Kimberly Evergreen

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Okay thank you guys so much for 256 reads!!!!!! I'm working on the other story now, which I will name "The Making of Percabeth", thank you crazyfangirl234! I'll get it out by tonight, and you guys will be the first to know! Love you guys! 

"Come on, Kim! Go through those gates and you'll be safe. There'll be someone on the other side waiting for you. GO!" My friend, Tim, who apparently is a satyr, yells at me. 

I hesitate. "But, Tim-" 

"GO!" I turn around and run through the gates labeled "Camp Half-Blood." I do a double-take as soon as I walk in. "Wait, I could read that?" I say out loud. 

"Yup. That's written in Greek, and since your brain is wired for Greek, hence your dyslexia, you can read it." I turn around and see a Cherokee girl with a feather braided into her curly brown hair. "I'm Piper, daughter of Aphrodite. You're the new camper, right?" 

I look into her kaleidoscope eyes. "Uhm, yeah, I guess. I'm Kimberly Evergreen. But everyone calls me Kim. My friend, the satyr--" Piper cuts me off. 

"He's fine. We just sent some people to help him. That Cyclops will go straight to Tartarus." 

I blink. "Wait--that's real?" Piper nods. 

"Yeah. Trust me, you don't want to know. So the Greek gods--all of them, they're real. All the myths, everything. See that up there?" She points to a pine tree with a carpet-like thing, guarded by a dragon. "That's the real Golden Fleece. Brought my friend Thalia back to life." 

"That carpet brought your friend back to life?" I ask. No way is that possible. 

She smiles. "She wasn't exactly dead, she got turned into a pine tree by her father, Zeus." 


"Yup. Oh, and that's Thalia, right over there!" She points to a punk-looking girl with electric blue eyes surrounded with eyeliner, and spiky black hair with a tiara-like thing on her head. "Hey, Thals!" 

Thalia sees Piper and runs over. "New camper?" Piper nods. "Thalia, daughter of Zeus, and lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis. My title's a lot longer, but it'll probably take a day to get through with it. Nice to meet you." She holds out a hand. 

I shake it. "Kimberly Evergreen, still don't know what I'm doing here." 

Piper laughs. "Your godly parent will claim you eventually. Dad or mom?" 


Thalia and Piper look at me closely. "Well, I'd say Hermes or Apollo, but judging by your build, maybe Hephaestus?" Piper says. "Oh, well, we'll find out hopefully by dinner." 

"Hopefully? How long does it take to get claimed?" 

Thalia laughs. "My friend Percy took 3 days, since he was unconscious." 

I gulp. "Okay." 

"So do you want a tour of this place or not?" 

Looking around, I decide I do, since it's so big. "Sure." 

Piper and Thalia show me around the camp. There are a whole lot of cabins, but they say there used to be twelve, until some guy named Percy made the gods promise to claim all demigods, even the minor gods. The same Percy saved the world twice, and is currently training for the Olympics. He also became praetor of the Roman camp in California within days. 

"So this Percy guy seems really cool." I remark. 

Thalia looks over. "Yup. His dad is Poseidon. He's done more than everyone here combined. Took a dip in the river Styx, been to the Underworld and back--"

"Excuse me, I've been to the Underworld and back more than Percy has." I turn around (for what, the third time today?) and see an emo boy. 

Piper hugs him, which he makes a face of disgust at. "Neeks! Where have you been?" 

"The Underworld." I shudder visibly, and Thalia puts a hand on my shoulder. 

"This is Nico, son of Hades. Trust me, it's not weird that he's been to the Underworld more times than Percy has." I relax. 

Nico eyes me. "New camper?" I nod. "Cool. I'm gonna go see Will." Thalia and Piper roll their eyes. Nico goes off to the infirmary. 

"Who's Will?" I ask, silently chastising myself for being so nosy. 

"Nico's boyfriend." Piper says. Okay, I was not expecting that. I blush, and Piper quickly reassures me. "Trust me, it's fine. He doesn't really care. About anything, really." 

I look back at where Nico was. "Was he always like that? So...emo?"

Thalia's eyes turn dark. "No. It started when his sister died." 


Piper breaks the silence. "Okay! So, Kim, since your parent hasn't claimed you yet, you'll be staying with Hermes' kids, cabin 11." 

_________time skip to dinner brought to you by Leo McShizzle Valdez__________

I walk with Annabeth, a daughter of Athena, who was my swordfighting teacher earlier, to dinner. Apparently Annabeth is one of the leaders of camp, so she tells me all the rules at camp, like how you have to sit with your cabin at dinner, and you have to burn some of your food as an offering to your godly parent--whoever they are. 

Annabeth tells me about the Hunters of Artemis, and I'm actually considering joining right now. I'm not really into guys or dating and all that, so maybe I'll talk to Thalia later. 

We part ways at dinner, and I go sit at the Hermes table. I look over at the Athena table, and I don't see Annabeth. I look around, and I see her sitting at the Poseidon table, with Nico and some other guy with messy black hair and sea green eyes. 

I tap on Travis Stoll's shoulder. "Hey, I thought you had to sit with your cabinmates? Why are Nico and Annabeth-" Connor jabs into the conversation. 

"Oh, yeah, you're new here. See, Annabeth and Percy have been through some stuff lately, and they can't be separated for more than a few hours. Nico's been through the same thing, but he went through it alone, so he sticks with Percy and Annabeth, so they can share the pain." 

I look over at them. "So that's the famous Percy?" 

"Yup. He's the reason we're not allowed to put spiders in the Athena cabin anymore." 

I look at Connor. "What?"

I shake my head and eat my food. "So what did they go through?"

Travis answers with one word. "Tartarus." 


Okay I'm gonna have to make a part two for this, which WILL COME OUT TODAY TOO!! Yay I'm uploading twice today! Love y'all! 1071 words!


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