Chapter 8

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I walked around the ballroom, unsure of who to speak with. There were probably hundreds of different people in that big room, all of which were boring as can be. You'd think Royals would have something interesting to chat about, but in reality, many conversations consist of someone complaining that their crown was too heavy on the head, or that their maids weren't doing their job right.

The sound of laughter filled the air. I looked across the room, seeing as Julian was conversing with some Kings and Prince's from far off lands. I watched as Julian spoke with his charming smile, and everyone around him laughing like there was no tomorrow.

I was so into my thoughts, that I didn't notice the women who stood beside me, watching what I was doing.

"He's a charmer" The voice spoke with such ease. I moved my head to confront the person who stood next to me, only to be greeted by that familiar blonde hair and brown eyed girl.

"Bella?" I smiled brightly. The girl faced me completely and put her arms out, signaling for me to hug her. I chuckled a bit before going into her arms. Bella was an old friend from when I was a little girl. Her father was King George of a near by Kingdom. From day one, we were absolutely inseparable. We'd ride horses throughout the towns, we'd play hide and go seek, and if we were feeling a bit more adventurous, we'd even go play in the stream in the forest. We were the greatest of friends to say the least. But that all changed a few months ago. Bella's father had arranged her into a marriage with a King in far away lands. The King was nice and caring towards her, but he was always strict on to whom she communicated with. So, it was no suprise that we completely lost all ends with each other.

"What are you doing here?" I asked holding her hands out in front of me. She gave me a lop sided smile before moving her head towards her husband that stood a few feet behind her.

"George needed to be here. I just happened to tag along" Bella sighed. "...I also heard what had happened a few days ago. I knew from when we were little Princess, that the whole arranged marriage thing was not something you were excited about...and I was shocked to hear what had happened between the two Prince's" Bella confessed. I gave her a small smile and squeezed her hands, trying to give Bella some sort of reassurance that I was doing fine.

But deep down....I was a mess.

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine. It happened and I can't do anything about it. Father and his Knights are constantly looking for Thomas and Gabriel's body...and I have Julian now" I breathed. Bella laughed slightly as she looked over at Julian.

"That is a plus..." Bella trailed. "You and Julian sure do make a cute pair...from what I've heard and seen at least. I was told by some other royals that Julian seems to really care about..." Bella gulped as she looked down.

"What's the matter?" I questioned. I watched a a single tear started to fall down Bella's face as she moved her head up to look at me again.

"It's just..." She paused, debating whether or not she should be telling me this. Thankfully, she decided to. "George keeps on telling me how he wants children...and I'm not sure if I want to be doing anything with him" Bella confessed. More tears continued down her face the more she tried to stop them. I opened my mouth, attempting to give her some words of hope, but was interrupted by a forced cough. I moved my gaze from Bella to beside me, seeing as it was Julian with a giant smile.

"I don't mean to interrupt anything ladies" He started, looking at Bella with a straight smile. "But do you mind if I can steal my fiance?" Julian questioned while looking at me. I glanced at Bella, making sure it was ok to do so. She nodded and muttered an ok.

Julian thanked her before grabbing one of my hands and taking me away. We walked down the dark hallway, hand in hand, until Julian made a tight turn onto a balcony. He pushed open the doors, revealing the moonlit sky filled with the brightest stars.

I stood at the edge of the balcony, looking at the surroundings. The sounds of the trees whooshing as the wind pushed them, the moonlight reflected on the small pond that laid beneath us. The sky was pitch black with only small dots of light beaming down on us.

"Beautiful" I muttered to myself, forgetting about the man that stood beside me.

"Just like you" I snapped my heads to Julian, seeing as he was already looking at with me with his dopey smile. The brightness of the sky, reflected off his eyes, making it look like his eyes had stars in them.

I felt Julian's hands make their way around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest. I watched as his eyes flickered down to my supple lips before slowly leaning in. Me, not knowing what else to do, I too leaned in. I felt his steady breath feather my lips for around a second before he placed his on mine. As our lips connected together, I felt my chest explode with this new feeling.

A feeling of compassion.

Our lips were only together for a second, before I pulled away with a huge smile. Julian gave a suttle chuckle as he leaned in once again. My eyes started to flutter close, getting ready to kiss Julian again.

Just as my eyes were almost shut, something made me stop my movements. I quickly pulled away and looked over the balcony and into the forest. My head was searching around the trees that stood before me, looking for something.

"You ok darling?" Julian asked with a hint of confusion. I felt my heart starting to beat faster the longer I looked at what was below in the forest.

It was a silhouette of a man....

Looking right at us.

A/N: I'm honestly so happy with this Chapter. Idk why, I just am!

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