Patrick Jameson Pt. 1

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This is a Percabeth one I promise!! I might write two today, actually, since there's nothing for me to do today. Online school is so weird, I have hecka work to do on monday and now it's thursday and there's nothing for me to do except PE so I have a lot of time :)

Hello, fellow homo sapiens. My name is Patrick. I'm 19 years old. I think I look fairly good, with curly brown hair and brown eyes. I wear suspenders to school every day over my plaid shirt, and khakis. I wear nice shoes, and every day I go to school, the popular girls are giggling at me. I think they like me. (A/N I have nothing against nerds, I am one myself, but I'm just trying to make this funny. Not going to offend anyone. Love you guys.)

There's one girl in particular I'm trying to impress, however. She's my best friend, Annabeth Jackson, who is in pretty much all my classes. All the popular boys always go after her, and she always claims she has a boyfriend, which is definitely me. She has blonde hair that falls in princess curls, and she has a nice tan and a muscular build. She's what a typical California girl would look like, except for the fact that she has stormy grey eyes, that seem to calculate your every move. But other than that, she's literally like half-goddess (literally, dude.). I've decided I will ask her out maybe next week, after I start working out (procrastination is key, bro)

I run up to her locker, and greet her. "Hi, Annabeth. How's everything going?" 

She smiles at me. "Hi, Patrick! Everything's great!" The bell rings overhead. "We should probably head to class now." 

I walk with her, trying not to stare at her in a creepy way. I've noticed lately she's been wearing oversized hoodies. Maybe she's gaining some weight. Today her hoodie says "Goode High Sharks" with the name "Jackson" on the back. 

"Annabeth, you went to Goode High?" 

"Oh. Yeah, I went there for senior year." 

"Were you on a sports team? That's a sports hoodie, isn't it?" I ask her. 

"Actually-" the bell cuts her off again. We leave the conversation as it is and sit down in our seats. 

_________time skip to lunch brought to you by Festus__________

Annabeth is already at our table, eating lunch. She's also reading and drawing on a notebook at the same time. I smile and walk over. 

"Hey!" She looks up at me. "You gonna sit down?" I nod, and sit down. I sneak a look at her notebook. She has hearts drawn all over it, with the initials "PJ+AC" inside, and she's colored the hearts grey and sea-green. Wow, she knows my favorite color is sea green? And PJ, those are my initials! I have a chance! 

I decide that I'm going to ask her out tomorrow, since I need to buy chocolate and roses. 

________time skip to the next day___________

Today is the day I will ask Annabeth Jackson out. I go to her locker, but she isn't there, like she normally is. Then I see her friend, Samantha Cowell (she's not related to Simon Cowell), who runs up to me. "Oh, Patrick! Annabeth isn't here today. She's not gonna be at school for a few months." A FEW MONTHS?!

"Do you know what has happened?"

"No, she just told me what I just told you. She didn't get into details." Samantha walks away. 

Oh, no. My Annabeth might be in trouble! I immediately jump into my car and drive to her house (which I've never been to, I just may or may not have followed Annabeth a few times). I get there, and there is a security guard standing at her front gate. I've always wondered how Annabeth got so rich. 

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