Chapter 3

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"There she is. My beautiful daughter" I heard my father say as I walked into the dinning hall, wearing that gold and white dress. He stood up from my seat and walked over to me, giving me a light kiss on each cheek. "We were just talking about you" He said, guiding me to my seat at the table. I was between Thomas and Julian, and across from Gabriel.

"And what were you speaking about?" I questioned wary. I wasn't suprised that they were talking about me, but after my little run in with Gabriel, I wouldn't be shocked if he brung up our little talk.

"Just about you being Queen one day and your future husband" Mother spoke with a smile. She was enjoying this. I could tell. Mother was always a coldhearted beast. She was all about her way, not anyone else's. So, to no one's surprise, my mother and I would constantly clang heads. She wasn't happy to have such an opinionated daughter, who would constantly bother her with her own choices in life. Over the last few years of my life, she and I would have these brutal arguments about my future marriage. Mother wanted me to marry a well accomplished and powerful Prince, while I wanted to marry for love, whether the man was rich or poor, all I wanted was love. So, me doing what mother wanted, was the most enjoyable sight to her.

I lost. She won.

"Gabriel tells me that you four will be going on a horse ride tomorrow morning. That should be fun" Mother speaks with happiness. "Yes it will be lots of fun" Gabriel give me a wink before returning back to the food that was in front of him.

"Mhm should be fun" Julian started. "So long as Gabriel doesn't try and kill us" He gritted his teeth while sending death glares to the blue eyed boy that sat across.

"What an earth do you mean?" My father asked, taking a sip of his wine. "Mind my English, King Nilson" Father nodded his head, telling Julian to carry on.

"This little pervert has been nothing but an aggressive rich bitch to your daughter" Julian said flatly. My eyes widened at Julian's sudden words. He immediately saw my expression and put his hand on my knee to comfort me. "I passed by Lady Y/n's room earlier today. And I was surprised to see that Gabriel was trying to move in on Y/n, when she was obviously uncomfortable. Gabriel here thinks he needs a head start on winning this girl's heart" Julian smirked as Gabriel threw his cutlery on the table. Everyone jumped at this sudden and loud gesture.

"Shut the hell up Princess Juliet!" Gabriel yelled while getting up from his chair. "I was just asking if she cared to go on a horse ride, I wasn't trying to sleep with her! If you had any sort of education, you would know that, that's for when we get married!" Julian's face hardened at the words slipped from Gabriel's mouth.

'When we get married'.

"To hell with you pervert! It was quite obvious that you wanted more sexual relations with Princess Y/n then to have her hand in marriage. Unlike you, I was a kind individual this morning that acted like a gentleman....obviously something your parents forgot to teach you!" Julian yelled.

"Oh like you were a gentleman" Another voice said. Small gasps filled the room, as Thomas slowly stood up and walked closer to Julian. "You acted like a complete shit bag" Thomas spoke.

My mother gasped at the word that slipped out of Thomas' mouth.

"Me? All you did was stand there like the little innocent Prince you are" Julian chuckled, walking to Thomas, making him slowly back up. "I was quite suprised to find out that you would of all people would be trying to woo Y/n" Julian and Thomas glanced at me.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Thomas tried to one up Julian, but Julian continued to tower over him. "It's just that-...well when King Nilson announced that it was time for his daughter to find a husband- he said he wanted a Prince who was strong and a good leader.... and your neither of those things. Your just Prince Thomas. The gentle, quiet boy, who couldn't protect anyone for his life.... not even his own-"

Julian came to a stop as Thomss brought up his fist and wacked it as Julian's face. A loud smack filled everyone's ears. Julian darkly chuckled as he touched his now bloody face.

"Oh- your gonna get it now Tho-" "Enough!!!!" Father yelled. His face was beating red and his chest was pulled out, trying to make him look more powerful.

"Sit the hell down now!!!" He yelled. Julian, Thomas and Gabriel, quickly ran to their seats, and waited for father to continue.

"I chose you three men because out of every damn Kingdom, I knew I would trust that you'd all keep my daughters heart in mind!" Father yelled. "I didn't choose you three so that you could pick a fight with each other! Your supposed to be gentlemen, not knights" He paused and looked at each Prince with a disappointed look.

"You have known each other for not even a day and your already acting like animals! So.... I suggest you stop this bickering over my daughter and man up... because I have no problem in banishing any of you from my Kingdom and bringing in another Prince... Understood?" No one said a word, they just looked at father in fear.

"Understood?!" He yelled, slamming his hand on the table, making everything shake. The three boys all shook their heads, agreeing with the King.

"Good. Now carry in eating" Father said as he picked up his cup of wine and started to drink from it.

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