Kiara Devine

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HI I'M NOT DEAD!! Sorry it took me forever to update, I was really busy lol. I realized that I haven't done a demigod meet percabeth story in a while, so here's one for you guys!! Hope you guys like it! Oh, and heh...Zoe and Beck are in here. I love them so much <3. 

Hi, I'm Kiara Devine. I'm sixteen, and my best friend is Percy Jackson. Honestly, I might have a little crush on him. He's so nice and he's really cute too! The girls always try to hit on him, but he says he's dating someone already, but no one believes him. Besides, no one's ever seen his girlfriend. 

I'm going to ask him out today. When I get to school, I see that Percy's in the almost-empty parking lot fighting...a giant dog?! I hide behind a tree and watch him, and I'm surprised no one can see Percy fighting. They're all just thinking he's practicing fencing. I look back at him, and the dog is gone. I run over to him. 

"What was that dog, Percy? How come no one else could see that?" I ask. 

Percy blinks. "You saw that?" I nod. He draws in a breath. "Alright, Kiara, you're coming with me." 


"You only live with your dad, right?" He asks.

"Uh, yeah."

"Call him, and give the phone to me."

I blink, and grab my phone, calling my dad and handing the phone to Percy. I can trust him, right? I hear Percy talking to Dad.

"Hi, sir, this is Percy Jackson. It's time. Kiara was spotted. Okay." He hands the phone to me, and I take it.

"Dad, what's going on?" I ask.

"Just trust Percy. He's going to keep you safe. Go, Kiara. I'll be fine. See you soon!"

I nod. "Okay, Dad. Love you. Bye!" I hang up, and go with Percy into his car once the bell rings. 

"Percy, what is going on?!" I ask. 

He takes a deep breath. "Okay, so, have you heard about the Greek gods and goddesses?" I nod. "Your mom is one, and I'm pretty sure I know who it is. Basically, you're a demigod, and I'm going to take you to a camp to keep you safe."

I roll my eyes. "Percy, no way am I a demigod. I have ADHD and dyslexia. And besides, how can you tell who my mom is?" 

Percy sighs. "All demigods have ADHD and dyslexia. Your ADHD is your battle instinct, and your dyslexia is because your brain is hardwired to read Greek. By the way, is your dad blonde?"

"Uh, yeah...why?"

"No reason, you just remind me of someone. I think it's the blonde hair and the grey eyes." His expression softens.

I touch my hair. "Okay, so how am I supposed to believe you?" 

"Well, you could see the hellhound." We pull up at a strawberry farm, and Percy grabs my hand, taking me up the hill. I can just make out the words "Camp Half-Blood" before I run into the camp. 

It's amazing. There's a lava climbing wall, and a pretty lake, and I can smell strawberries. A woman comes running over to me. She looks like me, and it's like I'm looking into a mirror. "Oh, you must be Kiara! Seaweed Brain told me about you." She holds out her hand. "I'm Annabeth Jackson, and there's a 99% chance that I'm your half-sister. On your mom's side, of course." 

I shake her hand. "Yeah, I'm Kiara. So who's my mom?" 

Annabeth raises an eyebrow. "You're going to find out soon enough." 

Just then, a girl maybe about seventeen, runs over to us. "Mom, Silena's dyeing her hair with Rey and Aphrodite." 

Annabeth sighs. "Alright, I'm coming." She runs off with the other girl, and they go to a pink cabin. 

I blink. "Annabeth's her mom?" 

Percy nods. "Yeah, that's Zoe. Oh, I forgot to tell you one more thing, by the way." I look at him, and raise an eyebrow. "See, I got Hecate to do some magic on me so I could go back to high school and recruit some more half-bloods, but I've been done with high school for seventeen years now." He snaps his fingers, and Percy turns into a thirty-five year old man. "So this is my real self. Since you deserve some answers, here they are.

"I'm married to Annabeth, and we have six kids. I'm actually an Olympic swimmer but bent the Mist so that everyone would forget about me, but now they all remember me now. Now we have to take you to the Big House to get the intro video." He takes me to the Big House, and I'm forced to watch a long video. 

I'm still wrapping my mind around the fact that Percy's more than twice my age, and that he's married and has six kids and that I liked him. Maybe I didn't actually like him, I think I just admired him. 

That night, at dinner, as I'm burning my food, I'm claimed by my mom. 


834 words...a little shorter than usual, but I'm going to make the next chapter longer. Alright, see you guys soon! Love y'all! 


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