Chapter 11

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"Julian..." I muttered. The taste of metallic filled my teeth as some blood stared to release in my mouth. Julian moved beside Gabriel, looking down at me with a hard glare. Absolutely no emotions present. "Oh so you do remember my brother! With that brain of yours, I could only assume past events would be all the way down in la la land" Gabriel chuckled, bumping shoulders with Julian, who let out a forced laugh at his brothers joke.

"H-How is-is -this possible?" I stuttered, grabbing the attention back to me. Julian and I made eye contact for a mer second before opening his mouth to speak, only to be later stopped by Gabriel.

"It's quite simple really" Gabriel spoke. "After Julian was born, my parents came into contact with some distant relatives in Ashton. They are King and Queen in fact" He pointed out. "They spoke to my parents of the news that they could not bare children... and without children, there would be no heir to the throne. Of course there was the option of getting a mistress, but they were too 'in love' for that, which I think is a bullshit excuse" I rolled my eyes at Gabriel's last comment. It shouldn't have really though... it's not like Gabriel knows the meaning of love nor happiness anyways. "My parents were quite upset over this news, however... they used this to their advantage" Gabriel paused and licked his lips. "It's known that the oldest of a family would become the next ruler, and since I would become King of Maxwell, Julian would have no power. And that's simply not enough for my family... so after much conversing with the King and Queen in Ashton, my parents came to the conclusion that they would send Julian to live with our relatives, making him off as their own son, there for placing Julian as future King... it was a win win situation, and for most of the time, it was fine. No one dared speak of the deal and we all moved on with our lives..." Gabriel trailed. "But that changed when I devised this little plan... I knew taking over Aarland and Holland was a risky move, I was determined though. I was foolish to think I could do it alone... that's when I came into contact with Julian here, and convinced him to join me on this mission" Gabriel walked over to the door, grabbed the knife that was still logged in, and yanked it out, finding it's place back into his hands. Gabriel looked up to me, smirking as he played with the knife.

"So this was all-" "A set up?... yes every bit of it" Gabriel interrupted. He looked between Julian and I for a few moments before opening up the door. "Well I better be off" Gabriel spoke blankly. "I'll see you tonight, right?" Julian's face bunched up into confusion at Gabriel's words. "What do you mean?" Julian questioned. "Well I thought I'd pay you and the Princess a little visit, like last night" "You said you wouldn't keep doing that Gabriel" Julian gritted his teeth. "She saw you, and you freaked her out" Gabriel only laughed at Julian's response.

"Oh look who's protecting the Princess... does little Julian have some feelings towards his fiance?" Gabriel taunted his brother. You could tell Gabriel was expecting Julian to joke along, only he didn't. It took Gabriel a few moments to really understand as to why Julian didn't respond. Once he did, his smile immediately fell.

"Your joking right?" Gabriel gritted his teeth, coming closer to Julian. "Your actually enjoying her right by your side?! Jesus Julian! What did I tell you in the beginning?! I told you not to become invested the girl!" Gabriel yelled, walking closer to Julian, making Julian back away.

"I don't feel anything for her... and why do you care?" Julian whispered, looking down at the floor. "I care because your getting attached to my future wife" Gabriel yelled. Julian's eyes immediately popped up from the ground as he looked at Gabriel with anger and rage.

"Your future wife?! That's not what we agreed to! You told me you'd find a new one and leave Y/n alone once you got what you wanted!" Julian tried to hide the hurt in his voice, but he was unsuccessful.

"Ya well I changed my mind" Gabriel smirked before pushing his younger brother to the hard stoned wall before walking out of the cell, leaving Julian and I alone. I watched as Julian clenched his jaw while looking over to the place where Gabriel once was before. I opened my mouth to try and speak, but stopped when Julian moved away from the wall and walked out of the room, closing the wooden doors behind him, and leaving me all alone.


"Julian!" Was the first thing I heard when I walked through those castle doors. I looked to my left, seeing Y/n make her way over to me with a huge smile on her face. Her hair was bouncing up and down as she walked over, her hands lift his dress slightly. I felt butterflies fill my stomach the closer she got to me.

"Where have you been? I've looked all over for you" Y/n smiled, kissing my cheek. I felt a sharp heat fill my face at this action.

"I just went on a horse, that's all" I smiled forcefully down on the stunning girl that stood before me. "Oh ok then. I was just going to ask if you wanted to spend some time together... fathers said we didn't have anything to do today, so I thought we could use this as a chance to get to know one another a bit more" She confessed. My smile only grew more as the thought of having some alone time with Y/n made me that much happier after the events of this morning.

"Shall we?" She asked me. I nodded my head, grabbing her soft hands softly and bringing them to my lips.


We sat on the fresh, green grass, talking to each other as the sun beamed down on us. It was dead silent, the only occasional sound being the trees moving from the wind. I smiled wildly, listening to Y/n speak about a humorous conversation she and Able had that morning. The butterflies in my stomach, grew more intense the more she laughed while telling the story. I felt my gaze slowly move from her eyes, down to her lips. Her voice started to disappear in my mind as the memories from the night before filled my thoughts. The way her lips felt on mine gave me happiness like nothing else before. These thoughts of lust clouded my head, making me think irrationally. It was then I cut Y/n off by smashing my lips on to hers. She was shocked at first, but soon enough started to kiss me back. I smiled into the kiss, lightly pushing Y/n's back onto the grass, and me making my way on top of her body.

That was when it hit me...

I was falling for her.

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