Chapter 5 - Exposure

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POV: Xisuma

Location: HermitCraft season 6 server

Mumbo, Scar, and I flew toward the Shopping District in search of someone who could help. Our rockets drew the attention of a few hermits that waved but none came up to say hi.

Our attention was drawn to a blonde-haired hermit wearing a red sweater as he was walking through the District.

I glanced at Mumbo and Scar and they both nodded.

Being careful not to gain too much momentum, we circled down until we were able to land in front of Grian.

He looked surprised to see the three of them but recovered quickly, brushing his sweater down with both hands.

"What can I do for you?" he asked, crossing his arms as he looked from the ConCorp member to the members of Team S.T.A.R.

Immediately, as if there were some sort of god at play, (wink wink) I grimaced and pressed my hand to my forehead as my headache returned. Grian noticed Scar and Mumbo's worried faces and knew something was wrong.

Dropping his formal act, he walked closer, his eyebrows furrowed. "What's wrong?" he asked, worry squirming inside of him.

I gasped for air for a few seconds while Mumbo and Scar stopped me from falling before I was able to stand on my own.

"Can we go somewhere private?" I asked, short of breath.

Grian nodded. "Let's go to my base," he suggested.

We spread our wings and soared over to the large futuristic build that was very close to the Shopping District.

Soon, we were inside one of the rings sitting on chairs.

Grian looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed and concern in his eyes. "What happened just now?" he asked.

I sighed, feeling a bit uncomfortable with telling so many people about my problems.

"My headache bothered me again," I began.

Grian nodded. "Go on," he said, placing his elbow on the armrest and resting his head on his hand.

I noticed Scar looking at Grian with a smile on his face as if he were about to laugh.

Grian raised an eyebrow. "What?" he asked, a smile creeping onto his face as if Scar's smile was contagious.

Scar shook his head, the smile still on his face. "Sorry, you just looked like Sherlock Holmes for a second," he replied, holding in laughter. "Continue," he hid his mouth with his hand, however, he still looked like he was about to laugh.

Mumbo chuckled a bit at the random comment and Grian did too.

I smiled a bit at the connection, however, nobody saw it.

Grian took a breath, attempting to calm down. "Continue," he calmly urged me.

I nodded and took a breath only to be interrupted by a small bit of pain. Mumbo reached over to me to help but I held up a hand. "Not as bad this time," I said, letting him know I was fine.

Once the pain disappeared, I took a breath and began to explain. "I woke up this morning with a massive headache which has turned into a migraine. I sat up and was surprised that I wasn't bound to the bed. I touched my forehead and was surprised to see that my helmet was on. And... There was something else that I didn't mention to either of you," I said, looking at Mumbo and Scar apologetically.

I looked back at Grian, who was waiting with masked curiosity on his face.

"When I heard Scar come in behind me, I expected him to be something trying to kill me," I revealed. Scar and Mumbo's eyes widened. Grian's eyebrows raised.

"Is that everything?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Also, once I realized it was Scar, he pointed out that a scar on my face glowed green and extended," I finished.

Grian nodded slowly. "Wait, he could see it with your helmet on?" he asked, trying to figure out what I meant.

I attempted to swallow the lump in my throat. "My helmet wasn't on," I managed to say.

Grian's head tilted back a bit as intrigue entered his expression. "I see," he replied.

I glanced at Scar and Mumbo, who smiled and nodded at me encouragingly.

Facing Grian, I let out a breath before firmly placing my hands on my helmet.

Grian, realizing what was happening, lowered his hand and leaned forward slightly in curiosity.

I pulled my helmet off, a few hisses of machinery occurring as it came off. I lowered the helmet and set it down, brushing a bit of my brown hair out of my eyes as Grian looked at me in surprise.

Grian's mouth gaped open for a moment before he spoke, "I could see part of that scar when your helmet was on. I wondered what that was."

I took a quick breath. "It's that visible now?" I said, grimacing. Grian grimaced as well and nodded.

Just on time, another massive headache struck my head, causing me to lean forward in my seat and knock my helmet onto the ground. All of the three other hermits in the room immediately moved to help but Scar got to me first.

I felt his gentle hand on my shoulder as I pressed my hands against my temples. I glanced up at him and saw a reassuring smile on his face. I attempted to smile back but I was sure it turned into a pained grimace too fast for him to see it.

Grian got up and walked over, crouching down to see my face. Mumbo came over as well so my face was visible.

The pain subsided and moments later, a green glow surrounded my x-shaped scar and it grew again. By now, it was nearly twice as big as EX's.

"Are you going to tell anyone?" Grian asked, concern shining through his eyes as he looked at me.

I sighed. "That's why I came to you," I said. His eyes widened.

"What could I do about this?" he asked, mostly bewilderment showing in his eyes.

I gave him a deadpan look and raised an eyebrow a bit as he sank down into his chair.

He let out a sigh. "This is a stupid way for this to happen, you know that, right?" Grian said, his gaze beginning to pierce through me a bit.

I leaned back in my chair, ignoring the fact that my helmet was now on the floor, and met his gaze. "I need your help, Grian, and I'm sorry I had to reveal your secret to Mumbo and Scar too," I apologized.

Mumbo let out a small "What?" while Scar sat further forward in his seat that he had just returned to.

"Secret?" Scar asked, his gaze trailing from me to Grian.

Grian groaned and placed his head in his hands.

A few moments passed before he raised his head to look at me, his hands dropping.

"When did you find out?" he asked.

I smiled sadly. "I've always known. I'm an admin, it's my job to notice if someone has magic. I've just never needed to act on that knowledge," I replied.

Grian nodded slowly while Mumbo exclaimed, "Magic?!"

Scar didn't say anything and just looked at Grian bewilderedly.

Grian sighed. "I'm a Watcher,"  he managed to say.

(1139 or so words)

(A/N I thought having Grian be a Watcher in this AU too would be fun :D)

(It is now 8:17 AM)

(Edit: Yeeeeeeee I'm rereading these chapters before publishing them and I'm happy :D)

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