Livia Rosales

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(yes that was a combination of Livvy and Cristina from the Dark Artifices but the she's my OC, so she's a mortal.) This story is going to be a Tratie one, because I feel like it. Also Percy and Annabeth are being hit on too much, it's time for a twist. But I promise the next one will be Percabeth <3.

Hi, my name is Livia Rosales. Everyone calls me Liv or Livvy (may she rest in peace sorry for the spoiler). Except for one person...

My slight crush....okay maybe it's not a crush. 



Travis Stoll. (Yes this one is a tratie one)

He's my best friend, other than Josh and Christina, who are dating, and it's pretty obvious that Travis likes me. I've known him since the start of this year. He always looks at me (yeah cause he's trying to figure out how to steal from you stupid mortal) and talks to me more than any other girl in the school (yeah because you both are loners and are both single). Besides, he's never mentioned that he's dating anyone, so I have a huge chance of making him mine. 

I mean, he has a curly brown hair and blue eyes, and so do I! That's a sign we're meant to be. Right? Oops, I've been rambling. I'm going to be late for Greek, which I take since Travis and I are the only ones who can actually speak it. 

I head into class, and take my usual seat next to Travis. "Hey, Livia!" He seems particularly happy today. 

"Hey, Travis!" I hope my cheeks aren't heating up. "What's with the goofy grin?" 

"Oh, nothing, it's just my-" The bell rings, and he's cut off. We face forward, and our teacher, Mr. Kilmore, asks for a demonstration for a Greek conversation, since now we're getting into the speeches and whatnot. I raise my hand, to impress Travis. 

(Bold is Livia, italics are Mr. Kilmore, but this is the translation and im just making this up)

Can you speak Greek? 

I love ice cream. 

What is your favorite flavor? 

My socks smell good. 

What is your name?

Rottweilers are tiny birds.

At that, for some reaon, Mr. Kilmore made me sit back down, so I did. Travis was laughing. 

"What's so funny?" I ask him. 

"You just told Kilmore your socks smell good and that Rottweilers are tiny birds." 

I turn red. "Did I really?" 

He nods, still laughing. So much for impressing him. 

Halfway through class, a phone rings, and I look around. Travis pulls his weird-looking phone out and looks at Kilmore, who says, "You know the rule. Put it on speaker." 

Travis puts his phone on speaker after he sees who it is. 

"Hi Katie-Kat! I'm in the middle of class, can you call back later?" 

I hear sounds on the other side. Who's Katie-Kat? "Travis, Connor told me to tell you that he can't pick you up, so I'm coming today. Sorry I had to call now, it's just that I don't have a class right now and I didn't want to surprise you. You know how much I hate surprises." Travis laughs. 

"Okay, see you after school. Love you!" 

"Love you too!" Huh. They must be siblings. 

"Bye!" Travis hangs up, and everyone looks at him. Kilmore eyes Travis as he puts his phone away, and asks him who it is. 

"Oh, that's just Katie." He replies, not wanting to push the subject. Kilmore turns back around and continues the class. 

____time skip to last period brought to you by the dam snack bar____

I look at the clock. Ugh, math is so boring. Two more minutes, then school's out, and I can finally ask Travis out! I'm sure he'll say yes. (ugh I really don't like her)


I jump out of my seat and make my way to the door, when my teacher, Ms. Barney (who everyone hates) says, "Ms. Rosales, the bell does not dismiss you." I decide to get back at her. She's wasting my time. 

"Oh, yeah? Then the bell does not determine what time I arrive." I run out of class, with everyone OOOOOOHing and high-fiving me, following me. Ms. Barney gaping behind me. 

I sprint to my locker and throw everything inside my backpack. Travis is usually outside waiting for his ride, so I run outside to meet him before he goes. Today is the day. I just know it. 

"Hey, Travis!" I run up to him. 

"Hey, Livia! What's up?" 

"The sky. Listen, I just wanted to ask you-" Suddenly a car pulls up. I've never seen it before, and I know the cars of everyone here at school. What's more, the car is green, for some reason. The window of the passenger seat rolls down, and I see a really pretty girl with green eyes and brown hair, and a perfect tan call out. 

"TRAVIS STOLL!" she yells. So this is Katie? Travis looks over, and his face lights up. He runs to the car, and Katie comes out of the car to meet him. I notice all the boys drooling over her. 

Travis hugs Katie, and then they...kiss?! I thought they were siblings--wait that'd be wrong. Then Travis walks over, holding hands with Katie, and says, "Oh, Katie, this is Livia, and Livia, this is Katie, my girlfriend." 

I can't hold it in anymore. I slap Katie across the face, expecting her to stagger backwards, but instead she just stays standing there, and suddenly all the grass surrounding me dies. What the- 

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Travis yells at me. 

"Travis! You're supposed to be mine, not hers! We were meant to be! And besides, I've known you longer, for a whole year!" 

Katie glares at me. "Travis and I have known each other since we were kids!" No way is this girl going to take Travis away from me. I hold my hand to slap her again, but she grabs my wrist and judo-flips me. "Stay away from my boyfriend." 

She and Travis walk off, and I hear Travis saying, "That's my girl," while kissing her cheek. They get in the car and drive off. I never saw them again, and hear Travis transferred to Katie's school. 

That's how I met Tratie, and to this day, I still hate them. 

It's a little shorter this time, only 996 words, but I promise tomorrow's story will be longer! I was thinking about doing a Charlena one, what do you guys think? See you guys tomorrow! Love y'all! 


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