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My skin as my sword and my brain as my shield,I navigate this world that despises a free black mind.

I've had to realize that in order to survive, I have to improvise my thoughts, my words, and ideas to go along with what they believe but that made me a tool, and a fool for them to use.

I fought who I am for what?

Temporary recognition in the eyes of my oppressors?

To please a system that destroyed my ancestors?

To go along with a country that displaces entire ethnics races? Taking us to places we've never seen against our will leaving little traces to who we once were?

No more will I oppress what is me for the sake of fitting in with a crowd that's not me.

To inherit my blackness is to inherit me, and to use my mind is to enforce what is me, and what I know to be true.

My black is beautiful.

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