Kenzie Winters

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So this doesn't exactly take place when Percabeth is dating, more like in between. This takes place in sophomore year, between BotL and TLO.

Hi! I'm Kenzie Winters, and I'm in my sophomore year of high school. My best friends are Rachel Elizabeth Dare and Percy Jackson. No one knows this, but I secretly have a HUGE crush on Percy. I have a feeling Rachel does too, but she doesn't say anything about it, and she doesn't show it. 

Anyway, a lot of girls at school have been trying to ask Percy out, and I can see why. Last year he was kind of a scrawny kid, but over the summer, WOAH. I don't know what happened to him, but he suddenly got taller, and he got a lot hotter too. He refused to talk about what happened, and apparently Rachel went with him through it too, and she refuses to talk about it. I once overheard them saying something about a labyrinth, but they probably just meant the game. 

Percy is so cute and nice! He has messy raven black hair with a gray streak in it, and sea green eyes that I could just stare into for days. Percy never talks about the gray streak, and when I asked Rachel about it, she said he was born with it, which is kind of weird. 

I, on the other hand, have blue eyes and wavy brown hair. I have a band of freckles that formed on the bridge of my nose, and I think it's kind of cute, honestly. I'm not tall, and not short either. I'm not exactly gorgeous, but I'd say I'm fairly pretty. 

Today's the last day of school before winter break, so I've decided that I'll ask Percy out today. He doesn't have a girlfriend, so I'm hoping he'll say yes. Whenever a popular girl asks him out, he just says no, and doesn't give an explanation. I've asked him why he always says no, and he just told me that he just doesn't want to go out with the person that asked him out. 

That led to a lot of people thinking Percy was gay or something, but he cleared that up by rejecting boys too, and finally, I asked him if he had a girlfriend. He said no, and closed the subject. I'm pretty sure he likes someone, then. 

I head into school, ready to ask Percy out. It's pretty cold out in New York today, so I decided to wear ankle boots, jeans, and a sweater. I see Percy at his locker, so I go over to him, sneaking up behind him. 

He's holding a picture of him, another boy about our age, maybe, with crutches, a gothic-looking girl, and a really pretty girl with blonde hair and grey eyes. I think those are his camp friends. 

"Hey, Perce." I say, scaring him. He jumps, and turns around, putting the picture behind his back. 

"Holy schist, Kenzie! You scared me!" I laugh. 

"Sorry. Anyway, today's the last day before winter break!" 

At that, Percy smiles wide. "I know! I can't wait!" 

"Any plans?" I ask, biting my lip. I was planning to ask him out, and if he says yes, we could hang out all winter break. 

"Yeah, actually, one of my camp friends is coming to visit during break." My heart drops. 

"Oh." Just then, the bell rings, and we head off to class. 

I don't have any classes with Percy, just lunch, and I have two classes with Rachel, but they're both in the afternoon, so we don't see each other again until lunch. 

_____________time skip to lunch__________

I sit down at our usual table, and Rachel slides in the seat next to me two minutes later. 

"Hey, Kenzie!" She smiles. 

"Hi, Rachel." I say slightly sadly. 

"Aw, is something wrong?" She asks. 

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