Gregory Fernsby

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HEY HEY HEY! YEAH YOU! CHECK OUT MY NEW STORY, Just Go With It, on my profile! It's a Tratie story similar to the one spacenams wrote. Also, kind of bad news...I'm not going to be uploading here as much anymore, and I can't really upload much on weekends, since I'm kind of busy. But I will update at least 3 times a week!! Thanks for understanding!!

Hi, I'm Gregory Fernsby, but everyone calls me Greg. I'm the most popular guy at San Fransisco High (I made that up, but I'm pretty sure it exists as well...), and the hottest. I've been told I'm a player, but I don't even care anymore. I currently have my eyes on Annabeth Chase, the hottest girl here. I mean, the hottest guy and the hottest girl should be together, right? She's also smart, and really tough. My kind of girl. 

She always rejects boys, saying she has a boyfriend that lives in New York. No one's seen him before, so we all think he's fake. But she's probably just waiting for me. Besides, who can resist me? 

I walk up to her before school starts. "Heyy, Annabae. You, me, my house at 8?" 

She glares at me. "No, I have a boyfriend." 

"Oh, come on, Annababe! We all know he's fake." 

"Don't call me Annababe or Annabae." She slams her locker shut. 

She turned me down? "Fine. Then how about this? If I win the swim meet against the Goode Sharks' captain, you have to go out with me." We have a little tradition here, that the captain of the winning swim team gets to make a small speech. There, I'll make a grand speech, and make Annabeth mine. 

She smirks. "Okay. Deal." Annabeth walks off to class. 

I smile. I've just landed myself a new girlfriend. I go to meet up with the jocks, and we head off to math. 

____time skip to swim meet brought to you by Livia's Watch (rip Livvy)____

I smirk as Goode High walks in. They look like wimps. They came from New York, for the swim meet championships. Then the captain walks in. 

All my thoughts about winning Annabeth cease in my mind. The captain looks like he could swim for the Olympics. He's tall, muscular, and has a real tan. I can see all the girls drooling over him. 

Then Coach Higgins walks up to me. "Fernsby, be careful. Their captain is an Olympic gold medalist." What? That's not fair. 

"Don't worry Coach, I think I can win this." He just rolls his eyes and walks away. I have to win this. For Annabeth! 

The captain for Goode High, I find out, competes in all the events and wins all of them, gold. This is going to be hard to win. But Annabeth will be MINE, whether or not I win. 

Suddenly, I see a group of teenagers that look like models walk in. They're all tanned and muscular and athletic-looking. I see a whole bunch of girls, and walk over. 

I see a Cherokee girl with a feather braided into her hair, and kaleidoscope eyes, and go over to ask her out. "Heyyy, girl--" I'm cut short as a blonde guy with blue eyes walks over and puts an arm around her waist. I scowl and head over to the next girl, a pretty girl with almond-shaped eyes and caramel hair. I'm about to ask her out when a scrawny Latino boy comes up to her and hugs her from behind. So she's taken too.

Then I see a goth-looking girl with spiky black hair and a circlet on her head. Her eyes are electric blue. She's talking to an emo boy, and I walk up to her. 

"So I assume you're taken too? By this guy?" At that, the whole group gasps. Then a boy with blonde hair who looks like a ray of sunshine walks up and kisses the emo boy. Oh. Then the goth girl comes up to me. 

"And in case you're wondering, player, I don't date." She slaps me and walks off with the others to the Goode side. I'm about to go flirt with a younger girl with brown hair and gold eyes, when I notice an Asian guy wrap an arm around her. I scowl and walk back to the bench where we're warming up. 

Then Annabeth walks in. I walk over, and then notice she's not wearing our school merch. "Annababe, why are you wearing a Goode High hoodie?" I ask her. 

"I can wear whatever I want, Gregory. And don't call me Annababe." She walks off to the Goode side of the bleachers, and I notice that the word Jackson is on the back of her hoodie. The hoodie looks way too big to be hers, too. Just before I decide to go after her, the bell rings for the first race. 

___time skip to the last race_____

"And for the final race, the San Fransisco High and Goode High captains, Gregory Fernsby and Percy Jackson!" Jackson? That sounds familiar. 

Then the referee blows his whistle, and I jump into the pool. I swim as fast as I can, and I look in front of me. Jackson's not there. He's probably behind me. I touch the wall and swim back, and when I exit, Jackson's already drying off, and I hear screams of "SEAWEED BRAIN! KELP HEAD!" from the Goode High side. What kind of names are those? 

That's when it sinks in. I lost. But either way, Annabeth is going to be MINE. Just then, Coach stands up. 

"Percy Jackson, it's a tradition here for the captain of the winning team to make a speech. So, if you please..." He gestures to the podium. 

Jackson goes up to the podium. "Uhm, okay. Goode High, we've had a great season for swimming this year, and we couldn't have won without teamwork and effort. So, uhm, thanks and everything, I guess. And one more thing-" He goes down to his backpack and pulls out a box. What the heck is he doing? "-Wise Girl, can you come up here?" 

I hear screams from the Goode High section, and I wonder who Wise Girl is. I bet no one knew about this. There are whispers echoing through the gym.

Then Annabeth emerges from the crowd, and goes up to the podium, where Jackson is. My jaw drops. He's the boyfriend from New York? Jackson gets down on a knee, and holds out the box. 

"Wise Girl, we've known each other since we were twelve, and it took us four years to finally start dating. We've been through hell and back for each other and I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so will you marry me?" Everyone starts screaming, and Annabeth starts tearing up. She nods, and everyone cheers. 

I then storm up to the podium and shove Jackson. 

"What the hell, man? She's mine." 

Jackson barely stumbles. "Really? Last I checked, she was my fiancée." 

Then someone taps my shoulder, and I turn around, face to face with Annabeth, who's glaring daggers at me. I notice that her little squad of models is behind her, too, all glaring. 

Annabeth walks up to me, and I back up. She's scary. "Never, ever, try to take me away from my Percy." 

"Or you'll what? Judo-flip me?" Next thing I know, I'm on my back, with Annabeth's arm on my throat. 

"I mean, I could do worse. And I got backup." The model-friends behind her are all cracking their knuckles, and no one's doing anything about it. 

She releases me, and I run to the locker rooms. 

The next day, Annabeth transferred to Goode, and I never saw her or her squad again. 

1251 words! Not bad, considering I haven't written in a while. Okay, I'm going to see you guys tomorrow! Be sure to check out my other stories! Love y'all! 


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