Sherry Cunningham

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This takes place when Percy and Annabeth are 26. Quick announcement: I'm thinking of starting a new fanfiction, so I might end this one, or just start uploading like, a LOT less. I have a lot of ideas for new fanfictions, and I've been working on this one for almost a month now, so I think it's time to end and start a new one, because my time management SUCKS. So, uh, yeah. 

Hi, my name is Sherry Cunningham. I'm 40 years old, and I'm single, and I don't intend to be married. Recently, someone has moved in next door, and I went over the other day. The woman that opened the door, Sally Jackson, invited me over for dinner, so I accepted, and tonight is the night I'm going over. 

I take my scones out of the oven, and put them in a container to take over to Sally's. It's almost seven, which is the time I agreed to go over, so I put on my shoes and take my scones and purse, and walk over to her house. 

Sally opens the door the second I'm about to knock. "Hi, Sherry!" 

"Hi, Sally!" 

"Please, come in!" I walk in, and put my purse down. Sally introduces me to her husband, Paul Blofis, and their nine-year old daughter, Estelle. 

"I baked some scones for tonight." Sally smiles. 

"I baked some cookies. What a coincidence!" I laugh, and ask her if she needs help with dinner. 

That's how I find myself standing in the kitchen, watching the chicken in the oven. Sally and I are in the middle of a conversation when her phone chirps. She checks it, and smiles. 

"Oh, Sherry, I hope you don't mind, but my son's in town, and he's going to be joining us for dinner. I haven't seen him in a while." I nod. 

Half an hour later, we set the table, and sit down. 

"Uh, Sally, don't mind me asking, but why did you set an extra three sets of plates and utensils?" She opens her mouth to answer, but just then the doorbell rings. 

Sally goes over to open the door, and a young man, maybe in his mid-twenties, with sea-green eyes and black hair walks in, followed by a girl that's maybe about eight. The man holds his hand out to me. "Hi, I'm Percy Jackson." I shake it. 

"Sherry Cunningham. Who's this?" 

"Oh, this is Zoe. Hey, Zo, why don't you go say hi to dad and your aunt?" That's either Sally or Estelle, and Sally is her mother. But Estelle is only nine, and Zoe is eight. I'm about to ask a question when a young woman, maybe about Percy's age, with blonde hair and intimidating grey eyes, walks in, holding a baby carrier, and is holding the hand of a little girl that's maybe four, who's holding the hand of a little boy that's definitely the little girl's twin. 

I stand up. "Uh, can someone tell me what's going on here?" Sally laughs. 

"Sorry, Sherry, I should have been more specific. This is my son Percy, and his wife Annabeth, and their daughter Zoe, twins Bianca and Charles, and their almost-one year old son Ethan." Oh, that explains why Estelle is their aunt. 

"How old are they?" I ask. They seem awfully young to have children. 

Annabeth comes over and sits down. "Percy and I are 26. We've been best friends since we were 12, started dating at 16, got engaged at 17, married at 18, and had Zoe about 11 months after we got married. Zoe's eight, the twins are four, and Ethan is almost one." Wow. 

Ethan's asleep, so we all eat dinner in silence, and about halfway through dinner I notice a tattoo on Percy's arm. I look at Percy. "Demigods?" I ask. 

Percy and Annabeth look at each other, and nod. "I'm a daughter of Athena, and Percy's the son of Poseidon. Our kids are legacies. Zoe and Bianca are blessed by Artemis, Charles is blessed by Hephaestus, and Ethan is blessed by Hermes (because Hermes felt bad for Ethan and decided to bless him in honor of Luke)." 

I nod. Wow. "I'm a daughter of Demeter." 

"Just like our friend Katie." Percy adds. 

Sally puts her fork down. "Speaking of Katie, how is she?" 

Annabeth laughs. "She's been better. Travis is driving her crazy, and it's not helping that Jade cries all the time." She looks at me. "Jade is Katie and Travis's first kid, who was just born a few months ago." 

Suddenly the names Percy and Annabeth sound familiar. "Wait, hold on, are you two the ones that saved Olympus twice?" They blush. 

"With the help of our friends, of course. Oh, speaking of which, Sally, Thalia and Nico are coming to spend the week later. Apparently Neeks and Will are in a fight." Annabeth blushes through the words. Sally nods. 

We spend the rest of dinner talking about Percy and Annabeth, and The Seven. 

"Wow, so can I meet everyone? I've been hearing so much about them." I blush slightly. Percy and Annabeth blink. 

"Uh, yeah, I guess, but the thing is, Jason and Pipes are expecting their second kid, Leo and Calypso are who knows where, Frank and Hazel are getting married, Nico and Will are in a fight, and I don't know what Reyna is up to." Percy laughs. 

Just then, the doorbell rings, and I hear a yell from outside. "PERCY STOP MAKING OUT WITH ANNABETH AND OPEN THE GODS DAM DOOR!" I flinch, and everyone facepalms. 

Percy opens the door. "We have a guest, Neeks." A boy in all black walks in, clearly mad. "So what did Will do this time?" 

"He painted my cabin yellow and put smiley faces everywhere, and refuses to admit that it's annoying." I stifle a laugh. 

"Alright, if you want food, go get food, and uh, we have a guest here. This is Sherry. Sherry, this is Nico, my cousin, and son of Hades." Nico waves halfheartedly, and I wave back. Then Bianca runs up to Nico, and hugs him. 

"Uncle Nico!" Nico's expression softens, and he picks her up, and goes to play with her. 

"So does Nico have a soft spot for little kids?" I ask. 

Annabeth looks down. "Yeah, but his favorite is Bianca, since we named her after his late sister." There's an awkward silence, and there is a knock on the door that is so hard, I'm surprised the door hasn't broken down. 

"ANNABETH CHASE JACKSON OPEN UP THIS GODS DAM DOOR!" Annabeth rolls her eyes and opens it. 

"Thals, we have a guest." A gothic-looking girl with spiky black hair and blue eyes walks in, and sees me. 

"Oh, sorry. Thalia, daughter of Zeus, and lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis." I shake her hand, and introduce myself. 

"So, Thals, what's with the face?" Thalia glares at Annabeth. 

"Someone told the new campers at camp that I was a pine tree for five years, so they FILLED LADY ARTEMIS'S CABIN WITH PINE NEEDLES!" 

"That could just be the Stolls going back to visit." 

Thalia plays with the circlet on her head. "No, Katie and Miranda would probably kill them for messing with nature. Anyway, I'm heading up to Iris-message Sparky. Gotta make sure Pipes is okay." She is halfway up the stairs when she sees Zoe, and smiles at her. Then she runs up. 

"Uh, I'm assuming there's a story there with Zoe?" I ask. 

Percy smiles. "Zoe Nightshade. Ex-lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis. She and Thalia used to hate each other because Zoe kept trying to force Thalia into the Hunters, and so when Thalia and Zoe became friends, Zoe got killed by her father, Atlas, and Thalia decided to take her place." 

"Wow. You guys have been through a lot." They nod, and that night, before I leave, I ask one thing. 

"Wait, so what is with the 'gods dam' thing that Nico and Thalia were screaming?" Percy busts out laughing. 

"Nothing, it's an inside joke from 12 years ago. We were at Hoover Dam, and Zoe, who was 2,000 years old, said she had to use the dam restroom. I think you can figure out the rest." I laugh, and wave goodbye to the Jacksons, and Nico and Thalia. 

They seem to have interesting lives. That's how I met Percabeth. 

1399 words, a lot more than usual, youre welcome. Alright, see y'all soon! Love y'all! 


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