Chapter 7

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***Y/N POV***

"Hello my dear" Julian's soft voice filled my ears. I watched as he made his way to me. I jumped slightly, fixing my posture as he wrapped his muscular arms around my waist. I watched up from the corner of my eye, seeing as he looked at me with a smile on his face.

After the talk with my mother, I spent the rest of day getting ready for the engagement ball. But no matter now much I tried to be happy and think about Julian...truth is....

All I could think about was Thomas.

The handsome brown haired and eyed boy completely took over my thoughts. The way his hands felt around my waist, when he tried to protect. Or the way he spoke to me with such ease and kindness. Butterflies filled my stomach, each time I dreamed about the boy.

But he was dangerous.

He didn't protect his people.

He let his mother die under his leadership.

He lost the respect by the people of the Kingdom.

He lost the respect of his own family.

He lost his chance to lead his Kingdom.

He murdered his own brother because of the sick jealousy that filled his mind.

Thomas was a weak leader....

But he was a strong killer.

"You look absolutely gorgeous" He mumbled with a slight blush tinting his cheeks. My eyes blinked open as Julian knocked me out of my thoughts.

I looked over to the man that stood beside me. Admiring the way his hair was slightly pushed back, or the way his outfit stuck to him nicely.

My Lord.

Julian was such a handsome man.

I cleared my throat as Julian caught me looking at him. I mover my gaze to the ground, trying to cover up the rosy blush that was growing on my face. "Are you ok?" Julian asked. I looked back up to him, seeing as he had a worried look on his face.

"O-Oh yes I-I'm fine" I stuttered, looking away from him. Julian raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" He questioned. I nodded my head violently, trying to convince him that I was absolutely fine. Julian didn't believe that though.

"Darling-" Julian started. He wrapped both hands around my waist and turned me towards him.

"You know you can talk to me, right?" It was only then when I really noticed how close he really was to me. I could feel Julian's breath, lightly feather my lips, as he leaned in a tad more.

"I-I know" I whispered. A small smile slowly took over Julian's face as he saw my flustered. I was debating in my mind, whether or not I should talk to Julian about Thomas. Julian knew something no doubt. He tried to bring it up a few days before, during that dinner.

I slowly opened my mouth about to speak, but was soon interrupted by the doors behind us opening. I turned around to see mother and father walking towards us in their royal outfits.

"Why don't you two look ravishing" My father smiled. "This is a very important party, so I expect you two to be on your best behavior" Father warned.

Father has always been big on making a good impression. Evening parties, balls....Father would tell me how important it was to be the best I could be. These events often had Kings and Queens from far away lands, and it was important to not make any of them angry. They all had great power, with great Kingdom and great ways to kill me if I made them upset in any way.

I watched as he gave me a short smile before walking through the open doors and into the ballroom, with mother practically clinging to his arm. I watched as all the guests bowed down as my parents made their way through the crowd and into the middle of the room.

Once they were in the middle, surrounded by other high class people, father opened his mouth to speak.

"As you all may know, my time as King is coming to an end" He started. "It pains me to think about now being King of Aarland anymore, but I do have some sense of happiness knowing that my beautiful daughter, Princess Y/n, is next for the Aarland throne" Father paused, took a breath before continuing. "During my many years of being King....I've learned a few things along the way. I've learned to have good relations with other Kingdoms....I've learned that the people of Aarland should come before myself, but most importantly....I've learned that in order to be a good leader, you need to have someone by your side. Someone who loves you and will support you" He paused. He turned towards the doors where I was standing with Julian.

"I give you the future Queen and King of Aarland" a smile wiped father's face as he looked at me. Father adjusted the crown that laid on his head before putting his arm forth, motioning for all the guests to turn around.

"Princess Y/n and her fiance, Prince Julian"

A/N: Ngl this is a boring chapter 😂😬

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