Chapter 14

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Hi everyone. I know it's Tom's birthday, Happy  birthday Tom btw 💖 , and all, and we should be happy and celebrating, however today hasn't gone well. Over the past few weeks, my cat has started to become quite sick, and this morning my parents told me that she's getting lot worse. My cat is 21, so she's around 6 years over the normal age of death for Cat's, and it absolutely breaks my heart to know what she's going through. The past 2 years have not been easy for her nor my family. She's started to develop a number of different problems in her body, and losing her brother to Cancer was extremely tough on her. Over the past week, she's started to have a number of strokes, there have even been instances where we seriously thought she died in her sleep. She's having trouble walking and she's not gaining any weight. My family and my vet have tried a number of different things to help her but nothing seems to work. I woke up this morning, really happy about it being Tom's birthday, but that stopped when I was told she's not gonna live for that much longer...that I need to prepare myself to let her go in the next week. I wasn't planning on writing today, but I promised my Instagram followers this update and I didn't want to let you down. When you read this, just keep in mind that I was upset when writing this, so it's not very good. Thanks for your support and I'll keep you guys updated xxx


"Y/n!!!" A voice boomed, shaking me out of my deep sleep. I immediately moved up from my bed, looking around me, seeing as my mother stood before me with a scowl on her face. She groaned in disappointment before walking over to my closet, Able following closely behind. After a few moments, and hearing her yell 'no' at Able, mother walked out with a blue flowy dress and tossed it at Able, ordering her to help me get dressed. Able vigorously nodded her head, as Mother rolled her eyes, leaving my chambers angry.

"What's wrong with mother?" I questioned Able as she started to help me get dressed. I pulled my hair out of the way, helping Able tie up the back. "She's angry at Julian. He was supposed to go hunting with King Nilson this morning. Never turned up" She spoke while dragging me over to my vanity. Able pulled out a brush, and started to work on my hair, getting all of the tangles out. "Well where is he?" I asked. It wasn't like Julian to just go off with a reason. "He arrived back to the castle about an hour ago. Said he was out horse riding again" Able spoke, finishing up getting me ready for the day. I rolled my eyes as I looked at myself in the mirror. "I assume father is angry as well" I sighed, looking down at the surface of the vanity. My father hated waiting for anyone, even myself and my mother. I remember when I was younger, the first thing he ever taught me was being on time. I never understood why he was always angry when people would waste his time, but the older I got, the more I understood....

He was a King.... And King's don't wait.

"All done" Able's soft voice knocked me out of my thoughts. I glanced at myself in the mirror for a split second before muttering a quick 'thank you' to my lady in waiting. I got up from the seat and made my way over to the chamber doors, leaving my room. As I walked down the hallway, inching closer and closer to the dining hall, loud booms of voices became more prominent. Yells and screams started to get even louder the closer I got. Bangs and stomps of tables were also something I could hear, but they weren't as forceful as the voices. I came to an abrupt stop, as I stood in front of the French doors. I knew my parents and Julian were in their waiting for me, but if I'm being completely honest...being in there was the last thing I wanted to do. I hated when my parents were angry. Something about them always made me fearful of their second side, so as a child, I often found myself on my best behavior...well...most of the time.


"Julian do you have any idea who you are talking to?!" King Nilson's voice boomed through the dining hall. My heart started to thump out of my chest as Nilson made his way towards me, anger and rage hanging off his face. "I waited 2 hours for you to turn up and you never did! Why? Because you were busy picking flowers out in the gardens!!!" He spat. I watched Queen Eva in the corner of my eye, slightly laughing at her red faced husband. A quiet snort escaped her mouth, but she quickly tried to cover it up, hoping Nilson didn't notice it. He did however. The King rolled his eyes at Eva before turning back to me, the rage still there. "Julian, how can I be expected to welcome you into the family, when you won't follow the simple rules of this Castle. With the power that I have at the edge of my hand, I could ruin your life just at the snap of my fingers" Nilson breathed, slamming his fist on the wall right beside me. My eyes widened at the gesture. Instincts kicked in, making me slowly back away from the man in front of me.

"So, I suggest you start respecting this royal family before I cut your head off in front this very castle...understood" The King spoke. It was a statement, rather than a question. I nodded my head vigorously, assuring King Nilson that I understood.


As I listened in on the heated conversation, I felt my mind begin to overwhelm. Hearing words of such disgust and anger made my head start to hurt a bit. A pounding was building up as my heart rate started to build up.

When I was 6, I experienced a women being killed for the first time. The Kingdom was told that the young woman committed treason many times, and deservedly so, my parents had to kill was probably the most traumatic event I had ever experienced. Hearing the vile and threatening words from the crowd, made my heart ache....

I needed to leave.

I backed away from the wooden doors, and started back down the hallway, heading in the direction of the Castle stables. Once I got there, I immediately jumped onto the nearest horse and started to ride away into the forest. I know I'm not allowed to go here riding alone, or even leave the Castle premises on my own, but things were becoming too much. This life was too much....And I needed some time to escape from it.

The wind blew my hair as my horse continued riding down the rigid path. Trees were blowing all over the place, and dark clouds started to gloom over me, making the forest darker and darker by the minute. Soon enough, cold, wet spits of rain started to pour down from the clouds. I looked desperately around me, looking for some sort of shelter away from the storm.
In the distance, I laid eyes on a small cottage like house. It was built up from stone, with a few dirty windows and a wrecked door. As I rode closer to the house, I looked around, making sure there was no horse around. Thankfully there wasn't, which signaled that no one was home. But from the looks of it...doesn't seem like anyone had lived there for a long time.

The horse stopped right at the front of the door, making me get off the horse, tying it to the nearest tree. Once the horse was all taken care of, I walked over to the house, kicking the door open with my heel.
It was cold. Perfectly lined stones surrounded me as I walked futher into the house. There were a few torches hanging from the wall, meaning that someone had been here recently. My gaze slowly moved around, taking in the sights that laid before me. I finally felt myself calm down, but that soon disappeared as a loud groan filled my ears. My head snapped into the direction of the noise. Curiosity took over my body, making my adventurous side take over. I followed the continuous route of yelps and groans, until I stopped at yet another worn down door. The door was slightly agape, beneficial for me to look inside without getting caught. I peaked through the small space, and looked around the cell.

There, in the middle of the cell, was a brown haired boy looking down at the ground.

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