Chapter 9

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~ Some horror movie like content ~


It was hard to tell what stood in front of me. The darkness of the night was the main source of my fears, but that didn't change the fact that the person's figure was right there. It was hard to see the man's face, however, there was no doubt in my mind that he had a hard stare or a sickly smile wiping his face.

He was watching me.

This is exactly like the scary stories my father used to tell me when I was a little girl. From giant spider's taking over Aarland, to finding a dead horse with no trace of what happened. I was terrified of these stories, yet I always wanted to hear more. When father would tell me an old tale, I would be petrified for a day or two, then I'd move on to the next legend....but there was always one story that never left my mind. Even to this day, there are moments where I wake up from my deep sleep, screaming out of fear as the story entered my mind once again...

The story was a so called Legend among Aarland. It took place years and years and years before I was born. Heck, it was older than my great grandfather.

The man was named Algy. Algy was a child when both his parents were found dead in their home, so for most of his life, he was left alone to fend for himself. For years and years, the Town's people would often avoid Algy as if he was the plague. The boy was a complete mystery to the people of Aarland, so everyone just assumed that he wasn't a good person. One day, Algy decided to take a horse ride into the forst, in hopes to find something to eat for his 6 pm dinner. But any intelligent human would know was that going in the forest after 5 was a sire fire way to be killed. There had been a number of different instances where men, women and children had entered the woods during the night, are found the next day dead or have gone missing. But Algy was hungry....starving even. So, he went in the forest, and to absolutely no one's suprise. He was found dead the very next sunrise.

Algy was dead.

Weeks passed and the towns people began to notice how something was off. Each time a person would step foot in the woods, they claimed they were being watched constantly. The feeling as if eyes were following your every move....waiting....

Some said it was the trees that make you feel as if you were being watched.

Others say it was Algy....

Waiting for his din-

"Y/n" Julian placed his hand on my shoulder, immediately jumping me out of my thoughts. I looked at him, seeing as he was motioning behind him. I looked over his shoulder, noticing that my father was standing there.

"You two need to come back to the ballroom. People are asking for you" Father spoke. Both Julian and I nodded our heads as father gave me a tight smile and walked away.

"Are you doing ok?" Julian asked with concern. I gulped, looking up into his shining eyes. Millions of thoughts were running through my head. My heart was pounding and my head started to hurt. I opened my mouth to speak, only to find nothing coming out. I took a sharp breath in as I grabbed Julian on for dear life.

"We're being watched" I whispered in his ear. Julian pulled away slowly and looked at me with confusion and worry. He looked at me for a split second before the sound of sticks crackling filled our ears. We both looked over the balcony, trying to find the source of the sound, only to see....


Nothing was there.

My eyes widened as I looked over the balcony in panic. The man who was just standing there was gone. Tears started to build up in my eyes. I pointed to the ground frantically where the man stood only seconds before. My breathing pattern become off as more tears fell down my cheeks.

"Y/n I need you to calm down for me" Julian's calm voice soothed me down. His looked at me with a sympathetic smile before bringing me into a hug.

"You've had a busy day. Maybe you should go get some sleep. I can talk to King Nilson" Julian whispered in my hair. I pulled away, looking over the balcony one last time before nodding my head in agreement.


I felt my chest relax as soon as I closed the big wooden doors that led to my room. My heart rate started to go back to normal as the feeling if safety warned over me. I closed my eyes for a few seconds before going over to my wardrobe and started to get ready for bed.

Within a few minutes, I was all ready for a long night of some much needed slumber. I walked over to my bed, pulled the covers over me and closed my eyes. My body soon became tired more and more as the source of sleep slowly took over.

Then I heard it.


My body immediately jolted up and rushed over to the closest window, trying to see where these screams of terror were coming from.

My eyes searched all of my surroundings, not seeing anything. I was about to give up and go back to bed assuming that these screams were all in my head. But not before I happened to look right below my window.

It was the man.

Everything was still dark, making it impossible to see the face of the watcher that stood below me....but I did notice something.

He had a huge smile on his face and what looked like a sword with splotches of bright red on it.

It wasn't just any sword though.

It was Gabriel's sword.

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