Fiona Davis

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YOU GUYS! 1.1k reads??!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! Check out my other stories too!In this story, Percy and Annabeth are 23. This chapter is both Tratie and Percabeth. 

"And this is where you'll be staying, Fiona. Cabin 11, for now." My tour guide, Percy Jackson, gestures to the cabin where I have to stay. 

"Ew, really? Do I have to? It's so dirty. Why can't I say in Aphrodite cabin? It's pink, and so much prettier." I whine. It's mostly attention, though. Percy is so hot! I'd do anything to get him. Well, except sword-fight, or climb the lava wall. Or get my nails dirty, or dye my hair back to its natural brown. Ugh. 

Hi, I'm Fiona Davis. I recently found out I'm a demigod. My dad took me here, when he realized I wasn't safe anymore after a giant dog decided to attack. Luckily, another demigod came and defeated the monster. Honestly, I don't know who the other demigod was. My attention was all on Percy once I entered the camp. His sea-green eyes, and his messy black hair, his muscular build. 


Besides, I'm 18, which, as it turns out, is really late to be claimed. Percy said he's 23, which isn't so bad. It's just a 5 year gap! (a/n thats a little far, sweetie)

I enter Cabin 11, and Percy introduces me to the counselor, Travis. Percy tells me Travis has a twin brother named Connor that's currently teaching swordfighting. Then he leaves, saying he has to go meet up with "Sparky", whoever that is. 

Travis turns to me. Not gonna lie, he's kind of cute. "Okay, Fiona. You're going to be staying here." He points to a bunk bed, where the top seems occupied. "You're taking the bottom bunk for as long as it takes for you to get claimed." He shows me around the cabin. Apparently head counselors get a whole room to themselves?! That's not fair. 

"So how do you become head counselor?" I ask. 

He looks at me. "Uh, well, you have to either be here the longest, complete the most quests, or duel it out. Or the original head counselor can step down." I nod. "Alright, Fiona, you're part of Hermes cabin for now, so you're going to do as I say, and you're going to do everything our cabin does. Swordfighting sessions are going to end soon, so I'll give you a short tour really quick." I nod again, and he gives me a quick tour of the arena. Then the dinner bell sounds, and Travis takes me and his cabin to dinner. 

We have to burn our food to the gods. Ugh! I ask why, and all Travis says is, "If you don't, you'll most likely be cursed by your godly parent. The last kid that didn't burn their food was an Aphrodite kid, who ended up in clown makeup for a week." I immediately burn my food, whispering, "Mom, please claim me." She doesn't. At least not yet. 

____time skip to that night______

I hate Cabin 11. This bed is so small, and there are so many people in here, all snoring. I check my watch, and it's 1 in the morning. Suddenly I hear a soft knock at the door. I stand up to open it, but Travis beats me to it. 

"It's just Katie. Don't worry, this happens every night." I wonder who Katie is. Just then, Travis opens the door, and a girl with brown hair and green eyes walks in, kisses Travis, and goes straight to Travis's room. 

"What the-" I begin, but Travis stops me. 

"This is routine for us. We got special permission from Chiron. Her nightmares are slowly getting worse now, so I have to stay with her." He leaves me standing, and goes back to his room. The last thing I see is Travis lying down next to Katie, wrapping his arms around her. I head back to bed and somehow fall asleep. 

____the next day_____

I wake up to Travis and Connor shouting at us to wake up, or we'll be late to breakfast. I instantly jump up, and go to the bathroom to wash up. By the time I get changed and apply my makeup and do my hair, everyone's already done changing, and we're rushing to get to the dining pavilion. I notice Katie's gone. I ask Travis, who says that she only stays for a few hours, and leaves around 6 in the morning. I bet when I get Percy we'll get special permission to do that too, even if I don't have nightmares (no sweetie)

I sit down at the Hermes table, and burn my food for my godly parent. "Please, Mom, claim me." Just then, everyone looks at me, and I look at myself. My face is perfect. My hair is perfect. My clothes changed into a dress, and I think I'm easily the prettiest girl here. 

"All hail Fiona Davis, daughter of Aphrodite." Chiron, the centaur, stands up and says. I immediately am moved to the Aphrodite table. Our head counselor is a girl named Piper McLean, who doesn't even look like a daughter of Aphrodite. She looks like a regular girl, and I mean, I'm clearly SO much prettier than her. 

"So, Piper. How'd you become head counselor?" She glares at me. 

"I kind of saved the world. Stopped Gaea, you know?" I let my mouth drop open. Then she says, "Now shut up and eat your food." I feel my arms move themselves. I was literally doing this against my will. 

Eventually the feeling wore off. "Piper, what did you do to me?" 

"Charmspeak." She smirks. Then I hear a phone buzz, which is weird, since no one's allowed to have a phone here. Surprise, surprise, it's Piper's. She reads it, jumps up, and says, "Okay, you guys, it's Annabeth. They're here. I have to go get her from Cabin 3, but in the meantime, Lacy, Mitchell, take charge. I'm getting Percy." Wait. What? Suddenly everyone at the table starts screaming and squealing. I follow Piper. 

"I'm coming too." 

"This isn't any of your business, Fiona." She glares at me. 

"Well, Percy's going to be my future boyfriend, so anything that involves him involves me." Then I hear a voice in my head. Don't you dare. I shrug it off and look at Piper. 

She smirks. "Fine." I gladly follow her, and she goes to the Poseidon table. "Percy, it's Annabeth. They're here." He instantly jumps up, and runs to the infirmary. 

Piper follows him, and I go too. "Piper, what's going on?" 

"You'll see when you get there." 

We get to the infirmary, where a blonde girl says, "Oh, Percy! Piper! She's over there. Uh--" He looks at me. I ignore him, and run in after them. 

There's a blonde girl--woman, maybe, in a big bed, sleeping. She looks extremely tired, and her hair is plastered on her face. Percy sits down next to her, and kisses her forehead. She's probably his cousin or something. 

Just then, the woman wakes up. "Percy?" She whispers. "They're here. Will has them, I think." Percy shushes her. 

"Shh, Annabeth. Just rest." Annabeth closes her eyes. I whisper to Piper. 

"Wait, who's Annabeth? What happened?" Piper opens her mouth to answer, but a blonde boy--Will?--walks over holding two bundles, and gives them to Percy and Piper, since Annabeth is sleeping again. 

I peer over, and I see that the bundle Piper is holding is "Wait, what?"  

Piper smirks. "This is Bianca, and the one Percy's holding is Charles, named after his and Annabeth's friends that died a few years back." 

"Wait, twins? They're Percy's?" I ask, whispering. 

"Yeah. He and Annabeth got married five years ago. Nice try, Fiona." I grit my teeth. Suddenly a little girl who can't be more than 4 years old runs in, followed by a goth-looking girl. 

"Zoe! Slow down!" The little girl, Zoe, runs in and sees Percy and Annabeth. 

"Mommy! Daddy!" Annabeth wakes up. 

"Hi, Zoe," she says tiredly. She looks over at Piper, who hands Bianca over to her. "Meet your little sister Bianca. Daddy's holding your brother Charles." 

The goth girl glares at me. "Who are you?" 

I flip my hair over my shoulder. "Fiona Davis. I came just to see if Percy was okay." 

"Well, he is, so go away." I glare at her. 

"Who are you, anyway?" I ask. 

She glares at me. "Thalia Grace, lieutenant of Lady Artemis, leader of the Hunters of Artemis, and Zoe's godmother. I've also saved the world twice, so don't even think about it." 

I glare at her, spin on my heel, and walk out the door. Just then, I see another hot boy coming out of the Zeus cabin. He's gonna be mine. 

1472 words...longer than usual! I might not update here tomorrow, but I'll try! See you guys soon, and check out my new story, Just Go With It: a Tratie story! Love y'all!


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