered, looking around at the meeting room.

Both Scar and Cub nodded, understanding their job.

"I guess we'd better go find him," I said, looking around at the other hermits. They all nodded and stood from their seats.

In a parade of spreading wings and rocket noises and particles, the hermits flew out the windows and to the place they had to search.

Grian stayed behind for a moment to speak to me.

"Xisuma, this is one time I wish we were on the same team in the Civil War. Because..." he trailed off for a few moments, leaving me a bit confused.

He took a breath and finished, "We don't know if the possession is going to come back and at this point... I'm the only one who can stop you from destroying the server."

I winced at his choice of words but knew he was right. "Yeah," I agreed.

"Well, if you feel like you're going to get possessed again, either fly over to G Team base or yell at everyone to get away and get me," he said with a smile.

I smiled a bit, the corners of my eyes lifting to show that I was smiling. "Okay. Stay safe," I said.

He smiled a bit more and nodded. "You too," he said before taking to the skies, leaving me alone in the ConCorp meeting room.

With a sigh, I spread my own wings and flew to Team S.T.A.R. base.

Soon, I was wandering the tunnels beneath the base, my eyes trained on all of the possible hiding spots.

I froze as footsteps sounded behind me but when I turned, I saw False coming up to me.

I let out an audible sigh of relief which made False curious.

"Did you think I was something coming to kill you?" she asked, a smirk on her face.

I laughed a bit. "I got worried about it, yes. Have you found anything?"

Her smirk faded. "No, I haven't. I don't know why Ren would just disappear. It says he is online and active but I just can't find him," she replied, looking away for a moment.

I sighed. "I can't find him either," I replied, looking crestfallen.

False sighed then seemed to remember something. "What happened with you and Grian earlier...?" she asked, sounding wary as she looked at me.

I tensed up slightly then let out a sigh. "The person from before possessed me and then attacked the others. Grian was only stopping me from destroying the server," I explained, not mentioning where he got the magic from.

False nodded slowly. "I see," she said, the look on her face showing that she suspected I wasn't telling the whole truth. However, she didn't push me to tell the secret.

I glanced away. "We'd better keep looking," I said before turning and walking the way I was going before.

"Yeah," False said before following me.

Soon enough, the searching was over but Ren still hadn't been found. Everyone met in the fields in between the two bases, hostile and neutral parties alike.

I let out a sigh as Grian shook his head, showing that they hadn't found him either.

"Nothing?" I asked, looking at the ConCorp duo. They shook their heads.

Nobody had seen Rendog.

"Right. I guess the next plan of action is spamming him," I said, grimacing at the thought of it. I knew he wouldn't like being spammed by every hermit on the server but I couldn't think of another way to find him.

Everyone took out their communicators and began to spam him, filling his chat with messages all asking where he was.

"Ren? Where are you? Why won't you respond to us?" I sent in a private message.

To my shock, he responded.

"Xisuma Void, you're next."

My eyes widened in shock as I read it.

My ability to breathe decreased dramatically as I looked around in shock. "Grian!" I exclaimed, trying to get through the crowd of people to him.

He looked up, noticing my wide eyes under my helmet.

I showed him the message and his heart nearly stopped.

"He's been taken." Grian's words were heard by several other hermits and they turned to look at him in confusion.

"What do you mean he's been taken?" TFC demanded.

Grian and I looked up at the elder hermit, expressions of shock apparent on our faces.

Suddenly, a greenish glow surrounded my free hand and it moved to type something into the communicator on my wrist. Eyes wide, I watched as I was unable to control my hand.

"Rendog is mine. Xisuma Void is next," is what I sent to the public chat.

Everyone's communicator beeped at once and they opened it to read it.

Eyes widened, every hermit on the server turned to look at me as I collapsed to the ground,  a green glow engulfing my scar and eyes.

(1051 words)

(cliffhanger! :D)

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