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This is continued from the the last two chapters, after Percy and Annabeth announced their engagement, so you can see where this is heading...right? If y'all like Divergent, you should check out my friend 's story! It's on my reading list, so feel free to check it out!

"APHRODITE!!!!" I hear two screams coming from the throne room. I giggle and float in. 

"Athena, Poseidon." I bow to them sarcastically. 

Their faces are red and their ears might as well be spewing steam. 

Athena speaks first. "You little-" 

I stop her. "Okay, so it was their choice, and you knew this was going to happen." 

"Aphrodite, I swear on my trident that if you ever set up another one of Athena's kids with mine, I will-" 

"Kill me, blah, blah, blah. Are we done yet? I have an appointment to get to." I look at my nails. "These are really old arguments, you two. They're in love and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Besides, it's my JOB. Hello? I had to set up my daughter and Zeus's son, which is something I really regret sometimes, but it was either Piper or a brick." (A/N sorry for all those brason mentions) Athena rolls her eyes. 

"Really, Aphrodite. Too much is too much. Did you really have to let my favorite daughter end up with the spawn of THAT sea scum?" She points at Poseidon. 

I wink. "You know, you two would be a good match." 

"SHUT THE HADES UP!" They both yell at me. 

I hold my hands up in surrender. "Fine. But all you have to know is, Percabeth is my most successful experiment and there's nothing you can do to ruin it." With the two of them still glaring at me, I snap my fingers and disappear. 

_____________time skip to that night_________________

It's the middle of the night when I feel something. A spark. I jump up and run to the throne room. 


Everyone looks at Athena and Poseidon, who look at each other. 

"Athena, what are you doing?" 

"I could ask the same of you, Poseidon." 

"SPILL YOUR GODLY GUTS." Zeus roars, his lightning bolt sparking. 

I point at Poseidon first. "You. Speak." 

Poseidon starts sweating. "So I may have made Annabeth disappear and go to the Roman camp..."

At that, Athena and I both scream. 

I finally calm down and point at Athena. "We'll get to that later. Athena?" 

She blushes. "So I may have sent Percy to Greece..." 

Poseidon and I both scream. Before Athena and Poseidon get into an argument, I hold my hands up between both of them. 

"WHAT THE HADES IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!!" I scream at them. 

They both look down. Apollo stands up. "This calls for a haiku-" 

"NO!" Everyone screams. Apollo sits back down. 

I nod at Hera, who snaps her fingers. Percy and Annabeth appear in front of us. 

"Wha-Dad?" Percy wakes up first. 

Annabeth is still sound asleep, so we leave her be, until she starts screaming two seconds later. 

"PERCY! WHERE ARE YOU! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?!" At that, everyone backs up, and Percy goes to hug her and tell her everything's fine. 

Athena glares at Percy. "What did you do to her?" 

Percy glares at Athena. "What do you mean, what did I do? If you hadn't sent her on that trip to find your stupid statue, we would've never fallen into--into..." He drifts off. 

At that, Athena shrinks back. "I-I'm sorry." 

Annabeth wakes up. "Percy! Mom? What the Hades-" 

Everyone points to Poseidon and Athena, who guiltily smile. 



Athena grimaces. "Okay, I'm sorry! But Annabeth dear, why would you want to end up with the spawn of that sea scum?" She glares at Poseidon. 

"And Percy! You're my only half-blood son, and I am NOT going to let you end up with Athena's daughter." 

Percy glares at Poseidon, while Annabeth does the same to Athena. 

"Well, excuse me, Mom, but do you know anyone else who would fall into Tar-Tartarus with me?" 

"Well, excuse me, Dad, but do you know anyone else  who would take a poisoned knife for me?" 

"Well, excuse me, Mom, but do you know anyone else who would give up immortality for me?"

"Well, excuse me, Dad, but do you know anyone else who would kiss me in the labyrinth?" 

"Well, excuse me, Mom, but do you know anyone else who would share the weight of the sky with me? Think of me to stay alive in the river Styx?" 

"Well, excuse me, Dad, but do you know anyone else that has matching gray streaks in my hair with me?" Annabeth punches his arm. "Okay, maybe anyone else would. But still." 

Everyone is silent. 

I start tearing up and crying, and everyone else does too. Except Athena and Poseidon, of course. 

Even Artemis starts tearing up a little. Finally Demeter stops crying.

"Athena, Poseidon. What have you guys done?" 

"Yeah, those two are in love and you're just ruining their chances of happiness!" Hermes adds. 

Finally, after everyone complains to them, Athena gives in. "Fine. Percy, I give you my blessing. And I promise to leave you alone."

Poseidon does the same, and I squeal. 

"ALRIGHT NOW LET'S START PLANNING FOR THE PERCA-WEDDING!" Everyone rolls their eyes, but Annabeth and Percy come up to me. 

"Aphrodite, would you do the honors of being the wedding planner?" 

I blush. "Me?" 

"Yeah. Percy and I have been thinking, and you're the one who brought us together, so it has to be you." 

"OF COURSE! THEN WE CAN START PLANNING FOR PERCA-BABIES!" Everyone rolls their eyes and facepalms. 

Percy and Annabeth look at each other. "Ookay. Can we go back to Camp Half-Blood now? Chiron's gonna kill us. Or rather, Dad and Athena." He glares at them. 

"No problem!!" I snap my fingers, and they vanish. 

Athena and Poseidon glare at me. "Really?" Athena asks. "Did you really have to agree to be the planner?" 

"What, like you could do any better." I spin on my heel and go back to my suite. Then I remember something and materialize back in front of everyone. 

"And Athena, sweetie, if you need any makeup or hair done for the wedding, feel free to ask MEEEEE!" She rolls her eyes and walks to her room. I go back to my suite, and start planning for the wedding. 

Percabeth is the best thing I have ever done. No one is going to ruin that. 

OKAYYY!! 1037 words!!! My new story is out, too, so if you wanna check that out, visit my profile! 'Kay, I'll update tomorrow, love y'all! 


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