Date Night

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5th park street fighting the mystery man~

Present time~

3rd person POV~

As Frost was firing ice daggers at the mystery man; the Flash raced over to the mystery man who was causing so much commotion throughout Central City. While the mystery man was distracted by Frost throwing ice at him; Barry made the decision to sprint over there. At the perfect second, Barry placed the meta-cuffs on his wrists which made the mystery man powerless. Once Frost saw that the mystery man was powerless to fight back; she stopped firing at him and walked over to Barry who was holding mystery man's hands so he couldn't get out of his sight.

"Nice work out there, Flash" Frost said with a wink

"Right back ya!" Barry said with a smirk

Frost, Flash, and the mystery man arrived back at STAR Labs; where Flash placed the mystery man in the particle accelerator camber. As Barry changed out of his Flash suit and Frost changed back into Caitlin. Barry noticed out of the corner of his eye; Frost's hair changed from shiny platinum to a sweet amber-brown color that magical shined in the light.

 Barry noticed out of the corner of his eye; Frost's hair changed from shiny platinum to a sweet amber-brown color that magical shined in the light

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She looked absolutely beautiful; I don't think anyone could ever get tired of her beauty, Barry thought. He started to stare at her but, that all changed in a quick instance once Cisco and Joe walked into the cortex.

"Hey guys, what did we miss while we were out?" Cisco asked while eating his Twizzler

Barry and Caitlin both looked at each other and a smile began to form on both of their faces. It started to turn into a laugh; Cisco and Joe looked confused at them both

"Nothing really," Barry and Caitlin said in sync while laughter filled the cortex

"Then who's that?" Joe said looking at the monitor

"That's a meta-human who Caitlin and I caught today," Barry said honestly

"What are his meta-human powers?" Joe asked

"He can control technology with his mind" Caitlin responded

"Mind Tech! That's the name, Mind Tech!" Cisco said with a giddy smile out of nowhere

"Mind Tech it is then," Barry said with a content smile

Hearing heels click down the cortex, the gang noticed Iris walking towards Barry. Once Iris stood in front of Barry, she put her hands around his neck and looked into his eyes; which made Barry a little uncomfortable he tried his best to cover it up though.

"So, Barry I was thinking if we could go out tonight?" Iris asked while locking eyes with Barry

Barry was hesitant towards his answer but he had to agree going out with his fiancé. "Okay let's go out," Barry said by taking a quick glance at Caitlin; because the last date he remembered going on was with Cait.

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