Barry's POV~
Ever heard the expression, "Time flies by faster than you can think." Well, that was true for me, I just wanted time to stop; so I could breathe and enjoy what I've around me. And that's iconic coming from the Scarlet Speedster but it's true to have time to just admire what you have in life is so rare. But, time would always go, someone would get kidnapped, a meta-human attack would occur and someone is almost dying! All that changed for me, when I had to go to the Speed Force. At first, I was unsure because I knew the heartache it put on my family and myself included. But, I had to make that sacrifice to protect the unbalance in the universes.
6 months ago, I never thought in my life that there would have ever been this much of an impact on me. Not to mention, that to the outside world I was gone for 6 months but to me, I had 6 years of memory so time stood still of me even though it felt like it was gone in an instant. The time spent there is time I would never give up because it was the most outstanding time ever in my life. I got to witness both of my parents; healthy and alive I got to see both of them smile and I never knew how much I missed them both just smile... Time with them was extraordinary being able to make memories with your dead parents really hits a special place in your heart.
Sometimes great possibilities are right in front of us but we don't see them because we choose not to. I think that we need to be open to exploring something new. So that's exactly what I did; because I spent all of my life chasing someone who wasn't chasing me which was Iris. I was blinded all of my life, that was until I fell in love with the most extraordinary person on the face of the earth. She knows how to just walk into a room and lit it up with just her beautiful smile! She means more to me than anyone I know she is my opposite. And what they say is true opposites do attract. The person I fell in love with was Caitlin Rose Allen. She became my wife and the mother of our amazing child, Rose.
I was truly the happiest man on the face of this earth; I got to fall deeply in love, I got to meet my child, and I got to spend time with my beloved parents. I wouldn't change a thing of those 6 years of my life. Time honestly stopped and it's the most indescribable feeling ever. I knew that it wasn't real but the feelings were and that's all I need! Those feelings were so pure, honest, deep, memorable, and timeless for that matter.
I never wanted a thing to change; I didn't want to go back and face my problems because to the outside world this never existed but, I had no choice. Because Team Flash decided on waking me up from my dream... and that's is where my unbelievable love story begins!
Author's Note~
I hope you enjoyed my first ever chapter on Timeless I really enjoy making chapters for all my readers. I hope you share this with someone; it would mean the world to me if you did! I put a lot of time and effort into each chapter I create. Let me know any of your thoughts on my first chapter and please keep on reading my story that would mean the world to me! Also, every other chapter I create will be about the Speed Force so you will know what Barry's feelings towards everything that happened, and it will go deeper into 6 years of his life. I hope you enjoy my story and thank you for giving my story a chance to grow!

RomanceBarry was placed into the Speed Force for 6 months after Savitar; little did Barry know that those 6 months he was gone would turn into 6 years! Those 6 years spent in the Speed Force changed Barry more than you could ever know. He got to spend it w...