Chapter 16

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"Starting with your fiance" Thomas spoke, his smirk only growing as he watched me clench my jaw. I bit the inside of my lip, hoping to contain the anger that was growing in my body. I started to move my jaw around I circles, trying to release some sort of tension, however, it only made it worse when I noticed Thomas glancing down at the rock that sat on my ring finger.

"Don't bring Julian into this" I growled. Fumes were exploding out of my ears, and my face was ripened with redness. My heart kept on telling me not to believe the killer that sat before me, but my mind was saying the complete opposite. It was pounding, trying to make itself known to me.

"Julian did that when he agreed to his brother's plan" The brown haired boy chuckled. Although, his smile soon fell while he watched as my face fall from anger to sadness.

"Brother?" I questioned, pushing my shoulders back, trying to make myself more confident, even though I was crushed on the inside. Thomas noticed this gesture, immediately making his smirk even wider...if that was even possible. I gulped, moving my eyes around the cell, avoiding any sort of eye contact with the dirty, smelly man that sat before me.

"Oh my bad, did you not know?" Thomas laughed. He shook his head and looked to the ground before facing me again. "Sorry to let you down Princess, but your knight in shinning armor isn't who he says he is" My jaw clenched as I tried to keep my anger to a minimum.

"Your lying" I spat. My hands slowly started to clench together. "Please..." he scoffed. "I wish I was lying... but it turns out that your little Prince, is really just a two faced asshole... have you ever wondered where Julian goes in the morning and throughout the day? Mhm? Tell me Y/N. Ever noticed how your fiance seems to be horse riding quite a lot? Because let's be real here... no one likes horses that much..." I felt myself shrivel under Thomas' gaze. His eyes were soft and puppy like... but he had this power over me, and I didn't know what it was.

"If you had made an effort to get to know Julian, you would know that he's a very sweet man that would never try to hurt anyone or anything. So therefore your little tail is absolute bullshit" I spoke bitterly. Thomas' eyes widened at my swearing. He seemed... suprised. Princesses are never allowed to say anything that wasn't deemed 'ladylike'. That was the first rule I was taught as a young girl... 'never speak of any such words that do not have proper etiquette'.

"Tsk tsk tsk... you should know better... Princesses don't swear" the man chuckled lightly, making me roll my eyes. I was getting quite sick and tired of Thomas. This wasn't the time nor the place to be making cocky remarks.

"I suggest you wipe that smirk off your face, because in case you have forgotten... I have your life and wellbeing in my hands" I said with confidence. My harsh, but very true words immediately soaked into Thomas' mind. His smirk soon disappeared and he quickly placed his head down, obviously ashamed of how he acted in front of me.

"I'm sorry Princess Y/n. Please excuse me for my bad behavior, it's just-" He paused. "I need to get out of here. Gabriel-... he's planning on doing something horrible, not only to you and your family, but mine included... I've done some bad things in my past... I put my family in so much pain-... I can't let them go through it again" Thomas gulped. His brown eyes moved upwards, catching my gaze. I watched as his pupils filled up with salty water for a few seconds before eventually spilling out. "Please Y/n... from the bottom of my heart- just please help me and my family" He pleaded. I looked down on him with concern and hesitation. "For your family" He tried again, although I still hesitated. "For Aarland" Thomas finally spoke. I sighed, finally giving in. A small, but noticeable smile appeared on his face. He looked me in the eyes with such... desire and-and...hope. I couldn't help but notice the way my heart started to flutter and my stomach erupted into butterflies as Thomas smiled at me... a genuine smile.

"So, what's the plan?" I cleared my throat, my way of getting rid of the butterflies and weire feelings that were growing inside of me.

"Gabriel and Julian planned to attack in 3 days time, but I know for a fact that Gabriel will spend the next 2 days around the castle. He wants to make sure everything will go to plan... while also keeping Julian under control. Julian doesn't know this, but Gabriel still isn't one hundred percent confident in his brother" Thomas breathed. I nodded my head in understanding. "All you need to do is distract Julian, make sure he doesn't come here" "Well what about Gabriel? He's bound to come check on you" I stated. "Gabriel already did his daily visit... he won't be back till sunrise, giving us plenty of time to stop him and Julian" Thomas assured me.

"With you distracting Julian, Gabriel will be on his own. So... when he's on his watch around the castle, I'll come from behind him and kill him right then and there" "Where will you know where Gabriel is?" I questioned, crunching my forehead, revealing all the wrinkles.

"He'll be by the front lawn... something about having a better view of who goes in and out of the castle at all times" Thomas replied. I nodded my head, playing with my hands. My mind started to debate as to whether or not I should be asking Thomas something that I had on my mind.

"What about Julian?" I stuttered out, afraid of Thomas' answer. I understand that Julian was a bad person... it's just-... I've grown quite fond of him over these past few days, and I'd hate for him to be killed like his brother, Gabriel.

"The King will decide what to do with Julian... but for now... do you mind getting out of these chains? The key is placed right outside of the door" Thomas spoke quickly, motioning to the door behind me. I nodded at him before walking out of the cell, and grabbing the gold, rusty key that hung on the wall.

Once it was in my hand, I went over to Thomas, and released him from the cold and muddy chains that were built into the ground. His smile only grew when the chains left his body. Joy filled Thomas up as he looked at me before pulling me into a very tight, yet humble hug. My ears lightly vibrated when Thomas kept on muttering 'thank you' over and over again. Eventually, he pulled away to face me. We were chest to chest, and our faces were only inches apart.

"Now let's go get this son of a bitch"

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