Chapter 15

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Sorrow and guilt filled my heart as I looked down on the obviously hurt boy. My mind was debating back and forth, whether or not I should do something to benefit him. One side of me was telling me about the dangers of helping him. The slight, but very real possibility, of him attacking me and then holding me captive for ransom. Yet, the other side was telling me to save him from this worn down cottage. He was weak and looked like he hadn't eaten for days, the least I could do was give him some sort of strength to get his health in better shape.

The competition in my mind kept on going on, but soon disappeared as the boy slowly started to move. More groans escaped his lips the more he tried to move around. It was only then, did the old door make a loud creak, forcing the boy to glance into my direction. I winced slightly, preparing myself for the boy to catch me watching him. I closed my eyes, hoping I would just disappear from that moment, and be back at the castle all safe and sound. I stood still for a few moments, not daring to look in front of me, but that plan soon went to an end as the boy's voice filled my head.

"What do you want Gabriel?" The boy croaked, looking down at he ground. I screwed my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Um sorry, not Gabriel..." I trailed. I heard the boy let out a quiet sigh, before moving his head up to look at me. His eyes were a soft and tired looking. Hair was messy and completely out of place,  and his body was filled with dried up blood and mud. I walked a tad closer, moving away from the darkness and closer to the boy, searching to see if I could identify him. I stood only a few meters away, when a loud gasp feel from his mouth. His chest tightened and a half smile started to form on his rigid face, while looking me up and down.

"Y/n..." The boy replied with a smile. This gesture only made me even more confused. I took time to study his figure and voice. He looked and sounded oddly familiar...but I just couldn't pin point as to where I knew him from. "How do you know my name?" I stuttered. I grasped my hands together and started to rub them out of nervousness. The boy's facial expressions immediately changed at the sound of my words. Sorrow filled his eyes, gulping as he looked back down to the ground.

"You know who I am..." He whispered. I bent down, inching closer to him. He noticed this and turned to look me in the eyes. We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds until it hit me.

It was Thomas.

A loud gasp released from my lips, my eyes widened in size, making me get up from my somewhat standing position and back away slightly. Panic ruled my face as I started back towards the old, unstable door.

"No, please don't go!" Thomas spoke. He looked at with like he was begging...begging for me to help him. My mind debating once again, trying to come to a decision on what I was to do. Fight or flight? I thought about it for a few moments before Thomas sighed while trying to make his way towards me, by crawling in the stone cold ground.

Flight. That's my decision. I needed to leave.

I spun around on my heels and started once again to the doors.

"Please... help me" Thomas gulped. I looked back to him, seeing as there were tears building up in his brown soft eyes. I felt guilt start to show up in my heart, as I watched the boy with empathy.

"And why should I help you" I stumbled over my words, desperately searching for something to reply with. "You-you killer" I spat. A part of me hoped that this would make Thomas back down, but the other half knew that it wasn't possible.

"Look...I know what I did in my past was wrong. Not a single day goes by where I don't regret the horrible decisions I made. My brother didn't deserve it, my family didn't deserve kingdom didn't deserve it...but please. All I'm asking you is to help me, I'll do anything...please" He begged. His face scrunched up as he tried to stop the tears from streaming down his face.

"I-... I wasn't talking about Sam...I was talking about Gabriel" I breathed. "You killed Gabriel... yes, he might have been a man whore and bad person, but you killed made that decision on your own Thomas... so give me a reason as to why I should help you" I spoke bitterly. Thomas didn't respond. He only looked down and bit his lip. "That's what I thought" I muttered, turning away again.

"Gabriel's alive" He said just as I was about to leave the cell like room. This made me halt my movements. "Stop making up lies" I replied with aggression. I stood still in front of the door, not daring to turn around and look at Thomas, because knowing me... I'd give in at the sight of his fragile state.

"You think I'd make up a lie like that?" Thomas started. "Right after you and Julian left, I was knocked out... woke up a few days later in this very cell. It was only then did Gabriel waltz right into here with that sickly smirk on his face...I was baffled. I thought I killed him...but I didn't. Gabriel was very much alive. He told me all kinds of things that day. Told me how he was inevitable and his plans..." Thomas paused. "What plans?" I questioned with a stern voice, still avoiding to have to look at Thomas.

"He's coming for you Y/n. He's coming for your Kingdom, your family...your throne. He wants every ounce of power you have for himself. That was the only reason why he came here. Not to marry you, but to become King and take down near by Kingdoms once and for all.... he wants Aarland" Thomas finished.  I stood still, not wanting to make any sudden movements. Silence overcame the cell, giving my brain the chance to comprehend what Thomas had just informed me of.

"That's not possible" I gritted my teeth. "I saw him- Gabriel. I saw Gabriel dead on the ground-" "Did you though?" Thomas interrupted, urging me to replay that horrific day... the day when all things went right down hill. My brain searched through its walls, looking for the last memory I had of that scene. Once the memory was found, my brain scanned the things that were around me...trees, birds, clouds...Julian...Thomas with a bloodied sword, and Gabriel who was...still breathing

He wasn't dead.

He was still alive when I left with Julian.

"It's not possible Thomas... there's no way in hell that Gabriel could take over my Kingdom. Aarland is much to powerful for one person" I spat. Anger and rage started to build up in my body, making me turn around to face Thomas. Thomas glanced at me in the eyes before scoffing and shaking his head.

"Who said Gabriel was alone?" He chuckled, continuing to shake his head out of disbelief. He was acting as if I was the most idiotic and clueless person to ever walk these lands.

"I don't know why you find that funny?" I crossed my arms, attempting to make myself look tougher. Thomas saw this, and quickly whiffed his laughter away, but the smirk was still very much present.

"Open your eyes Princess... there's so much going around you, and your completely oblivious to it all. How about you do yourself a favor and start opening your mind to the possibility that no everyone you trust, is always telling the truth-" Thomas paused and licked his lips.

"Starting with your fiance"

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