Barry was placed into the Speed Force for 6 months after Savitar; little did Barry know that those 6 months he was gone would turn into 6 years! Those 6 years spent in the Speed Force changed Barry more than you could ever know. He got to spend it w...
As my eyes are squinting to fight the bright light shining in my face; all of a sudden I hear a faint sound of music? Yes, it is it's music as it starts to get louder and louder as I regain my consciousness. I suddenly recognize the music playing in the background it's... Poker Face by Lady Gaga. Then I immediately knew who was playing that obnoxious music it was none other than Cisco Ramon. As I get the ability to fully open my eyes; I see Cisco dancing in his chair and sliding across the room. Which made me laugh a bit inside, to notice how ridiculous he looks at 6:30 in the morning.
3rd person POV~
While dancing in his chair, Cisco manages to spin around in his desk chair doing a full 360, and gets a glance at Caitlin and turns back to her.
"Amen my best friend is awake; I would have gone crazy if you were dead!" Cisco said over excitedly
"Nice to see you too, Cisco," Caitlin replied concerning while yawning and took a second glance at her arm with stitches all down it.
"Yeah honestly I would die without you, Caitlin I don't have the strength to do medical stuff; it freaks me out so I'm glad you aren't dead," Cisco replied in full confidence
"Um yeah, that makes me feel great..." Caitlin said sarcastically
Harry walked into the cortex with a cup of coffee; then suddenly heard the terrible choice in music blasting in his hears.
"Ramonnn!" Harry said seriously
"Harryyy!" Cisco said mocking Harry with his eyebrow arched at him
"Turn the trash off now," Harry demanded to cover he hears
"Hey, hey I'll have you know that this isn't "trash" Cisco replied with air quotes
"Yes it is," Caitlin and Harry said in sync
"That's not friendship..." Cisco looked upset
"Well this ain't music" Harry replied with full sass
"Oh- oh I see how it is, Harry!" Cisco looked angry and serious
While he said that Cisco was suddenly taking a sip of Harry's coffee, that Harry left on the counter...
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A bright smile grew on Cisco's face; both Harry and Cisco decided to leave the cortex but you could hear some bickering down the hallway. Which made Caitlin smile to see things getting how they were original. Caitlin was getting situated and decided to change because she wanted to get out of the clothes with bloodstains on them. In one of the offices with no glass walls, Caitlin made the initial decision to change in there and she thought she was safe from embarrassment while changing.