Chapter 3 - Forgotten

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POV: Xisuma

Location: HermitCraft server

I gasped as I awoke, a massive headache racking my brain. I sat straight up and looked around, seemingly surprised that I wasn't bound to the bed. Then, I paused. Why would I be bound to the bed? I grimaced and raised a hand to my temple, suddenly surprised to find my helmet there. Wasn't that taken off? I wondered before realizing that there was no reason for it to have been taken off.

I grunted in pain as I took off my helmet and nearly threw it down onto my bedside table. I turned toward the wall, my hands pressed firmly on my temples as I tried to get rid of the strange headache.

The light in my room shone as bright as ever, causing my headache to advance into a migraine. Where is this coming from?! I wondered in confusion and agony.

Then, I heard someone behind me. I spun around, pushing myself closer to the wall as if I was expecting something that was trying to kill me. Instead, I was surprised to see a shocked but confused looking man with a cowboy hat on, scars covering his face.

"Xisuma?" Scar asked, looking surprised at something

My eyes flashed to my helmet, which was on the bedside table. Oops, I thought before grimacing in pain and raising a hand to my forehead.

Scar shook his head slightly as if brought of a trance by my reaction to my migraine.

I squinted my eyes at him as he ran over to me where I sat on my bed. "Are you okay?" he asked, worry taking over the curiosity in his eyes.

I shook my head a bit. "Massive migraine," I managed to say.

"Also... A lapse in memory, I believe," I said before realizing I probably shouldn't have revealed that.

Scar's eyes widened as he kneeled down beside my bed. "What happened?" he asked, his curiosity coming back.

I sighed, lowering my hand. I wasn't sure why, but I trusted the ConVex businessman enough to reveal to him what had happened to me. "I don't know. I woke up with a massive headache. First, I was surprised that I wasn't... Bound to the bed," I began, aware of how bad that sounded.

Scar's wide eyes managed to widen even more. "Bound to the bed?" he echoed. I nodded.

"Yeah. Next, when I went to touch my head with a hand, I was surprised that my helmet was on. Which I then took off right before you came in," I continued, my gaze trailing back to my gray and purple helmet. Something on it caught my eye but I couldn't tell what it was. I narrowed my eyes then looked back at Scar as he replied.

"Must've been a pretty big headache if it got you to take off your famous helmet," he said, a small version of his signature smirk on his face.

I laughed a bit and ran a hand through my brown hair. "Yeah," I replied, looking away.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed him looking at something on my face with his smile gone, his brows furrowed in confusion.

I turned my head to face him fully. "What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Scar shook his head a bit, realizing he had been staring. "I didn't know you had scars too," He finally replied.

I slightly smiled sadly. "Yeah," I replied, looking away again.

Scar's expression of curiosity and confusion turned to one of shock as his gaze remained on the scar over the bridge of my nose.

"What?" I asked, turning my head to look at him again.

His mouth gaped open for a second as he tried to compute what had just happened. "Your scar just glowed green and grew..." he said, meeting my gaze.

My own mouth gaped open. "What...?" I said, pushing Scar away a bit and hurrying over to the mirror.

Touching my scar, I could tell that it was definitely bigger. Scar came up behind me, slightly towering over me. (I imagine Scar being a bit taller than Xisuma)

I clenched my hand into a fist and gritted my teeth as another bout of the migraine came on. "Xisuma?" Scar's gentle, concerned voice said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I breathed heavily for a few moments as the pain subsided. "I'm okay," I breathed.

The sound of rockets drew our attention to the door. I suddenly became aware of my helmet being off and was in the process of going over to it when another massive bout of pain came on, forcing me to collapse to the ground.

Scar looked at me then up at the confused looking mustached man in a suit standing in the doorway.

"What happened here?" Mumbo Jumbo said, sounding bewildered and unsure.

(762 or so words)

(A/N I'm splitting this up because I feel like it c;)

(7:03 AM)


(this is how I write when I'm dead tired)

(also I'm slightly getting a headache and having issues with seeing but I'm nowhere near as bad as I'm writing Xisuma's migraine to be)

(Publishing this at 9:00 PM :) )

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