Chapter 2

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"God Able, get this corset off me" I sighed, walking into my bedroom. My stomach was clutching in pain as I tried to press down on my stomach to release the sharp, stab like pains.

I waddled over to Able, pointing to the back of my corset, practically begging her to take of the demonic clothing. Able giggled a bit as she ran over and helped me get out of the dress and corset. I immediately sighed, the feeling of being free took over my body.

I walked over to my bed, threw on a flowy, yet comfortable dress for the time being. After that horrible event, all I needed to do was relax until the chaos started all over again.

"So, how was it, lady Y/n?" Able questioned while putting away the dress and pulling out other one. "What's that for?" I asked, getting up from my bed and walking over to the white and gold gown. It was stunning. The white velvet fabric was the base of the dress, but there were also gold like beads that decorated it. It was beautiful, but looked very uncomfortable.

"For your dinner event later" Able smiled. "Dinner?!" I exclaimed. I rolled my eyes, walking back to my bed, and dramatically falling on it with a sigh. "Your telling me that I have to sit and eat with them?!" Able looked at me and laughed while nodding. I groaned once again.

"I assume the meeting did not go as well as you expected" Able spoke as she walked around the room, and getting things ready. "Weren't you there?" I asked, screwing my eyebrows together with a questioned look. "Oh no, I had to leave. Maid duties" She replied. "Well if you must know, Able. It was absolutely dreadful" I got up from my bed, walked over to the window sil and sat down, gazing out at the beautiful sunset.

"Why? Queen Eva said you seemed to like Prince Thomas" Able said. "He was nice..." I trailed. It really wasn't the time to speak about this sort of thing. I had only just met the men, and I know it's wrong to judge after only speaking a few words but, I can't help it.

Don't get me wrong. Thomas was by far the most likable out of the three, but he doesn't exactly seem like he'd be the best King. I mean, Aarland is the most powerful Kingdom, Thomas just doesn't give off a powerful personality, per say.

"Ok then, what about Julian?" I glanced at Able before rolling my eyes. "He's...charming" I simply said. I would have said how handsome Julian was, but I thought it was too soon to be blushing and gossiping over who I thought looked the best.

"And Gabriel?" Able finished. I opened my mouth to speak, but was stopped by a knock at the door. I glanced at Able with a confused look, as to which she returned. "I'll get it" Able spoke with a soft smile, before running over to the wooden door and opening it.

"Hel- oh" I heard a voice say. "May I help you Sir?" Able asked. "Yes, I was wondering if you knew where Princess Y/n was? I wanted to speak with her" The person spoke, trying to open the door a tad more, but Able pushed it back. Able quickly glanced at me, asking if I wanted to speak to the man. I sighed before nodding my head yes. Able coughed slightly, as she opened the door.

It was Gabriel.

Oh no. Not him again.

"Ah there she is- my goodness" Gabriel's eyes lit up as he noticed I was practically wearing my nightgown. I moved my arms a bit, trying to cover up the parts I knew he wanted to see.

I wasn't stupid.

Gabriel was no doubt some sort of man whore.

"Can I help you?" I asked irritated. Gabriel eyes snapped from my breasts, to my eyes. A smirk started to slowly take over his face as he tried to walk closer to me. To which I walked farther backwards, trying to get away.

"Your father sent me up to tell you dinner was going to start right after sunset" Gabriel said, giving a warm smile.

I thought this was a kind gesture made by Gabriel, only for that to disappear as he opened his mouth again.

"I also came up to ask you if you wanted to go on a horse ride with me and the other two-" Gabriel paused. He looked at the ceiling with a questioning look. It was as if he was trying to remember something.

"Oh their names just slipped my mind. They were really ugly, had bad breath-" "Thomas and Julian" I interrupted monotone. Gabriel snapped his fingers and pointed at me with a smile. "Yes yes, them! Do you want to join me and the two ugly peasants on a morning horse ride into the forest?" I rolled my eyes before replying with a yes.

Sure, I wanted nothing to do with these Prince's, but if I said no, I'd never hear the end of it from my parents.

Gabriel winked at me as he tried to keep eye contact with me and not look down at my body. He eventually broke the silence. "Ok well I guess I'll see you soon" Gabriel spoke with a seductive tone. He walked closer to me and kissed my cheek. As he pulled away, Gabriel moved his lips closer to my ear.

"You should try wearing nothing next time I see you" He whispered, kissing my ear. Gabriel smirked as a blush rised to my cheeks. He then went to face to door, getting ready to leave the room.

Thank the Lord.

But before he left, Gabriel turned around and winked at me once again. His eyes trailed down my body, giving me chills.

When the door finally closed, Able looked at me as she tried to hold in a laugh.

"Don't say a word Able"

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