Chapter 4

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"Lady Y/n, it's time to wake up" Able's soft voice filled my ears. I felt her hand slowly move to my arm as she started to shake me.

"I'm not dead Able" I muttered, pushing her away slightly and digging my face back into my pillow. It was no secret that I am most certainly not a morning person. The idea of leaving my bed was something that I absolutely dreaded. Sleep was my way to escape the harsh life I had around me. It was a time to relax and dream about the life I never had.

"Why are you getting me up anyway? It's far to early" I said. I opened one eye and looked at the window, immediately noticing that the sun was just barely up for the day. It was early, yet the sky still seemed to amaze me. It was a mix of orange, pink and yellow, a perfect combination in my eyes.

"You have your horse ride with the Prince's" Able said as she grabbed my bed cover and pulled it to the ground. "Tell them I'm dead" I threw one of the feather pillows at Able as she went to the small room that was connected to mine. She soon came back with a light blue flowy dress for me to wear.

"I cannot tell them that Lady Y/n. Their already outside with the horses" Able laughed. I groaned once more, before admitting defeat and getting out of bed.

Eventually, I was all done and ready to go on the tortures horse ride with the Prince's. I muttered a quick thank you to Able before walking out of my sleeping quarters and heading out towards the stables.

"Hello beautiful" Gabriel yelled as I walked out from the castle doors. I looked in his direction, noticing that Him, Thomas and Julian were all on their horses, waiting for me. I rolled my eyes, watching Gabriel come over and circle around me while speaking. "Sorry Princess, there doesn't seem to be anymore horses left. You need to ride with one of us" Gabriel smirked, putting out a hand for me to grab. I looked at him with my eyebrows together, before nodding my head.

"Of course" I started towards Gabriel. He gave me a smile as soon as I stopped right in front of him. "Thomas..." I looked at the Brown haired boy.


I looked at the ground, trying not to overhear the conversation between the Princess and Gabriel. It was no surprise that Gabriel was flirting with her. It was quite obvious from the beginning that Gabriel would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

And he wanted Princess Y/n.

"Thomas..." I heard lady Y/n. My head snapped forward, immediately being greeted by her beautiful face. She was wearing the most wonderful smile on her face, accompanied by her crystal Y/c/e eyes.

"Y-Yes Princess?" I stuttered, fixing my posture. "May I ride with you" She smiled, walking over. I moved my gaze from the ravishing creature in front of me, to Gabriel and Julian who seemed to give me daggers.

"Of course M'lady" I gave her a sweet smile and offered her my hand. She giggled under her breath before grabbing it. As soon as she held my hand, I felt my breath hitch. I then pulled her up onto the horse. My heart started to beat faster when she placed her arms around my waist, holding on as the horse started to walk in the direction of which Gabriel and Julian were going.

It was complete silence in the forest. The only sounds were the pitter patter of the horse shoes on the ground.

"So Princess" Gabriel spoke up. We were still riding through the wood, just at a slower pace.


"So Princess" I rolled my eyes when Gabriel's voice rang through my ears. "Have I ever told you about the time I saved my Kingdom with only one sword and my bare hands" Gabriel stopped his horse and hopped off, pulling out his sword for all of us to see.

"You can't save a whole Kingdom by yourself" I muttered. Gabriel's hand reached out for the blade, slowly rubbing his fingers over it. His eyes moved from the sword to mine. A smirked birthed on his face as Gabriel slowly walked over to me. "But I did my love. Just ask your father. That was one of the many reasons why I'm standing in front of you today" Gabriel licked his lips before coming to a halt.

"It is a nice sword, I will say that" I admitted. The longer I looked at the small details of the weapon, the more impressed I was.

Gabriel laughed. "It is isn't? Not only is it great for battle, but it'll be great for a wedding night. You know? To spice things up?" My eyes widened, watching Gabriel come even closer to my face. His smirk only grew as his eyes moved down to my trembling lips.

"Gabriel!" Thomas' voice yelled. I snapped my head over to Thomas, seeing as he had gone off his horse and stomped over to Gabriel and I.

"You know what King Nilson said. He was quite serious when he told us what not to do with the Princess, and you seemed to be disobeying his orders" Thomas' eyes darkened as Gabriel just laughed at his words.

"Fuck off Thomas. I wasn't trying anything" Gabriel gritted his teeth, walking closer to Thomas so that they were chest to chest.

"That's a lie Gabriel and you know it" Julian interrupted as he got off his horse and made his way over to Gabriel and Thomas. "You've been nothing but a man whore to the Princess" Julian pushed Gabriel's chest. Although, Gabriel just brushed Julian off like he was no threat.

"You don't want to do this Julian" Gabriel smirked. "Oh but I think I do" Julian smirked back before pulling out his sword and pointing at Gabriel's chest. Gabriel chuckled darkly, while playing the the blade of his sword.

"Stop Julian!" Thomas yelled. He walked closer to me and wrapped me in his arms as he too pulled out his sword and pointed it at the angry Julian.

"Oh I see what's going on here" Julian taunted. "Not only do we have one man whore-" Gabriel walked closer to Julian with his sword, getting ready to stab the man. "But another one too" Julian chuckled to himself as Thomas' face started to get red with anger.

"Don't look" I heard Thomas mutter in my ear. I nodded my head vigorously as I turned around, not facing the scene that was about to unfold in front of me. I felt Thomas' warm arms, slowly leave my waist.

My heart started to thump even louder, hearing the 3 men continued to bicker, with their swords no doubly pointing at each other.

"Back off you two" Thomas spoke with anger. "Giving you one last chance to back off and pretend this never happened" Thomas gritted. "And what if we don't?" Gabriel chuckled. "One, if not two of us will be dead" Thomas stated. I hoped the men would have some sort of common sense to stop the fight from happening. And I actually believed they did when silence overcame the forest again.

That was until I heard the sound of a slice, followed by a loud groan of pain. My head immediately snapped around to the scene that took place behind me. My heart dropped, as I looked at the victim on the ground, and the killer holding the bloodied sword.


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